As for the reason why teacher fan took Niuniu as an apprentice, it's not clear whether it's really like what Dabao and Letong guessed. Anyway, parents always like to think about the good side of things about their children, and so does Dabao.

The next night, Niuniu was sent to teacher fan's piano room by the driver, accompanied by Dabao, a conscientious brother.

Originally, Letong wanted to go together. Dabao said that there was no need for them to be accompanied by him. Too many people accompanied her, which led to the misunderstanding that Niuniu was a coquettish young lady. Letong thinks that Dabao's words are reasonable, and she doesn't worry about Dabao's work.

As for Xiaobao, who is clamoring to accompany his sister to learn piano, Dabao says frankly that he refuses to take Niuniu out of class for fear that he will interfere with her class. He is so angry that Xiaobao runs to the top martial arts room and kicks sandbags to vent his anger.

Teacher fan was surprised that Niuniu was not accompanied by her parents. He could only tell Dabao what she should have said to her parents.

"Little friend, your sister is still young. When I go to class, she may not be able to fully understand. I hope you can also listen in. If there is something she doesn't understand after going home, you can help her again."

"OK, I see. Mr. Fan, my name is Ji Yu." Dabao looks like a teenager, but the tone and expression of his speech give Mr. Fan the illusion that he is actually an adult.

As a result, it was Niu Niu who was clearly learning the violin, but Dabao sat with Niu Niu and listened to her carefully. First, teacher fan popularized the history of violin. Then, teacher fan took out the violin and told Niu Niu the structure of violin. Then, he taught Niu Niu how to hold the Violin with her left hand and hold the bow with her right hand.

The rhythm of teacher fan's explanation was not slow, so Dabao secretly worried that Niuniu would not accept it. Sure enough, on the way home, Niu Niu, contrary to her usual habit of seizing the opportunity, clung to her baby violin in her arms and recited the contents of teacher fan several times.

"Niuniu, don't worry. Class will start next week. You have a week to get familiar with what the teacher said."

Dabao has never seen Niuniu so persistent and focused on something. Seeing her wring her eyebrows from time to time, she was slightly distressed.

"Brother, I'm afraid teacher fan thinks I'm not smart and won't teach me..." Niuniu seems to be very distressed.

Dabao quickly put her in his arms, "who said Niuniu is not smart? My girl is so smart! "

Niuniu shook her head, "brother and Xiaobao, brother smart, Niuniu stupid."

This is the first time that Dabao heard from Niuniu that she compared herself with her brothers and then came to such a conclusion of inferiority.

Dabao is still thinking about how to comfort Niuniu. He hears her say, "Niuniu recites the Three Character Classic. She has to read it ten times to remember it. Xiaobao's younger brother recites it once..."

Niuniu's words made Dabao lose his voice for a moment.

After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "silly girl, everyone is smart sometimes and stupid sometimes, like Daddy, very smart and powerful, right? But can't Daddy even cook a bowl of noodles? "

Niuniu didn't say a word. She silently lowered her head and stroked the string until she was about to get home. Then she asked Dabao, "when is that brother stupid? When is Niuniu smart? "

Dabao pinched her face. "Didn't my brother fall down last time he rode a bicycle? Brother is stupid, right? The clothes Niuniu makes for Barbie are very beautiful. Mommy also says Niuniu is smart, isn't she? "

Dabao's words, let Niuniu face of worry cloud scattered not small.

"Besides, no one is born with everything. As long as they work hard, they will do well. Niu Niu, are you right?"

Niuniu nodded and drove back to the yard. The little girl finally regained her smile.

To the surprise of Dabao and Letong, Niuniu is very persistent in violin. Originally, teacher Fan said that it would be good for beginners of her age to keep training for about half an hour a day.

But the little girl insists on spending at least one or two hours to train every day. Her persistence and hard work will naturally win teacher fan's praise and recognition every week.

The family, from Ji ruiletong to Dabao, are supportive of the little girl's serious study of violin.

Only Xiaobao began to be dissatisfied day by day.

The reason, of course, is that his dear sister is spending less and less time with him because of practice.

So, after Niuniu had been learning violin for more than half a month, Xiaobao, who was left out in the cold, finally couldn't help it. One evening, when Niuniu was sitting in the yard playing violin, she yelled at Niuniu fiercely.

"Don't pull, it's terrible!"

As Mr. Fan said, violin is a relatively difficult solo instrument, and Niuniu is a beginner. Most of her half month's achievement is to accurately pull out "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7".

If only from a pleasant point of view, there is nothing wrong with saying that it is unpleasant.

But for Niu Niu, after working hard for half a month, she got a pot of cold water from her younger brother. The degree of depression is conceivable.

Zaidabao, who was originally helping Letong water the flowers in the garden, heard Xiaobao's roar and thought it was not good. He turned and ran to stop Xiaobao. It was too late. The sound of the piano stopped with Xiaobao's roar.

"Ji Huan! Apologize to your sister

Dabao pulls Xiaobao, who wants to run after lighting the fire, and embraces Niuniu in one hand.

"No! It's just ugly! "

Dabao raises his hand. He really wants to spank him!

"Brother, brother is right!" Niuniu reaches for Dabao's hand.

"Niuniu, don't listen to Xiaobao's nonsense. Didn't teacher fan also praise Niuniu, saying that Niuniu is very powerful?"

Dabao actually has a headache. As Niuniu and Xiaobao grow up day by day, the IQ gap between Niuniu and Xiaobao is more and more obvious.

Xiaobao is just over two years old, but he has the ability to never forget and high comprehension. Some knowledge of the first grade of primary school can not defeat him. And Niuniu is not stupid. She is just an ordinary child, but in contrast with Xiaobao who always stays with her, she immediately becomes a stupid child.

Originally, both parents and Dabao took care of Niuniu very carefully. But many things are unavoidable. But Xiaobao doesn't know how to be astringent. He shows off in front of Niuniu from time to time, which stimulates Niuniu's inferiority and sprouts.

"Brother, Niuniu knows that teacher fan put her brother and sister in Niuniu's ears..." Niuniu's reaction was beyond Dabao's expectation.

"Well, there is a process to learn everything, just like we fight boxing. At the beginning, we don't know anything. Now, the more we fight, the better?"

Dabao rubbed Niuniu's head and felt that he looked down on her.