"Yes! Dilong guessed right. There is energy in the white fog. You need to experience it carefully to find out! " Bai Lixian was very excited with a smile on his face. He cried out: "and it's not just one kind of energy. There are two kinds of energy. Two kinds of energy are contained in these silver white fog!"


Li Heng Xuan a Leng, also extremely excited of say: "that affirmation one kind is emperor gas!"

Let's go!

He also closed his eyes and realized the skill carefully.

His present talent has a high affinity for all kinds of energy, such as the aura of heaven and earth. He soon felt two kinds of energy in the silver fog.

A kind of energy is very gentle, huge and broad, as vast as the sea and sky, but it also has a kind of concealment, which is not easy for ordinary people to detect. That's why people didn't feel any energy here before.

And another kind of energy, but it is extremely cold!

He just felt a little bit as if he was going deep into the ice cave. His bones were frozen. He saw Xiaolian again.

Standing in front of him, within reach.


Li hengxuan said in a deep voice, raising his hand instinctively to touch her cheek.

But at the same time, he wakes up and sees the phantom of Xiaolian. However, this time, because he suffered a loss in front of him, he was prepared and didn't hit again.

The same kind of energy is also very hidden and hard to detect.

"One of them should be emperor Qi, and the gentle, broad and vast energy like ocean and sky should be emperor Qi. Another kind of cold and hallucinating energy should be the cold pool power

Li hengxuan said in a deep voice: "it's the ontological power of Yinlong. It's a power of stars that doesn't belong to Kyushu! This silver dragon is really sky fire! With the fall of the meteorite, it brought the power of the stars to Kyushu. It cooperated with the emperor's Qi and gave birth to the sky fire. At the moment of the birth of the sky fire, a strong cold force erupted, freezing the volcano when we came in! Then, it gave birth to wisdom and turned into a silver dragon

"Well, I think so, too."

Bailixian nodded and continued: "now everything is clear. It's this silver dragon that controls liegang and those monsters and stone carvings to attack us all the way! And those stone carvings of monsters are not the stone carvings of monsters at all. They are just our illusions. The silver dragon has powerful magic, and neither the old nor the dead can see the flaw. "

Bailixian explained in a low voice.

All of a sudden, the formation of those fierce Gang big also is not what massive heaven and earth aura, but the emperor here.

Here, the whole place is a natural array, which can form the defense border of fierce gang and magic. Silver dragon can control the imperial Qi here, so it controls the natural array here. It can be said that it is almost invincible here.

Even the monster's eyes were carefully arranged outside. Did not let Lori see the flaw, only in the attack, Lori can find its attack intention!

It can be seen how powerful its magic is with the natural array here.

Li hengxuan continued: "unless some of us can control the imperial Qi here and compete with it for the control of this natural array, we will never get out! It's because we can't break this natural array at all. It's at least a powerful defensive array at the sky level. It's not far from the mountain protection array of major forces. "

"I'll have a try."

Bailixian whispered that among all the people here, he is the only one who is the martial saint with Jiang Shasheng, and Jiang Shasheng is really stronger than him.

But it's better to die than to die.

It is not in the control of Xuanqi that the sense of all kinds of energy is not as good as that of bailixian. At the moment, the task of controlling the imperial Qi here has to be handed over to bailixian.

Finally, the rest of us

The realm is too low, even the martial saint is not, how to control the emperor Qi that Emperor Wu can control?

"Baili old man, you come here, I'll plunder the array for you. If the silver dragon dares to come out and make trouble, I'll be the first one to pull its tendons and strip his skin!"

Dead kill living to sink a voice to say, stand to the side of hundred Li fairy.


Bai Lixian nodded, then sat down with his knees crossed.

His skill is not very strong, just at the prefecture level. After all, strictly speaking, he can only be regarded as a civilian.

It was also a great chance when I was young to get prefecture level skills.

However, Baili immortal is extremely gifted. With a prefecture level skill, he reached the peak of Wuhuang more than 100 years ago. In this mountain, he even broke through to the realm of wusheng.

Moreover, he also practiced this skill and got his own experience.

They are more powerful than ordinary people who practice Tianji Gongfa step by step and only know how to learn, but don't understand it.

At the moment, bailixian was sitting here, and all the people could see was that the silver white fog was gathering on him automatically.Bailixian is very careful. He first decomposes the silver fog to extract the energy, and then carefully separates the energy again.

Because there are two kinds of energy, one is emperor Qi.

The other is the power of the stars outside the sky. It's extremely cold and can make people hallucinate. He doesn't dare to eat himself.

The power of stars is no more than the aura of heaven and earth, nor the aura of emperor.

It is the aura of heaven and earth that martial arts practitioners absorb when they practice. It is the most familiar energy of martial arts practitioners.

Although emperor Qi is strong, it is also the energy of Kyushu itself.

The power of the stars is the power beyond the sky, which is totally different from the aura of heaven and earth. Most martial arts people never dare to take it rashly.

Unless bailixian also has Li hengxuan's star refining skill.

A large number of silver white fog around the hundred Li fairy, and gradually be decomposed and diluted. Finally, a silver light came out of the hundred Li immortal. He was bathed in the silver light.

It looked very peaceful and peaceful, he gave a smile.

"Yes, the teacher made it!"

Chen Yifei said in a low voice, this means that bailixian has successfully inhaled the emperor's Qi. As long as he inhales the emperor's Qi, gets familiar with the emperor's Qi, and then controls the emperor's Qi, not to mention controlling the array here, as long as he can disturb the array and make it powerless.

Then we can break the battle with violence. At that time, everyone can go out.

Bai Li Xian's silver light is more and more prosperous. He floats slowly, just like a God, holy and solemn, and floats to the sky.

The crowd was relieved at last.

Bailixian finally succeeded, and everyone can go out at last.

But at this time, the sudden change!

The crowd saw that bailixian's face changed quickly from peaceful to painful. He spat out a mouthful of old blood, and the whole person fell from the air to the ground in an instant. He fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Ha ha ha It's just a martial saint of the human race. He dares to absorb the emperor's spirit. It's ridiculous. Fortunately, you're in line in time! Otherwise, you will explode and die... " Below the silver dragon's disdainful laughter came out again: "you can never control the emperor's Qi, just wait to die."

"Is Terran hard to control?"

Li Heng Xuan suddenly a smile, looked at the Emperor Dragon, deep voice way: "so dragon?"