Chapter 1032

All this has been in Er Gou's plan for a long time. Besides Wu Mei, he has cheated everyone, including his own.

It's not that Er Gou doesn't believe in his brother. It's just that there are too many people talking about it. It's hard to avoid divulging his plan to put out the fire. The fewer people you know, the better. This youth army, which has been hidden by itself, finally won the first prize in the war with the fire gang.

Luo Hu was also surprised to find that Tang Jian brought people to kill him. He didn't expect that the boy was quiet and had developed to so many people. The young soldiers killed from the side and instantly disordered the formation of the fire gang. Luo Hu and shanpao took the opportunity to take people back.

The situation changed in an instant, the original advantage of the fire Gang disappeared without a trace, and was chased by the black dragon's men and horses all over the mountains, running everywhere.

"Withdraw... Quickly..."

The situation has gone, just stay here to die, fat cat hastily ordered to retreat.

In fact, fat cat has not yet ordered to retreat. Half of the fire Gang's men and horses have climbed up to the truck behind them. When they heard the order, the rest of them rushed to the car. At that time, it can only be described in one sentence: a mess of porridge!

Before all the people got on the bus, the car on the other side started and ran towards Tai City. The people who didn't get on the bus behind them tried their best to catch up and climb.

"All the men and horses of the black dragon, boss orders, pursue the enemy!" Tang Jian, who was killed down the mountain, cried out.

Hearing the cry, shanpao and Luohu knew that Ergou must have made arrangements. Quickly take people and Tang Jian's men and horses to chase the butt of the fire gang.

Other people are cars. The people of black dragon chase by their legs. Except for a few people who fell behind and didn't have time to get on the bus, other cars soon disappeared. How do you chase it? Do you want to pursue it or not?

"Brothers, the boss has said that we should pursue along the highway as fast as possible!" The people who found the black dragon began to hesitate to slow down, and Tang Jian yelled again.

The owners of Heilong business group have reached the stage of blind worship for ER Gou.

As long as it is the boss's order, no matter right or wrong, they will not hesitate to implement it. Hearing Tang Jian shouting again, the boss told them to catch up. All the people immediately speeded up and ran towards the front!


"Ma Di, it's really bad luck. How come so many people suddenly appear?"

Sitting in the retreating car, fat cat yelled. I hate the intelligence personnel of the fire gang. They have missed thousands of people. Do they all eat dry food?


All of a sudden, the motorcade braked and stopped.

"I'm not your mother? It's so dangerous. Why stop to see the scenery? " Fat cat yelled, jumped out of the car and ran to the front of the team.

At the front of the motorcade, across the middle of the road, there were two big trucks with their heads smashed.

The fire Gang is running for their lives. The national highway is blocked by two heavy trucks. There is also a long queue on the opposite side, which seems to be blocked by the traffic accident.

Fat cat went over and scolded: "get the car away quickly, I want to go over!"

"Boss, we can't help it! Without a trailer, the accident car can't move! " The driver said helplessly.

"Bad luck, Ma Di. I'll call someone for you and push it to the side of the road first. Don't you see the car blocked all the way?"

"OK, OK, then trouble the boss!"

Fat cat goes to his motorcade“ Brothers, get out of the car and help drive the car in front of us so that we can go back early! "

In the fat cat's greeting, the fire in the car helped the brothers down a lot and walked towards the accident car. When I came to the accident car, I was just going to push it. Suddenly, many people jumped down from the car which was also blocked in front of me and came towards me.

Fat cat thought, since there are so many people, I don't know how to push the car away early. I'm going to push the car. Why do they join in the fun again? Fat cat is so thinking, who knows more and more people around, behind the people have begun to run here.

There's something wrong. It's a trick! It's too late for fat cat to understand. All the people around pulled out their machetes from behind and jumped on them fiercely.

"No, it's a trick. Brothers are fighting!" Seeing that there were not many people on the other side, fat cat yelled and rushed up.

Those who set up the Bureau on the road are the people Xiwa brought. According to ER Gou's plan, he got here ahead of time and set up this trap.

The men and horses on both sides soon got tangled. Fat cat people or more than Xiwa people, Xiwa can only be hard support, waiting for two dogs arranged reinforcements to come quickly.

It wasn't long before shanpao, Luohu and TANGJian rushed up. They don't understand why Er Gou told them to chase them on the road until they found the enemy on the road. It turned out that the boss had set a trap on the road.

Heilong's brother and Tang Jian's youth army all gathered around and immediately made dumplings for fat cat's fire gang. The people who Xiwa brought and the people who Shashi chased together were about 8000. After the war, only less than 4000 people were left. Now they are surrounded again. We can imagine the next result.

The black dragon won the battle. Fat cat's neck was cut off on the spot by shanpao. There were 4000 people in the fire gang. In addition to being cut to death and injuring more than 1000 people, all the others knelt on the ground, dropped their machetes and surrendered.

After asking for instructions from Er Gou, all those who surrendered were brought back to Shashi for education, and then dispersed to all branches of Heilong. Xiwa takes people back to Taishi. Tang Jian's people, of course, returned to various schools.

From the beginning of the war to the end of the war, Ergou had a lot of brains. He made it clear that he was attacking Taishi. In fact, he wanted to attract the main force of the fire Gang to attack Shashi. As a result, Ergou succeeded. He left his real decisive battle in the outskirts of Shashi.

In the whole plan, the decisive factor was the youth army, which was not valued by the fire gang.

There's another thing that didn't work out, that is, after thousands of old things were injured and disappeared that day, there was no news of him.

The second dog came to the place where he was fighting that day and let out his consciousness to look everywhere, but he didn't find any breath of the old man. Maybe he is dead, maybe he has left here. As for where he has gone, only God knows.

Just when Er Gou was out looking for thousands of traces, Yang Yaozi received a call from Xiao Weidong in his office.

"Battalion commander Yang, it's not good. There is an expert in Meiyuan villa hidden by master huobang. Our people have suffered a heavy loss, and Lao Cui has also been stabbed!"

"What? Watch out, I'll report to the boss right away

Yang Yaozi hung up in a hurry and immediately called Er Gou. He redial the number of times and couldn't get in touch. At this time, er Gou is looking for Lao Biantai in the mountains. There is no signal on his mobile phone.