
This is a kind of precious medicinal material. Even if Lin Yaru is not a medical student, he has heard of the effect of agarwood. It has excellent antibacterial effect. The fragrance enters the spleen, invigorates the five zang organs, relieves cough and phlegm, warms the stomach and spleen, ventilates and calms pain, and can be used as a medicine. Moreover, there are many kinds of agarwood, which are generally divided into three types according to the oil content, namely, submerged water, raft and yellow ripe incense, Submerge water because the paste is condensed tightly, and it will sink when it is put into water; The raft is semi floating and semi sinking; The fragrance of yellow ripening does not sink in water.

Among the three kinds of agarwood, submerged water is the most valuable.

The list written by Su Yang requires a large number of submerged water. She asks to fill up the alchemy furnace. Lin Yaru has a visual inspection of the capacity of the alchemy furnace. If she wants to fill it up, it will cost at least 10 million or more. What surprised Lin Yaru was why he had to fill up the alchemy furnace? Does Su Yang want to use agarwood for fire?

After the idea came into being, Lin Yaru exclaimed in surprise that if the guess was true, it would be too luxurious. It's impossible to describe luxury in two words.

Seeing Lin Yaru standing in the same place in shock, Su Yang asked, "what's the matter? Is there any difficulty? "

"No... no difficulty. Before you alchemy, I will be ready for you. I'll go to find sister Biyao now." Lin Yaru nodded in a hurry and put the list away.

"Well? Do you know Chen Biyao is in the medicine business? " Su Yang is a little surprised and says that in Su Yang's impression, Chen Biyao and Lin Yaru have only met once and have no deep friendship.

Lin Ya Ru said with a smile: "not only know, but we have also reached a cooperation. All employees of Lin's group regularly go to the hospital of Baguio sister for physical examination. If the employees of Lin's group get sick, as long as they go to Baguio hospital for treatment, Lin's group will subsidize 50% of the medical expenses."

Hearing this, Su Yang was shocked. He thought that the two beauties would be jealous of each other, or even hostile to each other. He didn't expect that they didn't, but they also had deep communication and even cooperation, which was far beyond Su Yang's expectation.

"Are you surprised? Hum, I have talked with sister Baguio. We all agree that you are too attractive and will attract many beautiful girls, so we should keep an eye on you to avoid attracting bees and butterflies. " Lin Yaru said with a smile.

I wipe, two people this is the plan is consistent!

"I can't help it. Who makes me so attractive?" Su Yang said with a stinky face.

"Don't stink. I'll prepare the medicine first." Lin Ya Ru winked at Su Yang mischievously and hurried out of the office. There are a lot of herbs on the list, and the quality requirements are also very high. It takes some time.

After seeing Lin Yaru leave, Su Yang sits cross legged on the ground, holding the alchemy furnace in his hand, and begins to concentrate on his luck. While recalling the alchemy, he strengthens his understanding of the alchemy furnace, so as to prepare for the alchemy tomorrow.

On the next day, Su Yang slowly opened his eyes and looked down at the alchemy furnace in his hands. After a night of meditation, Su Yang's understanding of the alchemy furnace was not deepened, but his control of the alchemy furnace was improved.

Su Yang is a little hungry after not eating all night. When he goes out of the office to find something to eat, he meets Shang Jianwei and Xin Ranran, who are talking and laughing. Xin Ranran carries a delicate lunch box in his hand. Before he gets near, Su Yang smells the smell of the food.