Nanshi looked at Lin Shiyi quietly. At last, he gave a sneer. He opened his mouth and said in a dumb voice, with some hatred and annoyance, "it's rare. Are you discussing something with the spy? Don't think I don't know. You are shielding others when you recognize people that day

"You don't have to be bloody." Lin Shiyi's heart was tight, but he said in a cold voice. Unexpectedly, Nan Shi was so clever.

In my heart, I think of what the elder Nan said. When it's over, the elder Nan is going to kill Nansha. I'm afraid that Nansha still doesn't know about it.

Seeing Lin Shiyi, Nan Shi sneered and said, "don't think I don't know. You are a spy! I tell you, I will never lose to you! If you confuse the boss, I will tell him that you are the real villain! "

"I'm lazy about you." Lin Shiyi's face was not good. He said in a deep voice that he was about to leave.

All of a sudden, Nanshi hurried forward and grabbed the wrist of the voice with great strength, "why! Why does boss Nan believe you? Why do you want to beat me like this? You must be a sinister villain who spoke ill of me with boss Nan. If not, how could boss Nan lay a heavy hand on me! "

It was the South boss who ordered Nanshi to be beaten like this? Lin Shiyi was puzzled. Looking at nanshai, he found that something was wrong with him.

The eyes were blue and black, and his face was dispirited. The corners of his lips were cracked, but he seemed to be dispirited.

Clearly, when I saw him in the morning, he was still in high spirits, but now he looked very weak.

Nanshi gritted his teeth, his voice was hoarse, his eyes were red, and he looked at Lin Shiyi with wide eyes, "is it hard to Boss Nan doesn't believe me? "

When he spoke, his breath was unsteady, and there was a strange smell on his body.

Lin picked up a meal, as an agent for many years, in various places have been contacted, and finally understand what is going on in Nansha.

It was the elder brother Nan who gave him a lot of smoke, or he had smoked a lot before, but he didn't smoke a lot for a long time, which made him feel a little trance.

"There's nothing wrong with what boss Nan said. Your ambition is too big. You've reached the stage of madness." Lin Shiyi has no choice but to know that you don't know such a person's mind. He can only say in a cold voice and shake off nanshai.

As expected, he had become rather weak. With only a little strength, he had already stepped back two steps and almost fell down.

Lin Shiyi turned around and ignored Nanshi.

Although he didn't know why Nansha insisted that he must be a spy, Lin Shiyi was still a bit worried. He went into the room and looked at Nansha from the crack in the door, only to find that he was still standing there and couldn't see clearly.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is time for the clock to leave.

In the early morning of that day, Lin Shiyi saw Qing Xian and was relieved to learn that Han Yu had left safely.

"Miss Lin, it's just this What are you going to do? Why don't you come with me to the master? " In the end, green envy or a bit worried to say, after all, Lin Shiyi has been in the storm village, disguised as a man is not a way, to the end of the total east window incident.

Lin Shiyi's heart has not thought well, Lin Yuming's things have not been investigated clearly.

She slowly shook her head, only patted Qingxian's shoulder and said, "don't worry, I have my own plan for this matter. Besides, isn't he still angry with me?"

Although I can't remember what made them angry for a long time, Lin Shiyi didn't want to talk to him when he Yu Ning took the initiative to talk to him.

The killers have been sent out more than half, and the south gate pass is now empty.

I met ah Huan when I went out. I don't know when he came back from Fengbo village. Lin Shiyi saw that he was a little nervous.

Gather up to go forward, just see a Huan lowered a voice, pull her to a side of the corner inside, way, "why South Stone always follow you?"? I also want to say something to you, but I can't say anything. Just when I saw that he was distracted, I dared to pull you over. "

Lin Shiyi's face changed slightly. Looking back, he saw that in the hall, he was puzzled. He thought that he couldn't see Lin Shiyi, so he began to look for him.

"Don't pay attention to him. I'm afraid he's crazy." Lin Shiyi was quite helpless and said, "the addiction to big smoke is so heavy. Now the elder Nan wants to kill him."

Today's Nansha looks even more depressed than yesterday. It used to be full of vitality and five big and three thick bodies. Now it's looking at the rickety body with decadent eyes and muttering. I don't know what I'm talking about.

If heaven wants to destroy it, it must make it crazy.

Ah Huan scratched his head and looked at Nan Shi again with a puzzled face. He only felt that his appearance was a bit shocking. He turned his mouth and turned back quickly.

