Chapter 1114

Su Yang said in his heart that in order to deal with me, the enemy was really willing to spend money and had huge ability. It must be that Luli leaked the news and gave the enemy a chance when he arranged a special plane.

In general, the special plane is attached to an airline company, and the daily maintenance is in the charge of the airport. When Luli requires the special plane to be used, the airport personnel will carry out the maintenance and inspection before flight, which must have been done at that time.

Su Yang compared the structural diagram of the landing gear, calculated it quickly, and had a clear idea. As long as he cleaned up the things that stuck the landing gear, and then repaired the landing gear, there would be no problem.

One of the crew members went to the cabin door and yelled to Su Yang: "Su Shao, are you ok?"

"I'm very safe, but the landing gear is in some trouble, it's stuck by something, and there are a lot of cracks in the landing gear, which need to be repaired!" Su Yang's voice is not big, but a few penetrating, easily passed to the crew's ears.

The crew was startled, and felt that Su Yang said in his ear, because it was too clear. It was a bit creepy. You know, it was a strong air impact in the high altitude. Even if the speed of the plane dropped to the slowest, it was hard to understand each other's voices.

Just now, the crew also held a try attitude. Unexpectedly, Su Yang heard it and gave clear feedback.

But soon the crew fell silent and the landing gear cracked, which meant that it could not be repaired at all and had to make a forced landing.

Before long, the crew heard Su Yang's voice again: "it's really difficult, but it's still controllable."

A glimmer of hope was kindled in the crew's heart, and they quickly asked, "is the damage not serious? Tell me more about it. "

Su Yang said: "there are twelve cracks, the biggest one is ten centimeters, the biggest one and a half meters."


The crew almost fainted. Is that within control? This special one can be replaced directly. There is no way to repair it, so we have to make a forced landing. The last glimmer of hope in the crew's heart is dashed.

"It's really difficult to repair. It's a little tricky." Su Yang said again.

The crew got down on their knees and did they repair it? Even in the airport, there are special maintenance equipment and technical personnel, will be a headache, it is better to replace it directly.

You want to repair it in the air? With what repair? Hands?

It's totally out of the question.

Su Yang waves a finger wind to clean up the foreign matter stuck in the landing gear. Then he reaches out and grabs the landing gear. Danhuo gushes out and begins to refine the landing gear. Su Yang, who can refine magic weapon, refines the landing gear very easily. In a few minutes, Su Yang reconstructs the landing gear.

There is no trace of damage, and after refining, it is even stronger than before. Even today, with advanced technology, it can't be compared with the practitioners.

Just when the crew was in despair, Su Yang returned to the cabin, closed the cabin door, and everything returned to normal.

The crew said with a wry smile, "Su Shao, there are too many cracks on the landing gear, which leads to a decrease in strength and can not be used. We have to make a forced landing."

Su Yang patted, took out a bottle of liquor from the wine cabinet, took a sip, and said faintly: "it has been repaired, and can take off and land normally."


How long did it take to fix it? Are you kidding?