Five hundred thousand dollars in cash, plus valuable jewelry, made Mr. Wu feel a little distressed. There was nothing wrong with the money, but the total value of jadeite bracelets and other jewelry was several million, and they had been appreciating all the time. Mr. Wu was really reluctant to send them out like this, but he had no way. Now the white road is impassable, and director Zhang is afraid to intervene, so he has to ask for help from the big men.

After loading things, Mr. Wu closed the safe, lit a cigar, and poured two mouthfuls of liquor. This is called Counsellor's courage to borrow liquor. Although Mr. Wu and the social bigwigs have dealt with each other and cooperated with each other, by contrast, the white people are easier to deal with than the social bigwigs. The social bigwigs are people who have seen blood. They are cruel and decisive, so they have no choice, Mr. Wu doesn't want to go to big men.

But now there is no choice but to ask for help from the social bigwigs. After two drinks again, Mr. Wu walked out of the room with his bag and drove off.

Standing at the gate, Mr. Wu's feet began to tremble. He really didn't want to go in, but there was no other way. Mr. Wu calmed down a little, went to the gate, and said to the guard, "master, please inform me that Wu Long has come to visit."

The guard glanced at general manager Wu and said, "Wu Long? It sounds familiar. You've been here before, haven't you? "

Wu Long nodded hastily and said, "I've been here several times before. Please let me know." With that, Wu Long took out the prepared red packet from his pocket and handed it to him. Then he said, "take this money for tea."

The guard took the red envelope and pinched it. It was thick, about a thousand. His face suddenly burst into a smile. He quickly put away the red envelope and said, "you wait here. I'll go in and have a look." With that, the guard stood up and left.

Not long after, the guard came back, pressed the remote control key, opened the door slowly, and then said to Wu Long, "you can go in. The boss is waiting for you in the study."

"Thank you, thank you." Wu Long nodded and bowed his thanks, just like a pug. Outside, wu long is very powerful. But here, wu long is just a worm. He doesn't dare to make mistakes. Even the security guard has to deal with it.

Nervous Wu Long enters the villa and stands at the door of the study. As soon as he is ready to knock on the door, he hears a scream inside. Wu Long is so scared that he has a cold war. His hands are frozen in the air and he is too scared to knock on the door.

The door suddenly opened. A strong man with big arms and a round waist glanced at Wu Long and said, "come in."

Wu Long nodded quickly, followed the strong man into the study, wearing a white coat, holding the Buddha beads in his hands, sitting on the chair. Opposite him, kneeling on his knees was a man with a face full of blood, and his body was full of scars. He looked very miserable. Several strong men, holding sticks and other things, stood beside the big man, and the sticks were stained with blood.

Smelling the bloody smell in the room, President Wu stood on one side and sat quietly. He didn't dare to speak, even the atmosphere.

The third master turned to look at Wu Long and said in a light tone: "Wu, I have some family affairs to deal with here. You wait first." For the third master, every time Wu Long came, he came to give money. It was no different from the boy who gave money, so he was quite polite.

Wu long stood up in a hurry and said, "Third Master, please be busy first."

The third master turned his head and looked at the man with blood on his face. He said in a cold voice, "you eat mine and drink mine. I gave you honor and wealth. I didn't expect that you betrayed me and made me suffer heavy losses. How can you solve this problem?"

The man wiped the blood on his face, opened his mouth and spat with blood. He said, "Third Master, I've recognized this. Yes, I did betray you. Your sons of bitches killed my family. I was too weak to revenge. I had to bear it all the time. Now I finally seize the opportunity. How can I give up?"

"I have a big revenge. Even if I die, I will die. Kill me." The man laughs and says that he laughs very freely without any fear.

The third master's eyes were green, and he said in a cold voice, "you've made me lose three powerful men and five million goods. Even if I kill you ten times, I can't help hating you."

"Hey, hey, you can only suffer dumb losses, things happen in other places, even if you are the boss of Y City, it's beyond your reach." The man laughs triumphantly.

"Kill him!" The Third Master said angrily.

One of the men raised the stick in his hand, and when he was ready to drop it, the man's head tilted and fell heavily on the ground. The man squatted down and touched the man's nose and the main artery on his neck, and then he said with some astonishment: "Third Master, he's dead."

"Throw him in the backyard to feed the dog." The Third Master said in a cold voice that he had planned to torture the man, but the man died.

The men dragged the corpse away and cleaned the ground. After everything was done, the third master turned his head and looked at Wu Long and said faintly, "Wu, what's the matter with visiting me so late?"

Wu Long says in his heart that it's really bad luck. He happens to meet the third master who is angry. It seems that he has to see the Yellow calendar next time he goes out. In case the third master is angry, it's estimated that Wu Long's life will be lost here.

"Third Master, there is something wrong. I have encountered some difficulties recently. I hope you can help me solve it." Wu Long said that he knew that the third master didn't like beating around the Bush, so he explained his intention directly.

This is to send money, but the charge depends on whether things are easy to solve, so the Third Master said: "talk about something."

Wu Long said in a hurry: "I have done a business with Baguio group. There are some problems in the goods I sent. Now the other party wants to sue me and ask me to compensate three times of the payment for goods. I really can't afford it, so I want to ask the third master to coordinate. In Y City, no one dares not to give you face, so I can only beg you. "

I made things clear and flattered by the way.

The third master was very comfortable. A smile flashed over his stiff face and said, "it's just a matter. I'll arrange someone to have a look tomorrow." Although the third master knows that things are not as simple as Wu Long said, he doesn't care at all. In Y City, few people dare not give him face. Moreover, this kind of business dispute is just a matter, which is easy to settle.

Wu Long quickly took the leather bag, opened it, handed it to the third master, and said with a flattering face: "Third Master, this is a little of my heart. Please accept it."

The third master glanced at it and found that there was about 500000 yuan in cash, but only money. Then the third master's eyes fell on two jadeite bracelets and other jewels. He saw that the appearance was good, so he waved to his men to accept them. Then he said to Wu Long, "you can go back."