Chapter 1995

Su Yang is really murderous. Wells has gone too far. In order to achieve her goal, wells keeps putting forward all kinds of rude demands, which makes Su Yang extremely angry. If Chen Biyao hadn't been pressing her all the time, Su Yang would have burst out and wells would have been cleaned up. However, Su Yang also knows that Chen Biyao's choice of forbearance is for the sake of the overall situation, Even if we pay more, we should ensure the smooth completion of the whole project.

It's just that Chen Biyao didn't expect that wells was so shameless that she wanted to take advantage of Chen Biyao in addition to extorting money. To be honest, if Wells said she wanted to find a woman, Chen Biyao would spend money to find some foreign girls to serve wells, but wells had to die and touched Chen Biyao's thread.

Su Yang continued: "while you are constantly testing our bottom line, you are also on the way to death." After Su Yang finished speaking, people around him could feel that Su Yang was very angry, but some people couldn't understand Su Yang's words, and their expressions were a little blank. Then Su Yang realized that he was too angry just now, and he was talking about Z Wen.

So Su Yang repeated what he had just said in English. He had a very pure London accent. His voice was elegant and noble. People were very surprised. They had not heard such pure English for a long time. In Europe and the United States, especially in Europe, the aristocracy was the real upper class, with a lot of social wealth and a high social status, And a lot of power.

You experts are very surprised. If you close your eyes and listen, you will think that some aristocrat. They can't imagine that such a pure accent is actually spoken by a young Chinese.

Everyone guessed that Su Yang had been in the west, and had studied the language of aristocrats. He might even have something to do with the royal family in the west, because the tone of his voice might be imitated, but the confident and powerful temperament could not be imitated by ordinary people.

If Su Yang knows that these experts in front of him mistakenly think that Su Yang has something to do with the royal family in the west, he will probably curse. In the world of Xiuzhen, there are many top empires, and Su Yang has deep contacts with the royal family of those empires. You know, the territory of those empires is based on ten thousand li, and even some super empires are based on planets, How can some countries with big nose poop in the West compare?

Wells, who was trampled on his head, blushed with anger and had a thick neck. He had never met such a serious humiliation before. He made wells angry and yelled madly: "damn bastard, let me go now, or I will kill you."

Su Yang said in a cold voice, "do you think you still have high utilization value? Without you, our project can't go smoothly? I can tell you clearly that even if the project really stops, I will kill you. Otherwise, it's hard for me to get rid of my hatred. If I can't even protect my beloved woman, then everything I do has no meaning, and there's no need for this project to exist. "

Hearing these words, Chen Biyao felt warm and sweet in her heart.

The experts on the scene turned pale when they saw this scene. They knew that Su Yang's words were not only for wells, but also for the whole expert group.