"I really didn't notice if you didn't say this," Ying Zheng smiled and said with a bit of embarrassment.

"Do you have a kind of magic weapon to transmit?"

"Almost, but it's not a magic weapon," said the emperor, raising the ring in his hand.

"Then you were killed by Zhang Xueren," Ying Zheng said.

"I came to you as soon as I made it," emperor Xinchen didn't care and smiled faintly.

"It's important to go to yaoyu village first. How far is it?" emperor Xinchen continued.

"Well, it's not far away. Let's go," Ying Zheng said and flew out in one direction.

After a while, you can see the towering mountains in the distance.

"Yaoyu village is surrounded by these mountains"

While talking, they have come to the periphery of the mountain.

Ying Zheng's speed slowed down.

Emperor Xinchen saw this and slowed down.

"There is yaoyu village ahead. At that time, the cultivation of mengkuo immortal respect felt oppressive. The existence of yaoyu village is at least half empty. Let's be careful," Ying Zheng said softly.

Emperor Xinchen nodded as an answer.

Immediately, they gathered all their breath and flew slowly towards the center of the mountain close to the ground.

Before long, Emperor Xinchen and Ying Zheng could see the outline of a village.

When they landed on the ground, they carefully observed the peaceful Yao Yu village from a distance.

The village is not big. It looks like dozens of families, but the houses are neatly built and the roads are clean.

Looking from here, at this time, the doors of every house are closed, and no one can be seen in the whole village.

But they dared not release their divine knowledge, so they silently heard all the breath from the village.

But I didn't feel anything unusual.

"Shall we wait here?" emperor Xinchen asked softly.

"Now it's only a few hours before dark. If there's still nothing abnormal in the middle of the night, we'll sneak in and have a look," Ying Zheng thought and whispered.

"Well," emperor Xinchen nodded.

It was finally completely dark, and the moonlight spilled on the ground with a long cold light.

There was a dead silence and no sound came out.

Looking at yaoyu village, there was already a gloomy feeling.

"It's strange that it's dark now, but no family lights in the house." emperor Xinchen suddenly found this problem.

"Doesn't this just mean that there is a problem here," Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Also, are you waiting?" emperor Xinchen replied.


A few hours later, it's already midnight.

Since emperor Xinchen and Ying Zheng came here, they haven't seen a person, let alone heard anything.

This village is like an empty village that has not been inhabited for a long time.

"Let's go and have a look," Ying Zheng stared at the front.

Yao Yu village now gives him a very strange feeling.

They then carefully sneaked towards yaoyu village without showing any sound and breath. Even those who have the same cultivation as them are difficult to find.

When they came to the periphery of yaoyu village, the appearance of the whole village had clearly reflected in their eyes.

But at this time, they still couldn't feel the breath of living people in the village.

"We can't find anything outside. We have to go in and have a look," emperor Xinchen communicated with Ying Zheng with divine knowledge.

"Well, be careful. If the existence hiding here has the strength of Taixu, we will withdraw immediately," Ying Zheng replied.

But when I think of this Yao feather village on its own site and say this sentence from its own mouth, Ying Zheng has a red face.

Emperor Xinchen didn't notice the change of Ying Zheng's face, but walked slowly to the nearest room.

The structure of the whole house is very simple. It is made of stones and sticks.

They walked to the closed door. Emperor Xinchen thought a little and pushed his hand gently.

"Squeak -"

The sound of friction between wood seemed particularly harsh at this time.

The gate was not locked, but was pushed open by Emperor Xinchen.

By moonlight, Emperor Xinchen and Ying Zheng could barely see the situation in the house.

It's a set of ordinary people's furnishings, a wooden table, a few chairs, and other things.

But strangely enough, I searched the whole house and still couldn't see anyone.

Emperor Xinchen and Ying Zheng couldn't help wondering.

"Could the people in this village have been moved out or killed?" emperor Xinchen said, frowning slightly.

"It should not be possible. Although yaoyu village is remote, dozens of people want to move out, and the movement will not be small." after returning from mengkuo, I specially asked the army within 50 miles to pay close attention to yaoyu village, but I never received any news, "Ying Zheng replied.

"Then let's go to another house."

An hour later, Emperor Xinchen and Ying Zheng searched the whole yaoyu village, but Leng was not found.

In addition, there are no exceptions.

"It's really strange. Can these village names disappear out of thin air?" Ying Zheng frowned at this time.

"It's important to find the whereabouts of these village names first, regardless of whether they will be found. Even if the demon clan is killed, there should be traces left," emperor Xinchen said after a little meditation.


Then, Emperor Xinchen released his divine consciousness and shrouded the whole yaoyu village.

Suddenly, everything in the whole village clearly reflected in the mind of emperor Xinchen.

Whether it is a plant or a tree, or inside or outside the house, it can not escape the observation of the emperor's heart dust.

After a while, Emperor Xinchen found something unusual.

There is a well in the north of yaoyu village. After scanning the released divine knowledge, Emperor Xinchen was surprised to find that the well is very deep!

In order not to miss any detail, Emperor Xinchen's divine sense directly swept the place ten meters underground.

But the well didn't go to the end when Emperor Xinchen Shenzhi swept it for the first time.

This is obviously unreasonable.

"I feel something wrong with the well in the north of the village", Emperor Xinchen immediately preached to Ying Zheng.

"Let's go and have a look"

When they came to the well and looked down, they saw that the well was dark, like a bottomless black hole, trying to devour them.

Seeing this, Emperor Xinchen continued to release his divine knowledge and probe into the well.

Ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, a hundred meters

Emperor Xinchen's divine sense has reached a distance of 500 meters underground, but it still hasn't reached the end.

His face changed slightly, and the emperor's divine consciousness continued to probe downward.

At this time, he had reached the position of one kilometer underground. Emperor Xinchen still found nothing, and then took back the divine knowledge.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?" Ying Zheng asked.

"No, the well is too deep. I think we should go down and have a look in person.".