Chapter 1460

When he got on the helicopter, the elder sat down accompanied by his subordinates and turned to look at the footprints on the ground. Although he felt that there was no problem, he didn't know why. The elder was a little uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong and didn't know what was wrong.

"Elder, what's the matter?" Asked his concern, and handed the elders a glass of Baijiu.

The elders took a Baijiu and took a drink. Then he said, "nothing, I may be suspicious what I am."

The cold poison in the master's body, and the disordered Qi in the two elders and others' body are not as good as ordinary people. After several days in the dark and humid mine cave, the body is more collapsed, and it is impossible to escape.

Even if a miracle happens, the three traitors planted by the elder will report it at the first time. It has been three days since the mine collapse. No news has been received, which is enough to show that all the people died in the collapse.

On the way back to the Ma family, the elder was a little uneasy, but he didn't care.

Before long, the helicopter landed slowly. Surrounded by his subordinates, the elder swaggered into the hall. As soon as he got to the door, the elder stopped immediately when he saw the people inside. His face was very shocked, his hands and feet trembled, and douda's cold sweat came out.

Elder's subordinates are a little puzzled. What's wrong with elder?

When the subordinates came to the door and saw the people inside, they were stunned and then had a strong sense of fear.

This... How is this possible?

In the hall, the head of the family sat majestically on the throne. The two elders were on both sides of the hall. They looked solemn and the atmosphere was full of killing.

The elder thought that he was hallucinating, because what he saw was too strange. According to reason, he was poisoned by cold and dying. The owner of his family, who should have died three days ago in the mine, not only didn't die, but appeared in front of everyone with the honor of the owner of his family.

The head of the family flashed a little coldness on his face and said: "elder, you are my cousin, and also my most valued cousin. You have made many mistakes, and I have all chosen to tolerate them. You do not know how to repent. Instead, you take an inch, poison family members, and collude with outsiders to attack me."

"Thanks to Su Shao's help, otherwise, your plot has been accomplished." The owner went on to say that he was more and more angry and afraid. Without Su Yang, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The elder turned to look at Su Yang. When he saw Su Yang remove the disguise from his face and show his true face, the elder suddenly clapped in his heart and said that it was bad.

When I saw Su Yang in disguise a few days ago, the elder admired him very much and even wanted to attract him. He thought Su Yang was a talented young man and a genius never seen in a hundred years.

"No wonder when I saw you, I felt that you were not simple. It turned out that you were Su Yang, the famous Su Yang." The elder was shocked and quickly regained his composure.

Then the elder turned to look at the master, a trace of disdain flashed on his face, and said: "master, in fact, I didn't lose to you, but lost to Su Yang. It's not unfair that I can lose to Long Rui, the master of the long family

Looking at the elder, the master looked a little complicated and said, "you still don't know how to repent. You let me down."

"Dying? You're kidding. The game has just started. I just lost. " The elder said coldly.