Chapter 1345

"Gerry, how do you do things..."

As soon as Gerry went in, the marshal on the screen yelled at him.

"Marshal, I, I will deal with it. Tomorrow I will send all the forces to destroy their experiment..." Gerry said with his head down.

"Gerry, this is your last chance. If you still fail, you can do it yourself..." marshal jinjianglang said fiercely.

"Marshal, I will succeed. If I don't succeed, I will become benevolent."

Gerry's words have not finished, the screen has been black, it is obvious that marshal jinjianglang has hung up.


General Gerry smashed his fist on the table. Jin Jianglang took the credit. He lost the battle, so he was responsible.

At this time, Gerry went out and immediately called for his entourage.

"Get all the mecha beasts ready at once, and follow me tomorrow..."

Gerry yelled.


The two attendants immediately ran out to do business.

At this time, a lot of people in the black area were busy in the mecha warehouse 100 meters underground.

A huge mecha is being assembled, occupying several large warehouses.

It was getting dark. On Tuesday, the dog couldn't sleep. In the middle of the night, he put on a T-shirt and jeans and went out with a cigarette in his mouth.

Today, although they have learned from Wang Xiaohong and Chen Ji that people in the black area are hiding underground, they don't know the exact location, because every time they go out, they are transmitted by black technology.

"One hundred meters underground, where is it?"

Two dogs flew to a big tree and stood at the top of the tree looking at the distance.

If we don't listen to Wang Xiaohong and Chen Ji, we can't imagine that the creatures in the black area are hiding 100 meters underground. Let alone don't know the specific location, even if we know, it's hard to find them.

In order to completely destroy the black zone creatures in the Asian war zone, we must find their hiding places, and then use the special bombs left by the black zone to blow them to death and uproot their bases.

But I can't find it for the time being. Now I have to defend.

"Brother long, are you ready?" Er Gou takes out a secret phone and calls team leader long.

"Don't worry, commander-in-chief. Everything has been arranged. All the protective forces will obey your command tomorrow..."

"OK, enter the highest alert immediately. You are in charge of conducting the experiment, and I am in charge of safety..."

After that, er Gou hung up.

It's all ready in advance. It depends on tomorrow.

The wind blew slightly, and the two dogs flew up from the top of the tree and swept forward.

There is a high mountain over there, overlooking the experimental center. Er Gou has chosen a place and will ambush there tomorrow.

At dawn, leader long set out with his men and went straight to the experimental command room.

At this time, expert Chen is ready to take all the scientists with him.

"Experts, it's up to you today..."

Group leader long went in and said solemnly.

"Please rest assured, team leader long, we promise to complete the task..." Chen Li Li shouts with all the people.

They have made enough preparations for this experiment. Whether they succeed or not depends on today.

As for safety issues, team leader long has not paid attention to so many, and has given everyone's life to his dog.

At this time, expert Chen began to prepare with the scientists. Everyone was very busy and turned on all the equipment.

At this time, on the highest mountain, the dog closed his eyes and meditated on Tuesday.

Although his eyes seemed closed, his ears listened to everything around him. As long as there was a gust of wind, he would feel it.


Suddenly, in the wind, there were bursts of slight vibration.