"What's the matter?" Back to God, Lin Shiyi asked ah Huan, "did you tell the master about it?"

"When I went back to the storm villa yesterday, I already told the villa leader that he would bring people to the south gate at noon, just waiting for us to open the gate and let them in!" Speaking of this matter, ah Huan clapped his thigh and was very happy. He only thought that although master Lin's face was still serious yesterday, he could see some joy from his look.Ah Huan said with a smile, "villa leader Lin is very happy. He only said that you are a powerful person. We finally have this chance. Thanks to you, we can know the news from the south gate pass. Then the eldest lady will come too!"

Lin Shiyi nodded. After hearing this, his face didn't change much. He just said seriously, "but you still have to be careful. Boss Nan said that he let me guard at the south gate that day. I don't know where he will be that day."

Ah Huan nodded, rather strange. Lin Shiyi's look was wrong, but maybe it was because it was not suitable to show his own expression in this place, so he said, "there are many people coming one day. Don't worry."

After hearing this, Lin Shiyi was relieved.

But ah Huan was a little curious and said in a low voice, "I just don't know who the people were that day?"

"I don't know." Lin Shiyi sipped his mouth and shook his head.

Now that Han Yu has gone back, he Yu Ning should be ready in advance, and there should be no fault.

Just as he was talking, he saw that elder brother Nan had already walked down the stairs. He coughed two times and suddenly stopped.

Lin Shiyi turns his head and lets ah Huan leave. When he goes out, he sees that the elder Nan is impartial and meets Nan Shi, who is looking for Lin Shiyi in the hall.

South elder brother a see a way south stone, the facial expression then more and more not good, walk up to come forward, sink a voice angry way, "what do you come out to do again?"

"Boss." Nanshi looked back at Nanlao, and knelt down in a hurry, looking flustered, "Lao! There are undercover agents in the south gate! Be careful

South elder brother cold hum a in, don't turn head, don't want to pay attention to south stone.

But Nanshi didn't want to miss this opportunity. He knelt down in front of the elder Nan and hesitated for a long time. He looked back and saw Lin Shiyi standing on one side, biting his teeth and saying, "elder! You You give me a little more. You believe me. I am absolutely loyal to you. After so many years, don't you believe me? "

"It is because of so many years that your sin is unforgivable." The South elder brother shrugs a shoulder however, quite don't care to say.

After pondering for a moment, Nan Shi suddenly pointed to Lin Shiyi and said fiercely, "do you really want to make this man who is not clear about the way become the second leader of the south gate? It's better for me to have a fair competition with her. If I win, boss, you'll kill her! "

He was already in a trance, and some of his words were not clear.

Lin shiyileng, slightly save eyebrows, some unhappy.

Can South elder brother but pick eyebrow, pour is quite appreciate this idea, toward Lin Shi a move.

Lin Shiyi stepped forward and looked back at Nan Shi. He was foaming at the corner of his mouth. His appearance was more frightening than yesterday. After a while, he heard the elder Nan's voice down beside her. "I didn't expect that he couldn't last a day and killed him."

Lin Shiyi on one side was a little surprised. He looked back at the elder Nan and thought he was telling a joke.

At will to kill the people inside the south gate, Lin Shiyi how also did not expect South boss will let himself to do.

See Lin Shiyi look surprised, South boss but calm, hands around, pick eyebrow way, "in my side people, heart is not cruel, how can you do?"

After that, he waved his hand again, turned and went upstairs, "give him a big cigarette, let me see if he has the ability."

Then he turned and left.

Lin Shiyi was dumb. He looked back at Nan Shi with a gloomy smile. In a short time, the guard next to him took out a little smoke. When Nan Shi saw it, the hungry wolf rushed forward and smoked deeply.

After a while, it seemed that he had recovered all his strength, and even his face became more energetic.

After moving his wrist, Nan Shi raised the corner of his mouth. The split mouth looked very shocking. There was still a little foam around the corner of his mouth, which looked like a madman.

Lin Shiyi didn't want to fight, but since Nan Shi was like this, she had no choice but to walk forward slowly. Thinking of the elder Nan Shi, if Nan Shi really wanted to do harm to her, she would not be merciful.

"Come on, you want to..." Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw that Nan Shi suddenly took out a gray powder from his waist and blew it to Lin Shiyi's eyes.

Lin Shi was shocked and stepped back two steps. He felt a pain in his eyes, and the tingling sensation spread from his eyes. In a moment, his eyes became blurred and he could not see anything clearly.