Chapter 1307

A year later.

This year, in addition to the happiness of Er Gou and the women, can be said to be a relatively flat year. Except for the occasional visit to his hometown to inspect the project progress of Longfeng No.1 village, er Gou basically spent the rest of his time in the riverside villa with the women.

"Husband, get the milk powder for your son quickly..."

"My husband, my daughter has peed. Take the diaper quickly..."

"Husband, how to play this card..."

The wives are playing mahjong in the villa, and the two dogs are busy.

Busy sweating, two dogs finally empty down, sitting on the sofa looking at more and more beautiful of them, as well as the landing of eight children, three men and five women, really busy.

Little dragon girl still didn't learn the mahjong skills of her sisters, holding her son in her hand and staring at the mahjong card in front of Su Xue.

"Sister Xue, fight quickly!" Little dragon girl can't understand it, but she likes to watch it.

"Don't worry, let my daughter's immortal hand touch a card, and make sure to touch a good card!" Su Xue holds her half year old daughter and holds her hand to mahjong.

Seeing this, er Gou was sweating all over the place“ Su Xue, teaching her daughter to play mahjong at such a young age? " Two dogs discontented said one. Su Xue's daughter is the eldest daughter of the Zhou family. She is very lively and lovely. When she was only half a year old, she knew how to call her parents and aunts.

"Ha ha, my daughter is very lucky, hu la..."

Su Xue put the cards on the table, all the same. To Hu, this one is a little big.

"Can't, can't, little aunt also want to borrow the baby's luck..." Cui Tingting lost quickly take off pants, quickly ran to Yang Mi held over.

"Husband, look at her. She robbed my daughter!" Su Xue pointed to Cui Tingting, a poor face.

"If my husband doesn't give birth to one for me, I'll have to borrow your baby first!" Cui Tingting is full of truth.

"Hey, hey..." two dogs drink tea and giggle.

The first year the baby out of control, all of a sudden out of 8, this year it's Wu Mei, Huizi and Daisy's turn. Among these three people, the one who makes the two dogs most upset is the guy in delis' stomach. I don't know what color it will be.

Because Wu Mei and Huizi have plans to live this year, they are also recruited back, and the power of Heilong headquarters is temporarily transferred to Yang Yaozi.


"Husband, what's the matter?"

Wipe, Daisy and these women mix for a long time, the speech is actually assimilated.

"Come here, brother, touch your stomach!"

"It's only three months. I can't see what's easy to touch!"

"It's OK, come here!"

Two dogs think like this. Maybe if they touch too much, the little ones inside will be more like themselves.

In order not to give birth to a black boy in her stomach, er Gou has been sleeping with her recently, hoping to influence the goods in her stomach.

Now, in addition to Jiang Qin of the special forces and Qie li of the United States, the women of Er gou are all back to their side. The situation outside is stable. What they need to manage is to work on the Internet, while other times, they are basically fooling around and playing mahjong.

"Yueyue, the new president of the United States has come to power. Is he good?" he asked Yang Yueyue

"Good, very good, dare he not be good?" Yueyue holds her daughter behind Xue Hong and is learning her mahjong skills. Xue Hong is the leader of the guild and has first-class card skills.

"What about Europe? The company over there has not been open for a long time. Keep an eye on it! "

"You worry too much. Everything is going well. With the whole U.S. economy at the bottom, Europe knows it's a pit and has to jump down. The U.S. aircraft carrier fleet can reach their coastline at any time!"

"That's true. The U.S. Army is a vicious dog kept by our Hualong company. If we don't do a good job, we will deduct his salary!"

Two dogs are bored. They don't like playing mahjong, but they suddenly find a best target in their eyes. That's Anna who is playing with her mobile phone. Anna is a best foreign girl and has a match with Alice.

"Naniu, come here!" Two dogs in the heart very Yin, think of a side black younger sister, a side white younger sister, this should stimulate more.

All of a sudden, the mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was Xiangmei, Ergou immediately picked it up.

"Hello, Xiangmei, has your management made a decision?"

"It has been decided that in three days, the expressway from the village to the provincial capital will be officially opened to traffic, and in five days, the keys to the villas in the first village will be distributed for villagers to live in. The first batch of 100 companies along the expressway will continue to open inland in one month and recruit workers from the countryside along the line!"

Xiangmei also gave birth, but the baby has a nanny with her. She is still at home in the villa, commanding everything by remote control. Of course, there are Chen Lili and they help together.

"Well, the villagers must be happy and give them all the subsidies on time so that they can have money to spend. All the schools, supermarkets, banks, hotels, parks and other service institutions in the first village should open on the same day as the village. Your management must make a good plan!"

"Don't worry, the company has recruited many experienced executives, everything has a plan, you can rest assured!"

"That's right. My Xiangmei is the most capable. Everything will be OK!"

In this year, Wang Xiangmei has gradually matured in management, and has become capable and resolute. Of course, this is inseparable from Yang Yueyue's help.

"Husband, are you coming to cut the ribbon on the highway?" Xiangmei asked again.

"Highway ribbon cutting mayor, they will go, so I won't attend. It's good to have you as the representative of the president. On the day of opening the village, I will bring your sisters together!"

"All right then!"

Two dogs have gradually tired of that kind of grand lively atmosphere, whether it is the gang or in the social aspect, he has gradually faded out. As the saying goes, a big tree catches the wind. As a super tree, you should keep a low profile.

Although they are the strongest in terms of gangs, the army, and the economy, they will always be a member of China. It is their bottom line not to press the Lord.

On the fifth day, the day the first village opened, er Gou and the women got up very early. Today is a good day. It's sunny, cool and fragrant.

A team of the most luxurious motorcade in Shashi, even in the whole country and all over the world heading for Taohuagou.

This is the Zhou family's motorcade. The front and back of the motorcade are Chinese special police. In the middle, there are black dragon special forces' tawny buses. In the middle, there is a line of the world's most high-end top sports cars. The luxury Rolls Royce of Ergou takes the lead.

Today, huitaohuagou is not a pothole mountain road, but a two-way 16 Lane Expressway with the highest standard in the world. Each lane is as smooth as an airport runway, connecting Shashi to Jiahe City, then to Jiahe City, and finally to Longfeng first village.