Chapter 1255

"Yes, are we going to die old here?"

While talking, I take out my cell phone, turn it on and turn it around in the sky, but there is no signal at all.

"Well, it's really a cup. My card is global. Isn't it the earth? What a phony phone company Two dogs scolded.

"Honey, isn't your cell phone powered? Just connect the board to the phone

After listening to Ren Yilian's words, I suddenly realized that I would turn off the power and save power. If I had a little more electricity, I would have more hope.

"Sister Lian, you are so smart!" Two dogs rushed over, holding Ren Yi Lianxiang.

Ren Yilian is eating while roast pheasant, was a fierce kiss, almost burned, but she is still smiling“ Don't move, my face is full of oil

"Ha ha, it's OK. I'll lick it for you when I get the phone ready!"

"Go, who wants you to lick? The more you lick, the more oil you get!" Ren Yilian's little face turned red, because there were dragon one and dragon two on the scene, but they didn't seem to hear it and continued to nibble at the chicken in their hands.

Er Gou ran to the place where he had just abandoned his phone. It took him a long time to find the only hope in a pile of weeds.

The battery inside the phone was removed, and the electric board on the phone was removed. However, the electric board could not be directly installed in the phone. There was no way, so we had to smash the phone and pull out two thin wires.

In order to two thin wires, smashed more than 10000 pieces of mobile phone, these two wires are really expensive, but at this time did not consider the matter of money, for this only opportunity, more money is worth it.

It took a lot of effort to connect the positive and negative poles on the board with the positive and negative poles on the phone, and then found a small vine to tie the phone and the board together. At this time, we can't consider whether the voltage is appropriate, so we can only try it first.

"Husband, are you ready?"

Ren Yilian and Xiaoxue come over with a newly baked pheasant in one hand.

"Eat before you make it."

"Give it to those two guys!" At this time, where is the heart to eat? Whether the phone can be used or not is the key to escape from the island.

"They've eaten too much, and they don't dare to move when they lie on the ground!" Ren Yilian pointed to the back of the grass, lying on the ground is stroking the stomach of the dragon one dragon two. Two dogs looked at their bulging stomachs. They were worried that the two hungry ghosts would die.

Er Gou's fingers trembled and he pressed the power on button of the phone. As expected, the sound of creaking current came from the phone. OK.

"Hello, I'm Er Gou. Please answer if you hear me!" This is the special phone of Heilong, but other phones inside Heilong can receive it.

"Hello, I'm Er Gou. Please answer if you hear me!"

He yelled a lot in succession, but there was no answer. It seems that there is no one of his own within the scope of the call. These bastards, didn't they send planes and ships out to find themselves?

"Hello, is that the boss?"

Just as he was depressed and wanted to swear, a voice finally came from the phone.

"Yes, I'm the second dog. We are..."

"Zhizhizhi..." before the end of the conversation, a burst of smoke came out of the phone, and the whole machine was burning hot.

Er Gou threw away the phone“ Wow, what's the matter? It's so hot

"What's the matter?" Xiaoxue and Ren Yilian quickly come over and grasp Er Gou's hand. They look East and feel West.

When the phone stopped smoking, Ergou went to pick up the phone. At this time, the whole phone has become a burnt black state, which is obviously burnt out. It may be caused by the wrong voltage.

Found that the phone has been completely burned, two dogs depressed will be the rotten machine hard hit on the ground, but also with two feet“ Grass, can't you make me a little angry and stick to it for another minute, even if it's half a minute? "

I didn't finish saying a word. I don't know if I can locate myself. I hope that the reconnaissance plane just talked to me, so that I can locate myself. If the person on the ordinary ship is just a handset like myself, it's over.

"Don't be angry. Have some first." Xiaoxue hands her roast pheasant.

At this time, two dogs are in a bad mood. Where can they eat? They don't pick up the pheasant in Xiaoxue's hand. He sat down on the ground, took out a cigarette, hung it on his mouth, tilted his head, and took a puff. The depression in his heart finally eased a little.

It seems that we have to make preparations. We still have a lot to do. We can't waste any more time. Maybe when we get to the sea, the people of black dragon can find themselves. He put the cigarette in his mouth, stood up and went to the two eaters over there.

"Hey, are you dead? You'll get up before you die!" I touched the two second goods who were sleeping sweetly with my feet.

"Boss, what's the matter? Are our people here?" Long Yimeng sat up.

"Get up and go with the boss to cut down trees. We have to be a big boat!"

"To be a big ship? What are you doing as a big boat? " Longer is a little sleepy.

"Go back, of course. Do you want to die here?" I wanted to kick again, but I held back. These two goods are not easy. After being hungry for such a long time, they have just enjoyed a little happiness, so don't abuse them any more.

"Didn't our men bring a boat?" Longyi still doesn't understand.

"It's not that we didn't bring a boat, but that no one will know that we are on this island. We'd better be honest and self reliant." As he spoke, he walked towards the tree two dogs.

Dragon one and dragon two finally understand, know that the boss and black dragon people contact failure, they had to stand up, with two dogs behind the past.

Ren Yilian and Xiaoxue are girls. They don't want them to do rough work. They can't do rough work. Their happiness will be seriously affected at that time.

"Lianmei, Xiaoxue, you continue to roast pheasant. When you are tired, come out to eat!"

"All right!" Xiaoxue and Ren Yilian agreed.

"Boss, can you change some other roast pheasant? I really don't like it. I feel like vomiting when I look at it!" Said Long Yi.

"Yes, it's better to make some vegetarian. Some soups are the best!" Longer quickly agreed.

"Screw you. If you don't starve to death, you'll be content." These two ya, really think this is a restaurant, also order dish.

Walk into the woods and walk towards some places where the trees are bigger. There is a piece of trees that are very tall. Those trees are the most suitable for boats.

If you want to think about the sea, you have to make a stronger boat. Only tall trees can stand the wind and waves. Although typhoons are still unbearable, there should be no problem with small waves.