Chapter 1595

The caliber is a circle larger than that of the ordinary juqiag. The bullet is also specially made, and its lethality is twice that of the ordinary juqiag.

The bullet is specially designed, which is equivalent to a micro missile. It can automatically adjust the direction after locking the target. Once the bullet is fired, it can guarantee 100% hit the target. After hitting the target, < BAHA, it will also release the poison. Even if it does not hit the key position, the poison will quickly spread all over the body and poison the target.

The tall man in black, looking at Su Yang with a telescope, said“ We don't have the information of this person in our database, but according to the information we got, the license plate number belongs to the Lin family. We only recognize cars but not people. We can start to fight for the end of the battle in one minute. "

The short man in black has finished the assembly of juqiag. He is really debugging it. He says with his mouth curled, "the Lin family are really spineless. They give a little money and surrender immediately."

"Money can make the devil push the mill. This is the eternal truth. Let's get ready and solve the problem. Then we are ready to leave." The tall man in Black said in a low voice. Then he squatted down, lit a cigarette and took a sip. The reason why he squatted down was that he was worried that the light of the cigarette would attract Su Yang.

"It won't take a minute to deal with him." The short man in Black said confidently that he installed Dajia and aimed at Suyang several hundred meters away. The special juqiag and bullets didn't need complicated preparation at all. As long as he aimed roughly, he could ensure 100% sniping.

After more than ten seconds of preparation, the short man in black decisively opened the qiag and fired at a distance of more than 400 meters. For the juqiag with a muzzle speed of more than 800 meters, that is, in half a second, almost in an instant, the bullet accurately hit Su Yang.

After confirming that the bullet hit Su Yang, the two men in black immediately squatted down, quickly disassembled the juqiag, put it into the satchel, picked up the eggshell that fell on the ground, and after cleaning up the scene, they were ready to leave.

"It's done. We can go to the bar for a drink." The tall man in Black said excitedly.

Just as they were about to leave the rooftop, they heard the clear sound of metal impact, which they were very familiar with. It was the sound of the warhead landing.

The two men in black looked along the direction of the source of the sound and saw the bullet. This was the bullet they had just used. The short man in black quickly walked over and picked up the bullet. He still felt very hot. It was obvious that it had just been launched.

"It's our sniper bullet. How can it be here?" The short man in Black said with surprise, he clearly shot the bullet out, and hit the target very accurately.

The tall man in black also collapsed. What's going on?

All of a sudden, a super car landed on the rooftop without any sign. It seemed to pass through the space. Two people in black almost peed in their pants.

Two people found that the sudden appearance of super run very familiar, this is not the target car? They also set the target based on the super run.

My God, what the hell happened?

Why does super run appear on the rooftop out of thin air?

Su Yang appeared with a cigar in his mouth and looked at them with a sneer.


Isn't the target dead? Or is it the soul of the target? The two men in black felt that they were going crazy. They scrambled to the edge of the roof and looked downstairs. There was nothing.

"Say who you are." Su Yang said coldly.