Chapter 1360

"Chief, what's the matter? Is the chief commander unhappy?" General Li, who was also on the plane with group leader long, asked with fright.

"Certainly, if your home is attacked, will you be happy? We have to compare our hearts. General Li, you are given this place. On Tuesday, the commander-in-chief of the dog has great trust in you. You should do everything you can to protect the house..."


General Li stood up excitedly in the plane and saluted group leader long.

Before Tuesday dog didn't know General Li. General Li always wanted to know the world's heroes. It was not until this time that Er Gou visited the training base that he finally got in touch with the commander in chief of Tuesday dog, which made general Li admire him even more.

This time, leader long gave him such an important task. General Li was determined from the bottom of his heart that he must complete the task well, so as not to let the commander in chief have any worries.

"You sit down, inform the bases in Asia, and let them be ready. After commander-in-chief Er Gou returns to the headquarters, he can start the protective shield immediately after he signs for confirmation. At that time, the whole Asia will be connected, and an unbreakable protective net will appear in the sky of Asia..."

When leader long spoke, he looked up at the sky, stretched out his palm and grasped it tremblingly in the air, which indicated that he was very excited.

This time, the shield project was successfully carried out in Asia, and it was supported by all Asian countries, which is inseparable from the credit of Er Gou.

If it wasn't for the super power of the commander-in-chief, which made the world's war zones admire him, or if it wasn't for the dog's powerful means to shake the whole black zone on Tuesday, then there would be wars in Asia as well. How could it be so smooth to work together to install the protective cover in that extremely chaotic situation.

At noon the next day, on Tuesday, after the dog and his family had dinner, they would kiss their women and their children one by one.

He doesn't want to leave them, but he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. If he doesn't stand up, who else can block the attack of the black area.

Looking around the world, we can be proud to say that no one can compete with the monsters in the black zone, let alone defeat them, except ourselves.

"Two dog husband, pay attention to safety..." send him to the door, Wang Xiangmei stood in the front and said, followed by all the women behind her, and two dog children, this is a big family.

"Don't worry, your man, your father, now is the most powerful man in the world, no one can hurt me..."

Two dogs said, confident smile, turned to go out, the back is very natural and unrestrained.

"Dad, come on, I'll take care of you..." Zhou Haotian stood behind him, clenched his little fist and cried.

"Well, my dear son, when you grow up, dad will be more relaxed... Ha ha ha..."

Er Gou looked back at his eldest son and walked out with a wild smile. He was in a good mood. Seeing his children grow up one by one, they must be heroes in the future.

After walking out of the villa, on Tuesday, the dog immediately swept the ground, turned around in the air and looked at his women and children. With a smile on his face, he waved to his relatives, and then quickly flew towards the base.

Today, when the dog is alone on Tuesday, he seldom drives. His speed is much faster than that of the car. He is free in the air. This feeling like a bird makes him very comfortable.

In the afternoon, leader long and several generals sat in the base command room, very uneasy.

"Team leader long, or you can contact the commander in chief again. I don't feel at ease if he doesn't sit down in person..." said a three-star general in Southeast Asia.

The shield on their side will start soon, but before starting, if the dog doesn't show up on Tuesday, all the generals here will be worried, because in case of any problem, no one can face the attack of the black zone.

"I, I can't make a phone call. Yesterday, the commander-in-chief was angry. It's hard for him to go back. He should let the commander-in-chief have a rest at home." Although group leader long was uneasy, he did not dare to disturb the dog.

Yesterday, he made sure that the defense around Taohuagou was watertight, and then he came back.

Today, the generals from all countries in the Asian war zone arrived at the base early in the morning to wait for the commander-in-chief to come forward, but he has not yet appeared, which inevitably makes people worried.

At this time, EVA sitting on one side was also silent, as if she had something on her mind.

In the past, she thought Er Gou was just an Asian little man. Although she was very capable, it was also a business and had nothing to do with her personal life. But now EVA's heart was a little complicated. She even missed him and the little man.

Although she had only been away for a few days, she wanted to see him very much. Especially last night, she was sleeping alone in the cave. Although there were guards at the cave entrance, EVA still had no sense of security. It seemed that she was used to talking and chatting with ER Gou. Without him, EVA couldn't sleep.

"Miss EVA, either, or you call the commander in chief..." then the general of Southeast Asia looked at EVA and said.

According to the plan, this afternoon is the time to start the Southeast Asian shield. At this critical moment, the senior leaders of their countries are looking forward to it. No one dares to start it without authorization, but it is not a matter to wait any longer.

"I, I, I'm just the representative of the American theater of war. It's not suitable to call the commander in chief of the Asian theater of war at this time..." EVA is wearing the uniform of the American theater of war, standing valiantly, with a bit of embarrassment on her face. Her figure is excellent. Although she is wearing military uniform, she is still beautiful.

"Miss EVA, you have a deep relationship with commander-in-chief Er Gou. It's very suitable for you to call him..."

"I, how can I..."

EVA is more embarrassed. How can she have a deep relationship with the commander in chief of Er Gou? Is it a legend between herself and the commander in chief in the whole Asian war zone?

EVA's face turned red. In fact, she didn't know it. Now it's not only the Asian theater, but also the European and American theater. There are even many big men in the theater. They began to ask for help from the American theater command. I hope EVA can help them to ask for two dogs and take charge of work in their theater as soon as possible.

"Miss EVA, please..." the three-star admiral saluted her directly, as if facing the biggest figure in the country.

Eva was at a loss.

Just when she didn't know what to do, suddenly the light in the room flashed and two dogs appeared.

"Ha ha, what's the matter? You old generals, why bother a beautiful woman? Don't you want to come to me? I said I would come. What's the hurry..."

Er Gou laughs and goes to the top empty seat and sits down. This seat is his special seat.

Just now, I was flying in the air to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The speed was a little slow. I didn't expect that there were so many Asian military leaders waiting for me.

"Commander in chief, you are here at last. Our main officials from Southeast Asian countries are all waiting for you, just waiting for you to announce the opening of the shield..."

When he found out that the commander-in-chief of the dog had finally arrived on Tuesday, the Southeast Asian general rushed over and said it, feeling that the stone in his heart had finally fallen to the ground.

At this time, two dogs were a little puzzled.

He just so domineering appearance, these old guys did not shock, which makes two dogs feel a bit incredible, is there a magic legend about himself already famous overseas?