"I'm afraid you'll stay in the palace, so I deliberately say so, so that you know you're back." He Yu rather so says, don't conceal own scheme.

Lin Shi a shriveled mouth, pour is some disappointments, but also a little touched he Yu Ning's concern.

He Yining looked at the clouds outside the window and suddenly said, "there are some things During the Dragon Boat Festival, do you want to go to Kuncheng? It's pressing now, but it should be easier there. "

"Kuncheng? Why do you suddenly want to go to that place? "

Lin shiyileng recalled the place of Kuncheng. Looking at he Yuning's serious appearance, he didn't seem to be joking, "if you run out at this time, what if it's dangerous?"

He Yuning raised his eyes, rubbed her hair and nodded, "if you have it, you can't make a fuss. I think in the past, you and I seldom have time to go out together. Now it's the last peaceful life."

He said such words, I do not know what is planned, since even he Yu Ning said it was the last peaceful day, I think it must be a war in the future.

When Lin Shiyi heard this, he pondered for a moment and then said with a smile, "just go. Anyway, it's rare to have a holiday. I also want to go out for a walk. It's really hard to watch the empty place in the capital every day."

Then he curled up in his arms and said, "why can't we have peace, but what's the matter?"

"The news of Pingjun will soon come from the frontier fortress. There is not much time for such a stable life." He Yu rather light says.


The Dragon Boat Festival was originally a day for the imperial family to pray.

I heard that in recent days, the Empress Dowager was in poor health, so she couldn't go to the imperial temple to pray.

Because of this, the blessing of this year's Dragon Boat Festival was changed to the palace.

Lin Shiyi thought that it would be better for he Yuning to enter the palace for a while, but he didn't expect that he would come back before noon.

The carriage stopped at the door of the palace. He Yuning just took off his boa robe at will and waited for Lin Shiyi to get on.

"How come you've come back so soon? I thought that with the temperament of he Yusu, you must stay and look for trouble." Summer is warm and warm. Lin Shiyi is wearing a goose yellow skirt. Her white skin is more and more transparent.

Against the sun, it seems that you can vaguely see the blue blood vessels around your neck, which can be broken by blowing.

He Yu Ning stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. The carriage rolled slowly.

"Something happened."

He said lightly, not satisfied.

Actually speaking of this matter, it seems that there is a little more ridicule.

Lin Shiyi didn't understand his meaning. He looked like a riddle. He pulled his sleeve and said, "what's the matter

But Qingxian couldn't hold it. She looked rather complicated and said, "Miss Lin, the Empress Dowager's health is not good recently. I just didn't expect to pray today. As soon as I got down on my knees, I fainted directly. Everyone around me was in a hurry. The emperor let us come back."

There is such a thing.

Lin Shiyi smacks his tongue. I don't know why the Empress Dowager's body suddenly becomes like this. Now that she faints during the Dragon Boat Festival, I'm afraid that the national masters of divination and divination will be busy for a while.

"It's such a good thing." Lin Shiyi muttered to himself, thinking that because of today's events, they could leave the capital early.

He Yu rather funny ground looks at her, know she does not have his intention, but still intentionally way, "you pour is malicious mind, unexpectedly say this kind of words."

"You know I didn't mean that." Lin Shiyi spat and pushed him.

In summer, people can easily feel each other's body temperature with thin silk clothes.

Aware of the burning temperature on the solid arm of he Yuning, Lin Shiyi was surprised and quickly took back his hand, rather embarrassed.

He Yu rather loses a smile, straight embrace her, also don't say much, looking out of the window scenery, relaxed and happy.

It's been a long time since I left the capital for another place.

Although the capital is prosperous, there are many.

After thinking about it, only Kuncheng is more quiet.

"I still remember that when I went to Kuncheng to find something for you, it was amazing." Lin Shiyi said in a low voice. When he talks about Kuncheng, he will think of the old monk in the Bodhisattva temple. He also thinks that Yao Guang was in the temple at that time, pale and pitiful.

He Yu rather nodded, talking about the Bodhisattva temple, or a trip to the prime minister's house is quite a key place.

"If there are such things now, will you still let me go to the Bodhisattva temple?" Lin Shiyi suddenly thought that he was quite curious.

After all, at that time, her relationship with he Yuning was just pure employment, and there was no emotion.

In retrospect, it's hard to believe that they have come to this day step by step.

