Su Yang picks up a book and turns it over. It's all in English, and it's very professional English. Su Yang's English has not been very good. He can't understand it at all. He's confused. It's like reading a book from heaven.

In addition to English books, there are also books in other languages, such as German and French.

"Yaru, do you want to learn a foreign language?" Su Yang asks curiously.

Lin Ya Ru smiles and says, "in recent days, I have been thinking about the long-term plan of Lin's group. In addition to doing antiques, I also need to develop some other amateurs, such as artworks and jewelry. Besides doing business at home, I also want to do business abroad."

"In the future, we will have to deal with foreign businessmen. It will take at least three to five years for Lin's group to go abroad. It's just right that I use this time to learn some foreign languages and prepare in advance." Lin Yaru continued.

What a big ambition, what a strong plan.

Su Yang has been speculating that Lin Yaru is not simple. Now he finds that it is not simple. He is not only ambitious, but also good at planning. GAHA is far sighted. Just after stabilizing the situation, Lin Yaru has begun to study how to go abroad and do business with foreigners.

"What's your foreign language level? Why don't we study together? If you have a companion, you can learn faster. " Lin Yaru winks at Su Yang.

Learning together?

Su Yang is really not interested in foreign languages. When he was in senior high school, Su Yang's English score was very stable, and the whole class counted down.

After college, because of professional reasons, I took time to study it, but it didn't have much effect.

In Su Yang's words, as soon as he saw the English letters, he felt headache and sleepiness. Even for some time, when Su Yang was sleepless, he directly took out the English text. As long as he read two paragraphs, he soon fell asleep, which was more effective than eating aiaya.

Lin Yaru grabs Su Yang's arm and looks forward to Su Yang. She says, "Su Yang, you can study foreign languages with me. I'm not interested in learning English alone, OK?"

I wipe, cool beauty president with a whiny voice coquetry, Su Yang really some can't carry.

"Well, I'll learn from you, but I don't have any talent. I can only set you off." Su Yang said with a bitter face, English is too boring and monotonous, far less profound and interesting than Z.

Seeing Su Yang's agreement, Lin Yaru put the CD into the computer, turned on the stereo and said, "there's nothing big in recent days. Let's learn foreign languages together. This is a textbook I specially bought at a high price."

With the sound of clear English, Lin Yaru entered a correct learning state, followed by reading English, correct pronunciation.

Although Su Yang hates foreign languages such as English, he can only use four words to describe his learning of foreign languages, which is extremely simple.

The speed of reading English textbooks is too slow to keep up with Su Yang's learning speed. Bored Su Yang began to read English Chinese dictionary.

Su Yang just scanned it with divine sense, and the contents of the massive English Chinese dictionary were instantly engraved in Su Yang's mind.

All this was done in an instant. Su Yang, who had divine knowledge, could recite English Chinese dictionaries like a stream. Later, Su Yang turned out more than a dozen heavy books marked in English and Chinese, all of which were everyday expressions.

It took Su Yang less than a minute to finish all the dozens of heavy books.