Li hengxuan speeds up and flies towards Tianyuan city. When he is five thousand miles away from Tianyuan City, he sees a huge thing flying in front of him, a huge spaceship.

The ship is 50 feet wide and 300 feet long.

Nine golden dragons are carved on the bow of the ship. The huge dragon boat cuts across the sky like a golden lightning. It is extremely fast and powerful.

All of a sudden, the dragon boat stopped and stopped thousands of feet away from Li hengxuan.

At the bow of the boat, two familiar figures appeared, kneeling in front of Li hengxuan.

It was Chen Shiyu and Fang Xiaoyou that he had received when he was in Tianyuan city. After they saluted, they flew out from the bow of the boat.

They were followed by 900 eunuchs.

The eunuchs were escorted by a dragon chariot with a length of nine feet, while the palace maids came slowly, holding luxurious umbrellas on both sides.

In the back, Han Jian flew out from the bow of the boat with a 3000 strong armored Imperial Army riding a shining, windy hovering locomotive, forming two neat teams, with high momentum and great momentum.

"Welcome your majesty back to the court, long live the emperor, long live the Emperor..."

"Welcome your majesty back to the court, long live the emperor, long live the Emperor..."

"Welcome your majesty back to the court, long live the emperor, long live the Emperor..."

Three thousand armored forces, issued a frightening roar, this scene, let Li hengxuan some accident. Dianxing said that Xiaolian prepared a grand welcome ceremony for him, but he didn't expect that before he arrived at Tianyuan City, the people in the city came out to pick him up.

"Your Majesty, the queen has held a grand welcome ceremony for your majesty. Let's welcome your majesty first and bathe and dress for your majesty."

Fang Xiaoyou, Chen Shiyu said in unison.

"It's hard for you two to love your concubines. Let's go flat."

Li hengxuan waved his hand and smiled. He was very satisfied with Xiaolian's arrangement. Obviously, Xiaolian has grown up very fast in recent years and knows the way of balance.

Fang Xiaoyou and Chen Shiyu were both taken by him in the great dynasty of Tianyuan city.

Not long after that, he left Tianyuan City, so they were the concubines who spent the shortest time with him.

At the same time, behind Fang Xiaoyou is Fang family, while behind Chen Shiyu is Hunter League.

These two forces were the royalists of Tianyuan city at the beginning, and they were the important help to support Li hengxuan's acceptance of Tianyuan city. Now it is also one of the important forces in Tianyuan City, second only to the Ye family. Xiaolian asked the two of them to meet her ahead of time, instead of spring grass and stars. It's really very suitable.

Li hengxuan said with a smile: "I have been away for several years. I often think of you when I am fighting outside."

"Thank you for your favor."

They were overjoyed. They didn't expect that Li hengxuan would miss them.

Because of all the concubines, they have the least sense of existence.

"Your Majesty, by the order of the queen, I will bring three thousand forbidden troops to welcome you. Long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

In the distance, Han Jian also flew over. He jumped from the locomotive and bowed to Li hengxuan.

"Get up."

Li hengxuan lifted Han Jian up with a smile and said, "I haven't seen you for several years. You've grown up a lot. You're already a top martial arts sage."

Han Jian said humbly, "thanks to your Majesty's promotion of Shendan, otherwise I would not have this accomplishment so soon."

"If you have this gift, you will not be promoted to the first level." Li hengxuan waved his hand. Han Jian's talent is very high. It's not inferior to Ye Shaoqing and ye Shaocheng's brothers and sisters. He knew this for a long time.

He said, "is your sister OK? At the beginning, your sister asked me to come back quickly. What's the matter?"

Han Jiandao said: "the empress ordered me to wait for your majesty to go back and talk about this. I don't know the specific situation."

"Well, let's go."

Li hengxuan waved his hand. Although Xiaolian was in a hurry, since she didn't say it in her letter at that time, it means that he didn't come back to deal with it immediately, so he's not in a hurry at the moment.

He stepped on the Dragon chariot specially prepared for him, patted on both sides of the seat, and said with a smile, "two of you, come up together."

"Your Majesty, it's not the same."

They hesitated a little, which was unreasonable.

Li Heng Xuan laughed and said, "I call you to come up, and you will come up."


They bent slightly, stepped on the Dragon chariot slowly, and sat by Li hengxuan's side.

"Take off..."

There was a eunuch shouting.

Immediately someone took control of the Dragon chariot and flew slowly. Soon, they flew to the dragon boat which was not far away.

"Your Majesty, our sisters serve your Majesty in bathing and dressing." Fang Xiaoyou, Chen Shiyu, got up and said at the same time.


Li hengxuan also got up.

They led the way and walked towards the inside of the dragon boat.

The dragon boat is huge and luxurious. It's like a moving palace. It has everything in it. This is obviously a holy flying magic weapon, not a fake one.Compared with his breaking boat, although not as good as, but at this stage, whether it is flight speed, or defense, attack, the difference is not far. After all, he can't give full play to the power of the breaking boat.

Li hengxuan said in a soft voice, "is this boat made by Zhang Heng?"

Fang Xiaoyou said, "my Lord, it's really sent by Lord Zhang from Wuzhou. It's specially made for your majesty."

"If it's really from him, I'm very lucky to have him!"

Li hengxuan couldn't help sighing that at the beginning, he didn't want to have today.

At the beginning, even the powerful Wuzhou had no saint level magic weapons, and the only few Heaven level magic weapons were also the inside information of the three strongest forces. At that time, tiewuji of Tiequan sect didn't hesitate to spend a lot of clan interests for a golden dragon killing, and finally didn't get it.

Now, Zhang Heng can easily create a holy level magic weapon. It's also the most difficult flying magic weapon to make.

From this point, it can be seen that today's summer is quite different from the previous one.

According to this speed of development, as long as you give him another ten years, even if the upper three states really come, he will not be afraid. In another 20 years, he even had the confidence to personally command the army, attack the upper three states, conquer the upper three states, and truly unify the nine states.

Unfortunately, there are only less than three years left for him to develop steadily.

Three years of development, to meet the next war, for today's summer, it is really a bit too hasty.

Just as Li hengxuan was daydreaming, the party came to Longchi. Some maids had already prepared dragon robes, dragon crowns, etc. and stood by.

Chen Shiyu, Fang Xiaoyou said at the same time: "Your Majesty, we serve you to bathe."

"OK, let's go down together."

Li Heng Xuan ha ha a smile, one left one right embraces two love imperial concubines, jumped down the dragon pool.


half an hour ago, my wife had a sudden attack of uterine contractions, which lasted for more than ten minutes, longer than the previous false contractions.

Maybe she's going to have a baby. I'll take her to the hospital now.

If it's going to be born, it's the same today, and I'll ask for leave tomorrow. If it's not going to give birth, but it's just a stomachache, I'll write two more after I come back later.