Chapter 1174

Two dogs know that this bald fat man must be Guitian, but they want to stink him“ Who the hell are you? Why don't you tell me to go upstairs? "

Hearing the two dogs scolding him, Rda's face turned red. He wanted to be violent but he didn't dare. He hurried to introduce himself: "Zhou Lao Da, my humble fellow is tortoise, please follow me to the office to speak!"

"Oh... You are turtle field! All right, lead the way The two dogs nodded and went upstairs with tortoise field.

The director's office of the general police station is on the second floor. Two dogs follow Guitian all the way to the innermost office. The sign at the door says the director's office!

Open the door, tortoise field stretched out his hand to invite two dogs in, two dogs without saying a word, looked up and walked in. Today, I didn't give Guitian face on purpose, because the police station always wanted to trouble Heilong. Ergou wanted to take the opportunity to give Guitian a little more power.

There is a very large desk in the office. On the left side of the desk is an open reception room with a brown leather sofa.

Tortoise field walked into the office, went directly to the big desk and sat down. He pointed to a small chair in front of the desk and asked Er Gou to sit down. Two dogs did not throw turtle field, but directly went to the reception hall, chose the biggest sofa to sit down. If you want to be an official in front of me, there is no way.

The reception hall is open, but there is still a distance from the office desk in turtle field. How can we talk like this?

See two dogs did not sit on the chair in front of the desk, but went to the reception hall. Tortoise field face showed some embarrassed color, Leng Leng, he had to stand up, walked to the reception hall, and sat down on a small sofa opposite Er Gou. The identity of the host and guest immediately reversed. The two dogs put up their legs and took out a special supply.

"Guitian, what can I do for you?" Er Gou is not interested in flattering such a small person, so there is no need to call him director.

"Oh... Boss Zhou, I'm entrusted by the above to talk to you specially once!"

"Oh? Did my two dogs break the law again? "

"No, that's not true. Don't we want to communicate more with boss Zhou?"

"If there's anything to communicate with, speak up!" Two dogs smoke and talk without looking at turtle field.

"Well, in some local cases, our police often come into contact with your gang. We hope your gang can understand the difficulties of the police station and be more considerate!"

"Turtle field, what do you mean? Do you mean my black dragon subordinates often violate the law and discipline? "

"No, boss Zhou, you misunderstood again. I mean, I hope you can talk to your people Ma and let them take care of the face of our police station. Don't make it too difficult for us to do it!"

"Well, I see what you mean. I have something else to do. Let's go first!" Two dogs stand up, also don't care tortoise field's words have finish or not, self-care crooked head shake brain of go out.

Turtle field quickly followed up“ Mr. Zhou, you must help! " This Ya finally put down the airs and wanted to kneel down for ER Gou. Because in the whole territory of Toyo, black dragon can be said to be the direct master of the whole social order. As long as black dragon moves a little, his chief's hat will be taken off.

Two dogs ignored him, straight out of the police station, sat on Rolls Royce and drove home. At the door of the police station, the doorkeeper gave two dogs a farewell present.

Today, the police station went to talk to him. Although Guitian's momentum was suppressed by himself, Ergou knew that it showed that the upper class of Toyo began to pay attention to themselves. His own plan must be speeded up, otherwise the top management of Toyo may be in danger of attacking Heilong at any time.

Although Fukuda is already prime minister, Heilong is indeed a lot more convenient, but Fukuda is also a Oriental, once it comes to national interests, he will inevitably not do it. Back to the villa, two dogs sitting on the sofa, out of the phone to Xiwa called in the past.

"Xiwa, it's been half a year. How do you do things?"

"Boss, it's really difficult to get what you want, and it's also the most advanced. It's really not easy to get it!"

"Don't talk nonsense, if we can implement it before the end of the year, just give us a word!"

"Boss, I've bribed a small African country. In their name, I'm negotiating with Russia. If it goes well, it should be settled before the end of the year, but the goods may arrive later!"

"Well, the most advanced ones can arrive later, but you should get some UAVs for me first to deal with the emergency!" Two dogs want to improve the black dragon base immediately.

"Boss, I want to find a way. Recently, I have made friends with a group of arms dealers in Eros. The UAV is relatively strong between Israel and the United States. I know an Israel arms dealer, through whom I can get some!"

"OK, that's settled. I'll see UAVs next month!"

"Boss, time..."

"Dada!" Two dogs did not wait for Xiwa to finish, has hung up the phone. That kid, he won't move without a little pressure.

Now, with Yang Yaozi's efforts, the two major military bases of Heilong have been built on a large scale. Through the relationship, Yang Yaozi purchased many new ships and weapons, which not only increased the size of the Navy, but also built the world's most advanced air defense network. Even the most advanced aircraft could not get close to the two bases.

At this time, in base 1, Yang Yaozi is ordering people to build an airport, waiting for advanced fighters to enter.

As for the two newest warships captured from the United States, Yang Yaozi would secretly pull them out to the high seas for training. Because of their excellent stealth performance, the Oriental Navy could not detect them at all. Two super ships have been trained by the black dragon navy to have super combat effectiveness.

And Xiwa finish, two dogs and Yang Yaozi in the base to keep a phone call“ Yang Yaozi, you are ready to receive the UAV. Xiwa has been talking with the eser people. You can contact Xiwa directly for specific matters. In terms of training, you have to pay close attention to it. Recently, the wind direction in the eastern ocean has changed a little. I'm worried about a long night and many dreams! "

"Boss, don't worry, Toyo is a small country without bullets. His Navy can't stop the attack of our super warships. As long as the new fighters are in place in time, Toyo is a piece of food. He won't be able to hop for a few days!"

"Well, I'll be at ease with you!"

After arranging everything about Toyo, er Gou plans to leave for the United States.

Er Gou and the Green Gang have a gentleman's appointment. It seems that the Green Gang is developing well in Russia. It's said that the Far East has completely become the world of the Green Gang, so we have to pay close attention to it!