The dead is big, who will have enough to dig the grave? What's more, it's still Hu Lao's grave?

Although Hu Zong didn't believe it, he was still worried. If Su Yang really went to dig the grave, what should he do?

"Su Yang, I'll put down my words today. If you dare to dig my father's grave, I'll take your life, even if I lose my property." Hu Zong stares at Su Yang.

In the face of Hu Zong's threat, Su Yang said: "Hu Zong, stop acting. You know your father's coffin is empty. When you were buried, your father was in the coffin, but soon you dug out Mr. Hu. No, to be exact, Mr. Hu is the mysterious man in black."

Hu Zong was still alive, and he was a mysterious man in black. After he was shocked, Hu Zong's face became extremely heavy. He stared at Su Yang with a gloomy expression. When he looked back at Du Guangting, his expression was extremely complex, and his heart was full of flavors.

Although Du Guangting didn't know why Su Yang was so sure, Du Guangting knew that Su Yang would not talk nonsense. Since Su Yang dared to say it, it means that Su Yang already had solid evidence.

It's strange that Du Guangting and Su Yang came out of Du's house. When did Su Yang find the evidence?

Su Yang coldly looked at Hu Zong, said: "do not hit the south wall, do not look back, do not come up with evidence, you will not admit." With that, Su Yangmeng waved his hand, the coffin appeared out of thin air, fell heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.

The sound seemed to strike Hu Zong's heart with a heavy hammer, which made him tremble. When Hu Zong saw the coffin clearly, his soul almost flew away.

Actually dug the grave and carried the coffin over. By the way, how did he get the coffin over? When I came here just now, I saw that Su Yang and Du Guangting were empty handed, and the coffin just appeared out of thin air

For a moment, Hu Zong was confused and his brain was blank. He couldn't figure out what was going on.

Hu Tian was also extremely shocked, but Hu Tian soon regained his composure, looked at Su Yang with solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "you are not simple. I didn't expect that you are proficient in the lost universe for hundreds of years."

Hu Tian has heard that hundreds of years ago, the martial arts master was proficient in heaven and earth in his sleeve. A sleeve has heaven and earth in it. He can hold all kinds of things and practice to the extreme. He can hold all things and hold all rivers. But this is just a legend. No one has seen it for hundreds of years.

Although Hu Tian doesn't think Su Yang can get the unique knowledge lost for hundreds of years, he must have learned a little, otherwise, he can't take out the coffin out of thin air.

At this moment, Hu Tian's eyes looking at Su Yang are full of greed.

Su Yang doesn't know what is the universe in his sleeve. He feels that it should be something similar to the storage ring.

Su Yang opened the lid of the coffin, pointed to the empty coffin, and said in a cold voice: "Hu Zong, Hu Tian, why is the coffin empty? Give us a reasonable explanation. "

"You have the courage to dig a grave. My Hu family and you are at odds." Hu Zong cried out angrily.

Su Yang sneered and said, "Mr. Hu is still alive. Let him come out."

Hu Zong stares at Su Yang coldly and quibbles: "although the coffin is empty, it may be stolen by Hu's enemies, but there are other possibilities. Why are you sure my father is still alive?"