Chapter 1030

At this time, the attacks from other directions continued. The front gate was damaged by heavy machinery, but it couldn't be opened completely.

This door is a special iron door made of three layers of steel. One door is opened, and the other is opened. It's not so easy to break.

The battle on the ground was deadlocked, and more and more windows were broken in the club, but the defensive force inside was still very strong, and the black dragon couldn't attack for a moment.

Er Gou looks up at the sky, and now he's looking at this wonder. This is a Death Squadron composed of 500 black dragon special forces, led by Xiao Weidong himself. It plans to directly land on the top floor of the club, forming a situation of internal cooperation and external cooperation with the ground attack.

The flying bat led by Xiao Weidong landed on the top floor smoothly. Yao sanhuo never thought that he would be a surprise soldier. In his opinion, the top floor of the whole building is the safest.

Such a high building, black dragon's men and horses even if long wings are difficult to fly up, but he never thought, black dragon's special forces really long wings, actually fell from the sky.

When Yao sanhuo found someone upstairs, it was too late. When the last group of people and horses came down safely, 500 specially trained men went down from the ceiling together.

Almost all the defensive forces in the building are below the tenth floor. Xiao Weidong takes people to kill several patrol minions and rushes directly to Yao sanhuo's office.

"Boss, go, it's too late if you don't go!" Menghu shouts to Yao sanhuo, ordering his men to protect Yao sanhuo and run downstairs. However, he rushes towards Xiao Weidong with dozens of guards.

The tiger was loyal. Knowing that he was dead, he rushed over just to delay a little more time and create conditions for Yao sanhuo to retreat.

Tiger with people into the black dragon special forces formation, not out of three minutes, everything is over.

When Xiao Weidong continued to rush downstairs, dozens of corpses were left on the ground, including Yao sanhuo's most effective cadre tiger. All the people on the ground died of being stabbed directly into the heart by the army. The location of the stab was almost the same, which was enough to show the terrible power of the black dragon camp.

Yao sanhuo rushed to the first floor and roared: "go upstairs, there are enemies on it, go and destroy them!" He felt that only by destroying the enemy inside could he be able to hold the imperial club, otherwise there would be only one way to fail.

Heard the boss's order, many people who used to defend the window immediately rushed upstairs. Although it temporarily blocked the brave black dragon special team members, it also made the already tense situation on the ground even more tense. More and more windows were controlled by the black dragon, and the imperial club was about to fall.

"Boss, let's retreat first. The green hills are here. I'm not afraid there's no firewood to burn!" A leader rushed over and said.

"Go to your mother's Castle Peak!" Take out a pistol, aim at his hand, "bang", the leader immediately to in the pool of blood, the head was hit a big blood hole.

When he found out that the boss was going to kill, other members of the fire gang did not dare to talk about retreating. There was no way out, the people of the fire Gang became more brave, and the offensive and defensive situation immediately fell into a stalemate.

Sitting in the car, two dogs lit a cigarette and took a sip. It's almost dawn, and the attack hasn't made much progress. What should we do?

In the city, unlike in the suburbs, large-scale fighting in the city in broad daylight will definitely be surrounded by the police. If the fighting cannot be ended before dawn, it will fall short tomorrow. Once the fire gang gets a chance to breathe, it will be more difficult for them to attack the imperial mansion again.

Two dogs took out the phone, it seems that only with the last trump card“ Huizi, rush into the building and kill Yao sanhuo! "


Huizi has been waiting impatiently for a long time. She has been waiting outside the building for a long time. When she sees Xiwa taking people to fight, she itches in her heart. But two dogs repeatedly explained, want her to hear the order and then action, no way, Huizi only dry anxious.

At this time received the order to kill big head, Huizi where still can endure, immediately toward the building to kill.

If two dogs do it directly, it's hard to avoid being ridiculed for bullying. But Huizi is different. She's an ordinary person, just good at martial arts.

Huizi rushed into the building and rushed directly to the three fires behind. Seeing that a woman with a short sword suddenly rushed in from the window, Yao San hurried back towards the crowd.

But he is still late, with Huizi's martial arts, and no master to resist, only a blink of an eye, she has appeared in front of Yao sanhuo.

Yao sanhuo takes out his gun in a hurry, but the gun hasn't been raised yet, and his head has already roared out. Later, a stream of stinking red blood spurts out from his neck, which has lost his head. With a roar, the headless Yao sanhuo falls down.

After killing Yao sanhuo, the people of the fire Gang immediately became a mess. Now that she came in, Huizi didn't want to retreat immediately. She waved her dagger at random. As long as anyone dares to come up, she will be different.

Losing the boss, the other leaders have lost their fighting spirit, and under Huizi's powerful attack, soon, the black dragon's troops rushed in. The hall on the first floor was filled with black dragon people. In this situation, the imperial defense force had to surrender, and the imperial club was completely taken down by the black dragon.

"Four thirty in the morning, ten minutes later than expected, but barely satisfied!" Looking at the imperial mansion which has been controlled by his own people, er Gou talks to himself in the car.

"Boss, you are too demanding!"

Yang Yaozi is sitting in the back seat of Er Gou's car. He was just a little injured, so Er Gou didn't let him fight directly. In order to supervise Yang Yaozi's honest rest, er Gou specially called him over, let him sit in the car with himself, and became a remote control commander.

"Yang Yaozi, I'm not demanding, but I have confidence in my brothers!"

Occupying the Royal Club and killing Yao sanhuo, er Gou's heart is fixed. He took out a cigarette and lit it by himself. Then he threw it to Yang Yaozi behind him. They were surrounded by smoke in the car.

"Wow... Poison?"

Huizi finished the task, opened the door, almost not to be directly fumigated by the smoke. He turned around and coughed violently for a while“ Can you stop smoking in the car and let me get in? "

"Ha ha ha... Everything is not a problem!"

With these words, the two dogs put out their hands and gently brushed the smoke away.

Looking at the smoke suddenly disappeared, there was no smell of smoke in the car, and even some aroma. Huizi opened her eyes and looked at Er Gou strangely“ No, you suck them all in? "