Chapter 1335

Chen Ji quickly returned to the dense forest in the middle of the mountain.

"Brothers, hurry up and evacuate with me as soon as you finish the task..."

Chen Ji lowered his voice and called out to those black zone people who were busy burying explosive devices.

"Team leader Chen, is there no problem with the explosion over there?" Asked an accomplice.

"No problem, don't worry, finish our task first..."

Just when Chen Ji ordered his men to speed up the planting of the explosive device, in the nearby woods, the dog had arrived on Tuesday.

The violent explosion just now was arranged by the dog on Tuesday, and his goal was achieved, successfully attracting these black zone monsters out.

"Brother long, send people to surround us immediately, this time we must catch all..." the dog whispered with his walkie talkie on Tuesday.

"Commander in chief, don't worry, I've sent the most elite armored forces, and I'll be able to surround the mountain immediately..."

At this time, leader long himself sat in an armored car and directed the troops to drive up the mountain.

To deal with the monsters in the black area, we can only use heavy armored forces, otherwise the ordinary army has no effect at all.

At this time, on Tuesday, the dog took out the Dragon dagger. If he could kill all these guys, he would like to use the gold seal to crush them directly. But this time, he had to leave a few more alive, and he had to ask what their destructive equipment was and where it was installed.

Soon on the mountain, we heard the rumbling sound of armored vehicles moving. At this time, the black zone man who was busy burying the last few explosive devices suddenly stopped.

"Chief, something's wrong..."

"Yes, there's the sound of armored cars. It's all around. We seem to be surrounded..."

After hearing his subordinates' words, Chen Ji began to get nervous.

"Ma, you guys, let me have a look. If you find an armored car, destroy it directly..." Chen Ji shouts to several people around him.


Several black zone men immediately took action and took out a strange weapon from the bag behind them. This weapon is bigger than a pistol, and the middle of the barrel is round. I don't know what mysterious weapon it is. It can destroy armored vehicles with such a small thing.

At this time, the dog began to move on Tuesday and quietly approached the guys with strange weapons.

Just as the other side was lying on the ground, aiming at the armored car with weapons, on Tuesday, the dog suddenly rushed out, with a red dragon dagger in hand, and quickly dived into the heart of the black zone man.

After several battles, the dogs have found out the key of this kind of black zone man on Tuesday. They usually hide in the heart of the rubber body.

"Puchi, Puchi..."

After several successive stabs, these black zone people with weapons immediately stopped moving. As expected, the effect was very good.

"Grandma, finally let me find the dead place..."

On Tuesday, the dog was very excited. After fighting with the black zone creatures for so many times, he finally found out the characteristics of the black zone people.

These knives pierced in and killed the black area monsters hidden in the body. Two of them were black balls, and one was like an octopus. All of them were killed by one knife.

"Boom, boom..." then the sound of the armored car came closer and closer.

Chen Ji didn't know that the three companions were dead. He yelled to the other side: "Hey, you fools, why don't you open fire quickly? Use laser gun to destroy their armored car immediately, move quickly..."

Hearing Chen Ji's cry, the dog knew what these strange weapons were. They were laser cannons.

He immediately put away these three weapons, and later he can use their weapons to deal with the black zone monsters.