Chapter 1425

Bater calmly said: "I bought the lion at a high price from some special organizations. Although it's still an experiment, it's very good. How about it? Are you satisfied with my answer? "

If you don't see the coffin, you don't shed tears, and you can force yourself by strengthening your body. Su Yang flies down to Barthel's side and carefully checks it with his divine sense. There is a chill in the corner of his mouth, saying: "your body has been strengthened, so you have no fear. But don't forget, no matter how you strengthen it, you can't change the fact that you are human."

"You want to get valuable information from me, so you won't kill me. Am I right?" he said

Su Yang said coldly“ You're right, but there's a situation where living is more terrifying than dying. " With that, Su Yang passes the method of extorting confessions by magic to Lin Duo, who will operate it himself.

In less than ten minutes, the self righteous Butler confessed. He had cooperated with North Russian agents and participated in some special operations. Later, after the end of the cold war, the civil strife in North Russia and many secret projects during the cold war disappeared.

Barthel has become the richest man in Mongolia in just a few years by using some things he has mastered. He plans to rely on huge funds to speed up the research and development of some scientific research projects. To this end, Barthel has made oral agreements with some organizations and intends to further cooperate.

Su Yang frowned and said, "bater really has some skills. We can get his R & D center and give it to Chen Biyao."

According to the business plan of the four groups, Chen Biyao is mainly engaged in hospital and medical research, such as medical equipment, special medicine, self-healing ability, human body auxiliary armor and so on.

There are many kinds of research and development, that is, science fiction and reality. Many top organizations in the world not only started secret research very early, but also have made great breakthroughs.

The start-up Baguio group, even though it has gathered many of the world's top scientists, starts too late. Research and development needs a long-term process, so it is difficult to make progress in a short time. If we can get bater's technical information, it will be very different.

When Barthel woke up, he found himself sitting on the sofa at home, and the cigar on the ashtray was still smoking. Barthel was very relieved and said in a low voice, "it was all a dream. I just took a nap on the sofa and had a dream."

"You didn't dream. What happened just now is true." Su Yang light said.

When Barthel saw Suyang looking at him with a sneer, he immediately remembered what had just happened, so he asked, "what's the purpose of bringing me here?"

"It's nothing. I just want all your industries, especially your research projects, to be transferred to me." Su Yang light said.

Barthel said, frowning“ I gave it to you. What about me? What can I get? I won't promise. You'll give up. "

Su Yang light said“ I don't need your consent. I've got all your industries. The reason I brought you here is to arrange an accidental death. Tomorrow's news conference reports that the richest man in China failed to withdraw in time because of a fire in his home and died on the spot at the age of 60. "