He Yu rather picks eyebrow, don't know she asks the intention of this sentence why, but looking at the light cloud color outside the window, way, "there is not so many if, just now, I also won't let you go to risk again."Lin Shiyi pursed his lips and secretly laughed. He knew that he Yuning was such a person. He leaned on him contentedly and closed his eyes for a rest.

By the time the carriage was stable, it had already reached Kuncheng.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the temple fair in Kuncheng is more lively than that in Beijing.

Even more pedestrians than the capital.

"It seems that he Yusu's order hasn't come to Kuncheng yet." Lin Shi one side low voice way, one side along with He Yu Ning got out of the car.

Looking around, Kuncheng is still the same as before, but I miss it.

"There is still a dragon boat pool in Kuncheng, but it has not been racing for a long time. Now it has become a place for tea tasting and chatting." He Yu rather one side leads Lin Shi one to walk, one side way.

Lin Shiyi nodded. He was in a hurry last time and didn't have time to have a good look at the place.

Now follow he Yu Ning, just discover this place pour also don't have some fun.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat pool has long been slowly driving such a big boat.

Lin Shiyi saw that there were so many boats sailing on the small lake. They were singing and dancing. The sound of Pipa and the song complemented each other. The lads on the boat were dressed luxuriantly. At that time, they didn't know what they were talking about.

"These people look at their leisure, but they don't know that the war is tight."

Lin Shiyi sniffed and looked at several people who were strong and strong, but they should be rich.

"All the people who can come out today must be Zhong Mingding's family. To hear them say that the war is tight is to play the lute before the ox." He Yu Ning said so, glancing around, did not see a few familiar faces.

Qingxian has already gone to the teahouse to find a place.

There are three or four teahouses relying on the Dragon Boat pool, but only the only one rises from the top to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the whole dragon boat pool.

The owner respectfully welcomed several people and sent them to the quiet wing room on the third floor.

As soon as I got inside, the noise outside was much less.

Lin Shiyi was relieved to have a quiet place for her to relax a little.

Kuncheng is very busy now, but it's quite different from what I imagined.

In the distance, there are several temples scattered among the crispy peaks, and now there are leisurely incense.

Speaking of the temple, Lin Shiyi suddenly thought of something.

Suddenly, with a smile, I heard the past.

"What are you laughing at?" He Yu rather picks eyebrow, looking at her so happy.

"Nothing, just an old friend." Lin Shiyi said so.

What you can think of is not an old friend, that is, Lin Yangyang, who is always looking for trouble in the prime minister's office.

Listen to have been sent to this place by Lin Xuan for a long time, just don't know the time has changed, now the person is how.

"By the way, I think about one thing. Since you are so excellent, you are a prince, and you have a noble status, why are you so 20 and 2 years old this year, and there are no women in one room?"

Said Lin Yangyang, can't help but think of her admiration he Yuning things, also can't help but think of such a thing.

He Yu rather sneers, seem to be to this problem very is not mean, "why do I have to marry?"

"Isn't that natural? If a man of this age doesn't marry, he won't be suspected..." Lin Shiyi, looking at his sleeve, kneaded it into a ball -

"the habit of breaking the sleeve."

Qingxian's hand trembled.

Looking at Lin Shiyi in surprise, it seemed unbelievable.

Does he Yuning have the habit of breaking his sleeve?

Does he look like that?

It's true that he Yu Ning is more beautiful than pan an, but that's a man's beauty. How can he have the habit of breaking his sleeves?

All of a sudden, he felt sharp on his back.

Looking back, I saw a cold look. I found that I was in a daze for too long.

"Say, why on earth? I'm curious about this. I've wanted to ask for it for a long time, and I always forget it." Lin Shiyi pestered him and insisted on finding out why.

With all the women who fall in love, they have to ask about their boyfriend's past to be happy.

He Yu Ning helps forehead, did not expect that she still has such curiosity.

Finally, taking a deep breath, he raised his head and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you don't know that every prince will reward a maid of honor when he is an adult."

"What teaches the maid in waiting?" Lin Shiyi was quite alert, and when he heard the name, he felt something was wrong.

He Yu rather pick eyebrow, smile not to smile of looking at her, fingertip lightly beat desktop, peep out playful look.

That meaningful look, can't help but let people imagine

"You bastard! Scum man Lin Shi one suddenly a Leng, suddenly return to God, looking at He Yu Ning this appearance, mostly also understand what.It is said that the former prince had no worries about this kind of thing, since someone would send a woman to the door, but he asked a few more questions. He thought he Yuning was a gentleman or Liu Xiahui!