Chapter 1420

After sitting in the private room, the dog immediately asked expert Chen to sit in the best position on Tuesday.

"Commander in chief, how can I sit here? You are going to kill me..."

Chen firmly refused to sit down, feeling very embarrassed.

"Expert Chen, today you are the protagonist. Don't mention it. Please sit down..." Er Gou is very sincere. Under his insistence, expert Chen has to sit down reluctantly.

At this time, two dogs sat beside him, Yang Yaozi sat on the other side of Chen Li Li, and EVA, of course, sat down close to the dog.

There were four people and two dogs in the private room. After they asked the waiter to bring up the delicious food, they closed the door of the private room.

"Come on, expert Chen, I'd like to propose a toast to you. If you hadn't developed the protective shield, we would have suffered..." Er Gou stood up with the wine cup, and Yang Yaozi and EVA stood up with the cup.

"Commander in chief, you are so polite..." Chen Li Li also stood up excitedly, his hands holding the cup were shaking slightly.

"Commander in chief, if you didn't come forward to deal with the black zone monsters, I'm afraid that no matter how good things I've developed, I won't have a chance to install them smoothly, so the greatest credit is commander in chief, you're the right one..."

The two dogs laughed and drank up the glass“ You're welcome, expert Chen. I'll drink first... "

Two dogs holding the glass still keep an approachable smile on his face. Chen Li Li didn't say anything. He held the glass up and took a sip. He seldom drank, but he must drink the wine that the commander in chief offered today.

Several people all drank the wine in the glass, then sat down.

Two dogs and three of them have been having breakfast and lunch for half a day. They are already full of wine and food, so they can only eat some with expert Chen.

More than ten minutes later, expert Chen found something wrong, because the commander-in-chief just moved his chopsticks and didn't really eat much. At this time, he also put down his chopsticks. Chen knew that commander-in-chief Er Gou was looking for him, so there must be something important.

"Commander in chief, thank you for your hospitality. I'm full now. If commander in chief has any new tasks, please tell me. I'll do my best to do them..."

"Well, I'll be straight..."

Two dogs are no longer wordy, direct volley a grab, the black cylindrical storage stick out.

Yang Yaozi and EVA are no longer surprised by his way of taking things from the air, but Chen Lishi is very surprised.

"Isn't it, isn't it, isn't it the space storage technology that scientists all over the world are studying? How can the commander in chief already have it?" Chen Jianli was surprised at the way the dog picked up things, but ignored the black storage stick in his hand.

"This..." two dogs for a moment, he did not know how to explain, can only ignore it.

"Expert Chen, look at this. This is a storage stick from the black area..."

"Black zone?"

Chen Li Li immediately took it with a shaking hand. It was too precious. After fighting with the black zone creatures for such a long time, many people didn't even know what the black zone creatures were, because most of the people who could see them were dead.

And can get the high-tech goods of the black zone, simply don't even think about it.

But the commander in chief did.

Chen set up a very careful hand, this thing at a glance in the past ordinary can no longer be ordinary, he quickly took out a high power magnifying glass, self-confident research.

As time went by, there was no one talking in the private room. It was very quiet. Even the dog didn't dare to move on Tuesday, for fear that it would affect expert Chen's thinking.

It took half an hour for expert Chen to raise his head. He was so devoted that he almost forgot everything.

"I'm sorry to have kept the commander in chief waiting for a long time..." Chen said awkwardly.

"How's it going?" Two dogs quickly asked.

"Commander in chief, I let you down. The manufacture of this thing is very precise. I can't think of any way to crack it for the moment..."

"Oh... It doesn't matter, take your time, don't worry..."

Although Er Gou is a little disappointed, it's normal to think about it. It's high-tech in the black area. If it's cracked in half an hour, it's not high-tech.

"Expert Chen, next, what I tell you is confidential..." at this time, er Gou looked at expert Chen very seriously and said.

Expert Chen hardly saw the commander in chief being so serious. He immediately sat down respectfully and straightforwardly.

"Please don't worry, commander in chief. I will keep a secret..."

Expert Chen is the leading scientist in China. He has received numerous highly confidential tasks, so he is very clear about the importance of confidential tasks.

Moreover, this secret task is from the mouth of the commander in chief of the Asian region. It must be the top secret. Since he is willing to tell him, it shows that the commander in chief trusts him very much.

"Then, commander in chief, we'll go out first..." at this time, EVA and Yang Yaozi stood up. On such a formal occasion, EVA also called her man to commander in chief.

"No, you are all the people I trust most. Sit down."

Two dogs waved, let Yang Yaozi and EVA all sit down.

One of these two men is his handcuffed brother, who is also the main person in charge of the next task, and EVA is his own woman. If he doesn't trust his own woman, the dog will live in vain on Tuesday.

Yang Yaozi and EVA had to sit down again, but also very straight, with a serious face, looking at the dog without saying a word.

"Expert Chen, I have decided to set up a research organization to study black zone science and technology, and temporarily name it black zone science and technology research center. I now appoint you as the director of black zone science and technology research center in the name of the commander in chief of the Asian theater, Yang Yaozi as the deputy director of the research center, expert Chen, you are responsible for research and development, and Yang Yaozi is responsible for security and logistics, I hope you two can cooperate well and crack this storage stick as soon as possible, because it contains the most advanced technology in the black area... "

Hearing these words, Chen Li Li was stunned for more than a minute. He opened his mouth and looked at what he was holding in his hand.

This is black zone technology, and it's the most advanced. Chen knows what this seemingly ordinary stick means.

"Chief, chief, chief commander, is that true?" Chen, who has always been strict, has become stuttering.

He was too excited. With this, there is hope for the ultimate victory of mankind.

"Of course, it's true. In addition, I decided to transfer Chen Ji and Wang Xiaohong to the research center to help you. In addition, there are several small robots from the black area. They have some knowledge of this thing, and they will assign them to you to help you with your research..." er Gou said.

"Too, too good, that's too good. With their help, we can definitely succeed. Commander in chief, we can definitely win the final victory..."

Chen Li Li stood up excitedly, and his hand holding the storage stick trembled slightly. As a scientist, he was most excited to be able to touch such advanced things.