After breakfast, the three people who had a full day's rest were able to work together again.

Ji Rui and Yang Sheng are sitting at their desks side by side, while Le Tong is sitting opposite them. According to their requirements, they help them collect all kinds of information and arrange it. Occasionally, they add hot tea or coffee.

Half way small break for a while, Letong ran out to take a packet of biscuits in, tear open the bag, took a piece out, creak creak gnaw up.

"Hungry?" Yang Sheng reached over, pinched a piece from the bag and threw it into his mouth.

"Well, I've had a good appetite recently. I'm hungry easily."

In fact, it's because her porridge was robbed. How long can a baked sweet potato be full?

Yang Sheng chewed the biscuit and looked at her with a smile. "I heard that pregnant women can eat it very much. Younger martial sister, you can't be..."

Yang Sheng knows that Letong doesn't have a boyfriend. Making such a joke is just a joke.

But this joke shocked Ji Rui, who was buried in the file pile. He suddenly raised his head and stared at Letong.

Letong only cares about laughing with Yang Sheng, but doesn't notice Ji Rui's abnormality.

"Elder martial brother, if you make trouble again, I will eat you up!"

With that, he raised his hands and bared his teeth to Yang Sheng, like a devil.

Ji Rui looks at Letong thoughtfully. Some words, even he, are hard to say. So he takes out his mobile phone and sends a message to Letong.

Letong thinks it's Luo yuan'er. She takes out her mobile phone and looks at it. The sender is actually the president of Ji Da, who is sitting in front of her.

"Did you take remedial measures that night?",

Letong lowered her head, with a touch of irony in her eyes. It turns out that up to this time, President Ji Da was still worried that she would take the event that night as a bargaining chip?

That's enough!

If it wasn't for Ji's rich salary, she wouldn't face such a man who clearly knows that she is a wolf and bullies the rabbit and worries that the rabbit will take advantage of the opportunity to extort money!

She didn't have a vision for her feelings, or for men.

Ji Rui may be very good in all aspects, but she has never coveted him.

This matter, she can swear to God, from beginning to end, she did not think of him at all.

Besides, if she really wants a boyfriend or husband, the person she wants to hook up with and like will probably be Yang Sheng, who can make her happy, rather than Ji Rui, who is cold, heartless and boring.

Moreover, the idea of using children as a chip to hold a man like Ji Rui, she felt disgusted and sad when she thought about it.

Letong fingers quickly on the screen, quickly back to a few words in the past.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid of pain!"

Ji Rui takes a look at his mobile phone. Yang Sheng sees that they are holding a mobile phone at the same time, so he teases them.

"Well, aren't you two cheating in front of me? If so, let's be clear, I'll go out and avoid it! "

Ji Rui ignores him and plays with his mobile phone carelessly.

Yang Sheng's words, of course, are just joking. He can't even imagine that the two people who can't get together in front of him have done things in private, but they are much more powerful, direct and intimate than those things that can be seen and eaten by talking on mobile phones!

"Elder martial brother, if you can do it in front of you, it's not cheating, it's just plain flirting. But, elder martial brother, did you take any medicine today? The president and I don't look like the same people, do we? "

Letong said openly, as if, she and Ji Rui really have nothing.

In fact, she really thinks that she has nothing to do with Ji Rui.

Anyway, she doesn't remember that night at all. If it wasn't for Ji Rui's information, she would have forgotten about it.

"Are you sure?"

Ji Rui doesn't seem to trust her very much. He sends another message.

Le Tong Mo for a while, feel this matter again entangle go on really have no meaning, so heart a horizontal, sent such a message in the past.

"I'm not sure. Why don't you get a doctor to examine me?"

After that, her aunt had come to report twice on time. It should be the most reassuring way for him to find a doctor to check her.

"Good!" Ji Rui's reply came in the twinkling of an eye.

Letong has only a little affection for Ji Rui, and then it disappears.

In the afternoon, Ji Rui said that he had something to do tonight, so he didn't have to work overtime. Yang Sheng ordered him to pack up his things happily and get off duty on time.

Ji Rui calculates the time of Yang Sheng's departure, takes his bag out of the office and knocks on Letong's desk.

"Let's go."

"President, you give me the address. I'll take a taxi myself." Letong does this, one is to avoid suspicion, the other is really unwilling to face the dirty Ji Rui.

"I drive!" Ji Rui is more reluctant to let people know than Letong, so he sent the driver Xiao Li home early.

"But..." what else does Letong want to say, Ji Rui interrupts her, "do you want to go back?"

Letong is not angry at all. The little favor he has accumulated for Ji Rui over this period of time has suddenly broken the zero point and gone all the way on the negative value.

She stood up and walked to the elevator. Ji Rui strode with her.

The elevator goes directly to the lower floor, and they walk to the car like two strangers. Ji Rui gets into the driver's seat, and she opens the door of the back seat.

Today this matter, Ji Rui let her thoroughly cold heart. Perhaps, in the eyes of President Ji Da, except for himself, all people are extremely humble. When they are with him, they all have an intention to him.

If she could, she really didn't want to be alone in the same space with such a person.

Ji Rui, sitting in the driver's seat, drives all the way attentively, and doesn't want to chat up. But Letong, who is in the middle of a fire, doesn't want to talk to Ji Rui either, so they haven't said a word in half an hour from getting on the bus to arriving at their destination.

Ji Rui takes Letong to a private clinic, and a male doctor in his early 30s is about the same age as Ji Rui.

"Rui, the instruments are ready. Let her in."

Letong stood aside, looking at the two men, even the introduction of the province, only a "she" word to represent her Letong, the body back cool sou, and the heart, also increasingly cold.

Perhaps, there are so many women that President Ji brought over for examination. Therefore, both President Ji and the doctor feel that there is no need to say their names.

Because, in their eyes, these people, a and B, B and C, C and D, are nothing more than a woman for president Ji to vent. There is no difference between them.

And she is just one of the abcdes around Ji Rui. It doesn't matter what her name is!