Chapter 1038

Huizi goes to the two dogs and sits down. She takes the two dogs by the arm.

"No big money can match my husband!" He gave her a kiss on the cheek of Er Gou, and then continued: "the boss is a man of four or fifty years old. I told her not to accept other people's gifts casually."

"Why do you destroy people's good deeds! You are so bad, ha ha... "

"Kongkong is my friend. I will do it for her." Strange looked at two dogs, continued to say: "Kongkong heard our voice in the room, she asked me if you are very powerful!" With these words, Huizi blushed.

"Ha ha, your friend is too bold!" Two dogs are helpless.

"Then you say, can you be satisfied with my husband's performance?"

Huizi beat two dogs lightly“ I'm sure I'm satisfied. I'm almost satisfied. "

"Ha ha ha..." Er Gou laughed heartily.

After laughing, er Gou's face became serious again“ Huizi, I still have to go out and find a way to go to the Dongjin entertainment center. If I have a chance, I'll kill Koizumi directly. If I don't have a chance, I'll find out the bad situation first, and we'll act in the evening! "

Er Gou thought that he had recovered his skill now. It should not be a problem to explore there. Even if he meets an expert, he has the strength to fight.

"I'll go with you!" Huizi doesn't trust to let him go alone.

"It's more troublesome for you to go. You used to be so famous in Toyo. There must be a lot of people who know you. I'd better go alone. We'll work together in the evening. You'll have a rest at home first!"

"I'm going!" Huizi's hands climbed to ER Gou's neck, and she began to play Jiao.

Two dog's dead spot was Huizi point, had to say: "that you can only stay in the car, can't go up with me!"

"No, I have a way not to let them know me!"

"What can I do?"

"You wait!" Huizi finished and ran into the room.

Two dogs don't know what Huizi is up to, so they have to make a cup of coffee and wait for her to come out.

Two dogs a cup of coffee is not finished, a handsome young man came out of the room. Er Gou stands up in a hurry. What's the matter? Why are there men in this room.

"Husband, what's up?"

Two dogs almost fainted, come out of the handsome guy actually called his husband, fixed a look, it is Huizi Yirong.

Huizi used to change her face for the convenience of killing people when she was in Toyo, so it was a good job for her.

"My husband, what's the matter? Can I use this make-up? "

"It's so good, Huizi. I didn't expect that you still have this level. I almost cheated you!"

Two dogs praise, while walking to Huizi's side, reach out and touch her flat as the airport's chest, fortunately still, otherwise his loss can be big.

I don't know what happened to Huizi. There's nothing in her chest when she looks at her eyes. Only when she touches it with her hand can she know that she's very smart. I guess it's a cover up!

At Huizi's strong request, the two dogs were forced to put on a false beard, which made them look more than ten years old. Although few people know Er Gou in Dongjin, Huizi is worried about being met by Koizumi.

Get off at the gate of Dongjin entertainment center. Er Gou walks inside with Huizi like a friend.

This time, the security guard at the gate did not stop Er Gou. Er Gou and Huizi entered the entertainment center smoothly. The entertainment center is usually crowded at night. It's in the morning, and there are few people in it. There are only some gamblers fighting here day and night.

Two dogs and Huizi went into the gambling stall, changed a million dollars of chips, packed them with the boxes provided by the casinos, and walked to the gambling table. Two dogs like simple, in gambling, gambling dice point size is the simplest.

"Buy big!" Push to the big position. The one million dollar chip you just bought.

Seeing that the two dogs came with such a big hand, the people on the scene could not help looking at this side at the same time. There are a few big gamblers here, but there are few bad gamblers like Er Gou. Because the customers who can bet so much usually go to the VIP room to gamble, few of them bet in the hall.

He Guan also looked at the chips pushed out by the two dogs, and his face showed an imperceptible smile. Pick up the dice cup, shake it, let the sieve rotate back and forth in the cup, and then cover it on the table. This time, the dice has played the highest level of he Guan's usual cultivation, and 100% of the points will be 1, 3, 5 small.

He Guan shakes out such dice number, in the heart already big set, shout a "open".

"Oh There was a burst of exclamation. Six, six, six leopards. When he saw the number clearly, he was already sweating, but Er Gou just gave a smile.

I've been working in this casino for more than ten years. I've never made such a big mistake. I've always made small mistakes and killed big ones. How can I feel today that I've shaken out a little bit and turned into such an outrageous big one? Has my level dropped?

"Keep buying big!"

The Dutch official is still thinking about what's wrong. Er Gou has made a bet again. He won the bet and added his own capital. Er Gou didn't take in a dime. The two million dollar chips are all in place!

"I'll buy big, too!"

"I'll follow you, too!"


Fuck! Buy big!

This time, the pressure of the Dutch officials was very high. There are more and more sweat on the face. There are more than five million dollars of chips on the table, all of which are on the big side. This is the first time that this situation has appeared on this stage.

"Hurry up, hurry up..." seeing that he Guan hesitated and did not dare to roll the dice cup, the gamblers began to be impatient.

He Guan reluctantly picked up the dice cup and shook it for more than a minute. Until the gamblers began to get angry, he gritted his teeth and covered the dice cup. This time, he was very careful and should not have any more problems. He looked at the mountain of chips on the table, gritted his teeth again and opened the dice cup.

"Oh... Oh..."

This time, the cheers were even louder. The whole stage was boiling. It was 6, 6, 6 leopards again. Hell, he Guan is about to faint. He's shaking 1, 2, 3 small. How can he become a big leopard again?

The shouts on this side attracted people from other positions, and more and more people gathered around. At this time two dogs or shallow smile, Huizi originally intended to collect money, but was two dogs to block.

At this time, he Guan really hoped that Er Gou would take the money and leave as soon as possible. Even if he changed a table, he couldn't stand the pressure. If he continued like this, he would be crazy.

However, er Gou still doesn't mean to go. On the big side of the stage, er Gou's chips alone have reached US $4 million, and those of others have reached US $10 million.