Wei Chi Shao came to the place Xin wanxiao said by car all night and got off the plane. Xin wanxiao was waiting for him at the gate of the airport.

As soon as Wei Chi and Shao came to Xin wanxiao's face, they looked at each other. There was no feeling that mother and son met each other. Some of them could only be indifferent. Whether it's Wei Chi Shao Yi and Xin Wan Xiao, or Xin Wan Xiao is the same to Wei Chi Shao Yi.

"What on earth do you want to do, call me to this place." Weichi Shaoyi is never a person who likes to beat around the bush. Xin wanxiao, in particular, has repeatedly called him and disrupted his plan, which makes weichi Shaoyi quite angry.

Xin Wan smile gently curved corners of the mouth smile: "I just want you to see orchid."

As soon as Wei Chi and Shao turned around and left, Xin Wan didn't stop him. He just said, "Youlan's heart has been burdened. The doctor said that it may be these days that Youlan will go."

Weichi Shaoyi is not so hard hearted after all. He stops when he hears Xin Wan's words. But Xin Wan didn't feel happy. Now she couldn't be happy with anything.

"The reason why I don't make it clear to you on the phone is that I'm afraid you'll hang up as soon as you hear the name of Youlan. I don't have any other extravagance now. I just hope you can see Youlan, just see her." Xin wanxiao said that her eyes were already red. Her poor Youlan couldn't get what she wanted. Now she can't die gracefully. All this is due to Xiao Zhizhi. She will never forgive Xiao Zhizhi in her life.

Wei Chi Shao turned around and went to Xin wanxiao again. He looked directly at Xin wanxiao and said, "I hope you don't cheat me."

Xin wanxiao turns around and walks out of the airport with Wei Chi Shaoyi.

It's about the middle of January now. Although the weather starts to clear up, it will rain occasionally. The air is still mixed with cold, two people out of the airport are a little cold, I don't know if it is cold heart caused by cold body. Sitting in the car, the driver expertly drove to the place where Xin wanxiao is now cultivated. Bai Youlan's health is getting worse every day now. Xin wanxiao finds a remote place with clean scenery to let Bai Youlan move in. There is no servant, no one else, only Bai Youlan knows. Bai Youlan doesn't want to see outsiders any more. She doesn't like to talk much. When Xin wanxiao sees her, she is always silent. Only the name of Wei Chi Shao Yi can make Bai Youlan have a little reaction. If she can smile, Xin wanxiao really hopes that the pain that comes to Bai Youlan can be accepted by her, but the problem is that she can't.

Soon the car arrived at a remote place, where stands a big villa. Western style villas are particularly conspicuous in remote places. Wei Chi Shaoyi and Xin wanxiao walk there together. After entering the villa, Xin Wan went up to the second floor with a smile and said to Wei Chi Shao: "You Lan is also a dying man now. I hope you can leave some virtue to let you LAN go in peace."

This is also a warning. Wei Chi and Shao Yi don't pay attention to Xin Wan's smile.

At the door, Xin wanxiao adjusted her facial expression and knocked on the door. Only when a gentle woman's voice came from inside did Xin wanxiao push the door open and walk in. Wei Chi and Shao Yi suddenly hesitated when he stepped in. Maybe he was a little afraid to see Bai Youlan now. He has a very complex feelings for Bai Youlan. She and she grew up together. In a sense, Bai Youlan is really the first love of Shaoyi. The first love is always beautiful, although Shaoyi's first love is not so beautiful.

Pause for a few seconds, Wei Chi Shao went in, sitting on the bed of white orchid slightly turned his head. The scar on her face was shocking, but she didn't cover it with anything.

"Here you are." White you orchid pulled open the corner of the mouth to smile, the voice is very light.

As soon as Wei Chi Shao walks over, he drags a chair and sits beside Bai Youlan. Bai Youlan looks at Xin Wan and smiles: "can I have a chat with brother Wei Chi alone?"

Xin Wan smile in the heart is ten million don't want to, Wei Chi Shao a mouth poison of very, she is to worry of. Xin wanxiao can't refuse Bai Youlan, so she has to give a warning to Wei Chi Shaoyi. Then she goes out and takes the door with her. Wei Chi Shao's eyes are full of satire. Even when he sees Bai Youlan's present appearance, he has some sympathy in his heart, but he still can't forgive people: "my mother still loves you so much. It's like this since you came to my house. Sometimes I really doubt whether you are her daughter?"

Bai Youlan smiles and shakes her head. She doesn't care about Wei Chi Shaoyi's sarcasm. She just stares at Wei Chi Shaoyi quietly: "it doesn't matter. My only wish is to see you when I'm dying. Looking at you, I think of the scene when I saw you for the first time when I was a child. Brother weichi, you took my hand and said you would not lose me, but I lost myself. "

Bai Youlan said, her eyes slightly wet, she tried not to cry, but the choking voice betrayed her.

Wei Chi and Shao Yi are silent. What Bai Youlan said reminds him of his childhood.

Many years ago, when Yuchi Shaoyi just moved to SS City, he had forgotten how old he was. At that time, he lived in a villa, and he felt very depressed except studying. One day he took advantage of the family did not pay attention to the time secretly ran out, that is at that time he met Bai Youlan.

"Woo woo." What's that noise? Wei Chi Shao goes towards the direction of sound and sees a little girl sitting on the swing in a playground where children play. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, but her tears kept falling. Wei Chi Shao walked past and stopped in front of the little girl. The little girl looked up at the boy in front of her and sobbed“ Are you ok? " Wei Chi Shao has no habit of carrying handkerchief since he was a child. He can only stand in front of the little girl and ask. The little girl shook her head, thought of something and shrunk her mouth: "I'm lost and I can't find my way home." Wei Chi Shao looked around. Although there were not many houses around, there were several villas. Of course, he didn't know where the little girl's home was“ Don't be afraid. I'll lead you to find it. " Wei Chi Shao reaches out and takes the little girl's hand. The little girl follows Wei Chi Shao in confusion. Yuchi Shaoyi is much higher than the little girl. The little girl has to look up to see the integrity of Yuchi Shaoyi. The little girl blinked her eyes, and her hand was still held by Wei Chi Shao“ Brother, do you live here too? Are you lost, too? "