Chapter 1238

After entering the National Security Bureau, er Gou was immediately put into a room surrounded by special steel walls. This kind of steel is extremely strong, and its thickness is also too thick. With ER Gou's accomplishments, it is absolutely impossible to break through.

After being locked up here, no one came back. Er Gou had been sitting in the empty room all the time. He didn't know how long it had been. In a word, he had eaten more than ten times.

At first, he was able to calm down. He felt that since he was arrested, he must have asked something? But I didn't expect that they would just ignore themselves, as if they had forgotten their existence.

When the man delivering the food from the iron window sent the food inside again, the two dogs finally couldn't help asking“ Hey, brother, what are you doing with me? Call your leaders to see me. I have something to ask! "

"Be honest, don't talk nonsense!" The messenger roared and turned away.

Grass, er Gou's violent temper, really want to break out, but think about it, or forget it, they will always come to see themselves, it is impossible to lock themselves to death?

In fact, some people really want to shut Er Gou to death, because his power is so powerful that the country can't control it. Now the black dragon's power in China is far stronger than that of the Qing Gang. In foreign countries, the black dragon has not only occupied the whole of Asia, but also made a lot of noise in the United States, Even a country is hard to surpass.

In a small meeting room of the National Security Bureau, several high-level figures are discussing how to deal with ER Gou.

"Old Du, what do you say to do?" Lao Du is the director of the National Security Bureau and the commander of the trap.

"Minister Lu, you always have to make up your mind about this matter. I don't know how to deal with it. He is too powerful. If you don't handle it properly, I'm afraid it will cause chaos." This Minister Lu is a powerful figure in charge of national security in a certain Ministry of the country, and his power is amazing.

"Shut him up. As long as we keep him locked up, do his men dare to move? If such a person doesn't control himself, who can catch him if he turns against himself one day? " Minister Lu said.

"It's not a matter to keep it closed all the time." Lao Du hesitated. The two dogs inside are the son-in-law of commander Wang of the army. The Minister of the army in front of him heard that he and commander Wang are not happy. Does he want to take advantage of this?

"What's the matter? We have the right to deal with anyone who threatens national security!" Minister Lu slapped the table and stood up.

Lao Du was silent. Although the land minister was his immediate superior, he was once commander Wang's soldier. It's hard for him to do this. His old monitor is not in the dark, is he?

All the other people present were silent, waiting for the result of the meeting. None of them wanted to offend.

At this time, the telephone on the desk rang. This is the National Security Bureau. It should be Lao Du who answers the phone. He stands up and picks up the phone.

"Hello, who is it?" The security department doesn't have a caller ID, so he doesn't know who called directly to the conference room.

"Xiao Du, what's the matter with you? How did you arrest my people?"

Listen to Wang Jingyuan's voice, old Du habitually "pa", stood a neat military posture“ Old monitor

"You also know that we are a life and death comrades rolling out of the battlefield. You didn't even say a word about the man who caught me. He is the head coach of the special forces. He has military status. You are in charge of national security. Don't you even know this?"

"Old monitor, I..." old Du looked at Minister Lu, who was sitting on the opposite side with an ugly face. This matter is supervised by Minister Lu himself, and Lao Du has no way to let anyone know.

"Lao Du, put down the phone first, and the irrelevant people will not talk so much with him, and continue the meeting!" Minister Lu waved to old Du.

Wang Jingyuan on the other side of the phone heard clearly. He immediately understood what was going on and began to swear“ Lu Qingfeng, you trip me behind my back. I will tell you to go... "

"Bang Dang!" Minister Lu grabs the phone from Lao Du and smashes it on the phone stand. Before Wang Jingyuan finishes, he hangs up.

In the military region, a high-intensity exercise has just ended. In the command room, Wang Jingyuan yelled“ I don't want to mess with his grandmother and hang up with me. I'm not easy to mess with! "

"Prepare a helicopter for me immediately, I'm going to sue him!" Wang Jingyuan shouts to the guards behind him.

"Yes The guard agreed and immediately ran to arrange it.

A helicopter flying directly from the military area landed at the military airport on the outskirts of Beijing. Wang Jingyuan got off the plane in a hurry, got into a military car and roared away.

Since Er Gou was taken away by Guo'an, Wang Hongyu immediately called her father. Wang Jingyuan knew about it, but he was suffering from intense military exercises. As a commander, he couldn't help himself, so he had to use all kinds of methods to contact Lao Du, but Lao Du couldn't get through all the time.

It was only at the end of today's exercise that Wang Jingyuan called the conference room of the National Security Bureau to find Lao Du, because before this matter was put into practice, Minister Lu took all the people's phones and ordered no one to contact the outside world. In fact, he was just trying to prevent Wang Jingyuan from interfering.

Wang Jingyuan's car went straight to the military compound in the capital. He couldn't get involved in the affairs of the National Security Bureau. He had to rely on his own leadership. Wu Chongshan, deputy chief of the army, is his old chief, so he has to ask him.

After getting out of the car, Wang Jingyuan took a few bottles of Maotai and rushed directly into the old chief's house. The guard at the door stopped him.

"I'm wang Jingyuan. Call my commander right away!" On hearing this, the guards immediately understood that this was a veteran of vice chief Wu, because vice chief Wu's veterans were used to calling him commander. In that counterattack, Wu Chongshan was the commander.

After getting through the phone call from vice chief Wu, Wang Jingyuan was immediately allowed to go in.

As soon as Wang Jingyuan entered Wu's house, he immediately saluted and cried out, "commander, your soldier, Wang Jingyuan has come to report!"

"At ease!" Vice chief Wu also called out.

The two veterans went back to their glory. Wu Chongshan asked Wang Jingyuan to sit down.

Sitting on an ordinary sofa, Wu Chongshan said, "Jingyuan, you can forget the old chief. How long has it been since you came in?"

Wu Chongshan stares at Wang Jingyuan, the soldier he valued most at that time, and later becomes the commander of the military region.