Chapter 1250


Although there is still a distance of nearly ten li, we can still hear the explosion of the missile hitting the ship. In the distance, there is a fire in the sky. It is obvious that the enemy's ship has been hit.

"Depth charge ready!"



A series of deep-water bombs were thrown from the destroyer to the target sea. Less than ten minutes later, the underwater water column rose from the sky and the unidentified underwater objects were destroyed. When the water calmed down, the Sonarman reported: "the unidentified vehicle was sunk, and the echo disappeared!"

Hearing the disappearance of suspicious vehicles, I feel relieved, because underwater things are the most dangerous. If he has the ability to attack, his destroyer will be easily attacked.

After solving the two directions of the enemy, two dogs said: "dragon one, dragon two, gather the team immediately, let's start at once!" The enemy has found himself, so the faster he attacks, the better. There is no time left for the enemy to prepare.

"No, boss, there's a target in the air coming at high speed!"

"Boss, there's also a target in the water rushing up at high speed!"

The radar soldiers and sonar soldiers cried out almost at the same time.

"What is it?" The second dog asked in a hurry.

"Boss, it seems to be a person, but how can people have such a fast speed?" The radar soldier said very doubtfully.

Hearing this, I can conclude that it must be a person and a master, because I have detected a little bit of breath. Although the other party has tried to hide his strong breath, because he wants to move forward at a high speed, he inevitably needs to use real Qi, so he has been detected by himself.

There are three people rushing to this side in the water. One of them has a strong breath, which is not weaker than himself, because he is faster than himself in the water.

The air and water at the same time appear master, this let two dogs immediately nervous up. Looking at the brothers who had just assembled on the deck, two dogs yelled.

"Hurry up and hide in the cabin. Dragon one, dragon two, follow me."


All the brothers on the deck and in the cockpit hid, because they couldn't help them in the face of such experts. They just increased the casualties here.


As the water column rose, the people in the water rushed out first. There were three people in total, including the sun warrior, the moon warrior, and their owner.

"So it's you?"

Three people hanging in the air, after seeing the two dogs on the deck, the samurai felt very surprised. No wonder he dares to break into the secret space of the Ninja family. It turns out that he is the boss of Heilong, the one he and others and Sakura sect once besieged.

"It turned out that there were three of you. Originally, I wanted to rush in and solve you. Now that you're out, I'll save you a lot of trouble!" Two dogs also saw clearly who came. It turned out that they were the three people in the blister.

"Yes? I don't know who will win this time

Three people stopped in the air, and did not immediately start, because they are still waiting for a person.

At this time, the sun began to rise from the sea, a golden sun shining from the sun just out of the sea.

At this time, the man in the air had been flying close, and soon gathered with three people in the air.

"Well? Sakuragi water, how can you be the only one, your leader Sakuragi road? And your congregation? Didn't you agree to send more people? " Asked the Ninja owner.

"The cult leader was wounded by that boy, but he has not recovered yet. Originally, I brought more than ten experts, but I was killed just now by these guys firing missiles. Fortunately, I escaped from the aircraft in time to deal with such a few people. My cherry water is enough. Where are your people?"

Sakuragi water is Sakuragi Dao's brother, and his cultivation is also quite terrible.

"Our people were also killed in the process of floating, just me and the samurai escaped!" The master of the Ninja family was angry.

The people who were killed just now were the most promising young masters in their Ninja family. Unexpectedly, they were killed before they started fighting.

However, the cultivation of the remaining three people has been quite terrible. The master of Ninja's cultivation is equal to that of Er Gou, and sakuraki water's cultivation is similar to that of his brother, so it should be a little bit better than Er Gou, but sakuraki water is not as good at using poison as Sakuragi Dao. And the cultivation of the sun moon warrior is absolutely more than that of dragon one and dragon two.

It's a fierce battle, and it's in the sea. There's no place to escape.

"Why so much nonsense? When does it start? "

Seeing that the other party's four masters appeared at the same time, two dogs knew that it was hard to deal with this time, but they were not afraid of death. When they met a powerful ox man, their elder brother took care of him.

At this time, Ren Yilian and Xiaoxue also came out of the cabin. Without them, these four masters are not easy to deal with.

"Boss, crush him with the Dragon Seal!" Cried the dragon.

"Nonsense, there are so many of our own people here. When they are crushed, don't they crush our boat at the same time?" Two dogs wiped a sweat.

The Dragon King gold seal is too powerful to distinguish you from me. Obviously, it can't be used in such an environment.


The master of the Ninja family yelled, and all four rushed to the boat. Ninja master against two dogs, sakuraki water against snow and Ren Yilian, and samurai and samurai respectively against dragon one and dragon two.

The war immediately began on the destroyer. Ninja Master's skill is very unique, sometimes invisible, sometimes heavy hand attack. For her, the effect of Er Gou's dragon flying dagger is not very great. At most, it makes him temporarily invisible. If you go on fighting like this, you'll be exhausted sooner or later. It seems that you need to produce the sixth dragon claw.


Suddenly, the sound of the dragon claw breaking the air came out. Er Gou's arm stretched out in an instant, and his palm turned into a dragon claw full of dragon scales. He grabbed the ninja master.


A dull voice, ninja master toward the dragon claw clap, want to open the dragon claw attack, but his own hand is painful to death. The hardness of Er Gou's dragon claw is the same as that of refined steel. He even beat it with his hand. Isn't that self abuse?


The master of Ninja family knew that the strong block would suffer from the constant attack of his claws, so he immediately gave full play to his advantages, sometimes invisible, and sometimes stormed against Er Gou's head. It's hard to tell the difference between them.

At this time, Xiaoxue and Ren Yilian are facing sakuraki water. They are obviously not rivals. Two dogs want to help, but they have been entangled by the master of Ninja and can't separate themselves.

Dragon one and dragon two are even worse. They are the targets of the attack. They have been injured in many places and have been cut several times by the enemy's Oriental knife.