Chapter 1178

Las Vegas is a city of Warsaw in China. It is very famous all over the world. It has the reputation of gambling city and crime city. Nine of the top ten most famous tourist hotels in the world are in Las Vegas. The main sources of income of Las Vegas are tourism, food and gambling.

"Brother Zhou, where are we going now?" Out of the police station, Anna asked.

"Anna, where is your home? I'll take you back first! "

"No, I don't want to go back. Where are you going? I'll take you. A free guide. Don't you need it?" Anna tilts her head and looks at the two dogs lovingly.

"No, no, no, it's not unnecessary. Didn't you say your father was in a hurry to call you back? I think you should go back and have a look first! " Two dogs said.

"Well, you can take me back and leave me a phone call!"

"All right!" Leave the phone to the beauty, brother is more willing to, maybe will be predestined.

They left each other a phone call, and the two dogs accompanied Anna to get her luggage back at the airport. Then they took a taxi and drove to the address Anna said.

The car stopped at the door of an ordinary apartment building. The apartment building should be some years old. The exterior wall looks very mottled. It seems that Anna's family is not rich.

"Anna, I won't go in!" When the car stopped, er Gou didn't get off the car. He just helped Anna get her a handbag and stuffed the $100000 check she had just got from the police station into her bag. Two dogs thought, Anna's family should use the money.

"Why don't you go up and sit down? My father is also a Chinese fan. He likes Chinese martial arts best Anna is standing by the door and wants to invite two dogs up.

"Anna, another day. I have something else to do!" Although it's important to pick up girls, it's even more important to have a journey to dominate the world. Although two dogs love beautiful women, they have to wait until they are free!

"All right, call me!"

“OK。” After two dogs answered, they let the taxi go.

The main purpose of this visit to Las Vegas is to visit the most famous gambling city here. This is my first goal. As for New York, it's best to leave it to shanpao first. If you can't, you can call them back.

Er Gou said to the driver, "take me to the biggest casino here."

"Good!" The driver, a young white man, agreed, stepped on the gas and sped forward.

When the taxi arrived at the casino, it was already dark. The street was full of colorful lights. Beautiful girls of all skin colors twisted their fat buttocks and walked toward their respective workplaces.

Er Gou got out of the car, threw a few dollar bills to the driver and walked towards the casino. Looking up at the flashy sign on the casino, it says "Fulinmen Grand Casino". The sign is bilingual in Chinese and English, which shows that there are many Chinese people in the casino.

Two dogs lit a special cigarette, took a deep breath and walked in.

I went upstairs, but before I came in, I felt the warm atmosphere in the casino. After entering the casino, er Gou didn't go to gamble directly. Instead, he went to an open restaurant next to the casino, which is specially for gamblers. It's convenient for gamblers to eat at any time. Er Gou found a place where he could see the casino clearly and sat down.

"What would you like to eat, sir?" It turned out to be a black haired Asian waiter.

"Oh, give me a set meal!" Two dogs pointed to the $188 set meal on the menu.

"Anything else to drink?"

"A bottle of beer!"

"Yes, sir, just a moment!" The maid turned and left.

Two dogs sit in their seats, smoking while observing the bad situation of the casino. The casinos here are really big enough, several times larger than the one in Dongjin amusement park. There are all kinds of ways to gamble. The gamblers are not only men, but also women. From the skin color, we can see that they are tourists from all countries.

"Sir, your meal is here. Please enjoy yourself!" Two dogs are observing. The service lady has brought the set meal.

This set meal is really good. Beef, spareribs, seafood, vegetables, bread, and a plate of soup I don't know what it is. The beer I asked for is also here. It's written in English, which looks like the local beer of the United States.

"Thank you Two dogs politely said.

"You're welcome!" The young lady walked away with a smile.

The second dog poured himself a glass of beer and drank it. Although the dishes are all foreign, er Gou is still in the habit of eating, but the knife and fork still need to adapt slowly.

Two dogs while eating, or while observing the situation inside the casino, found that there are a lot of Chinese people in the casino, they are very rich, every time is a lot of money. Look at those big bellied people. They must be some public officials again. It's not painful to eat, drink, whore and gamble with public funds!

After watching for half an hour, er Gou's meal was almost finished. He got up and went to change his $10 million chips and walked to his best dice table. Two dogs are as generous as two dogs“ Ten million to buy big Put all of them on.

The Dutch official, who looked like a European, was stunned by Er Gou's big hand and was stunned for three minutes before he came back to himself“ Are you sure you want to bet so much, sir? "

"That's right!" Two dogs lit a cigarette, opened a chair and sat down.

"Sir, you should go to the VIP room. Where is the big bet?" He Guan reminds a way.

"Can't you gamble here?"

"Yes, of course!"

"If that's not enough, let's go!" The two dogs wagged their legs.

Dutch official wiped a sweat, this is his first business of more than ten million dollars this year. He Guan slowly picked up the dice cup and shook it. He's going to use the unique skill of rolling dice that he has practiced for so many years. He can shake out 100% of the points he wants. He silently recites 1, 2, 4 small points, and then covers the dice cup on the gambling table.

"Buy it and leave it!" With a cry, he Guan slowly opened the dice cup.

"Wow..." the sound of exclamation broke out on this gambling table. The dice on the gambling table are three six points, leopard is six big, two dogs win.

With trembling hands, he pushed over ten million chips to ER Gou, who had 20 million dollars in front of him.

"Sir, please put away your chips!"

Ten million is enough, but it doesn't matter to Fulinmen casino. But for ordinary people, if they win 10 million US dollars, they will smile and stop immediately. So he reminds Er Gou to put away his chips.

"No more gambling?" Two dogs asked.

"Yes, sir. If you want to make a bet, we will certainly welcome it!"