Chapter 961

"Follow me!"

With a big machete and a loud cry, the mountain cannon rushed out from the dark corner. More than 700 people rushed to the Pacific Ocean with machetes held high. The scene was quite spectacular, and the cry of killing was deafening!

The person who discovers black dragon rushed to come over, he Jinquan Snickers a, took a person to withdraw quickly into hotel inside. Although we didn't get any cash, we are still in a good position to destroy the black dragon. The defensive force of Pacific Hotel is only responsible for defense, and the real killing move is the coalition forces on the periphery.

Entering the hotel, he Jinquan said: "Zhiyong, you can take people to guard the door, let them wait outside to die!"

"All right, Mr. He, don't worry!" Mao Zhiyong agreed loudly.

"Ha ha..." he Jinquan laughs and turns to walk upstairs. In the first battle tonight, the black dragon will no longer exist. There are still several experts waiting upstairs. He has to arrange the task.

The shanpao was very powerful and took the lead in attacking the main entrance of the Pacific Hotel.

"Ma Di, you're the grandson of the tortoise. You know how to pee your pants in the tortoise shell!"

Seeing that all the people of the flying tiger gang had shrunk into the hotel, the mountain cannon began to curse.

His brothers also held a machete and banged wildly outside the door. They scolded what they said. All the female family members of the flying tiger gang were given a hard greeting.

However, the people inside didn't respond. They still closed the door, as if they were not scolding themselves outside, and even some people were secretly laughing inside.

"Drive a truck to me, I don't believe this door can hold a heavy truck. If it can't, I'll blow it up!"

With the heavy roar of the car, a heavy truck loaded with construction materials rushed over.

With a loud bang, the truck hit the door of the hotel heavily. The iron door on the outside immediately sagged, and the glass window on the inside had been blown open for a long time. The members of the flying tiger gang who couldn't dodge inside were scratched by the scattered glass, and some of them even cut their necks, and they fell to the ground in blood.

"The door is about to fall down. Keep bumping me!" The iron gate has been shaky and can't stand the impact of the heavy truck again. As long as the door is knocked open, the Pacific Hotel will be successfully won by the black dragon.

At the same time, in the back of the hotel, Luo Hu led more than 300 people to secretly surround. These people he took were responsible for the sneak attack. Instead of charging openly, they sneaked over when the chaos ahead attracted the attention of the flying tiger gang.

Although there are few of them, they are all good climbers. In order to succeed in sneak attack, they learned some climbing skills from Yang Yaozi during the day, which makes them even more powerful.

Under the leadership of Luo Hu, dozens of them took out their ropes and aimed at some anti-theft windows on the second floor. Of course, these windows have been checked by telescopes. There are absolutely no people from the flying tiger Gang inside. Some of the windows are originally toilets.

This group of people are really good at picking out. They throw up the rope and hang it on the anti-theft window accurately, which is no inferior to the special forces. In fact, at least more than half of the dozens of people who threw ropes used to be wall climbers. In the past, they relied on this to eat, so they completed the task quickly and skillfully.

Seeing that the rope had been hung firmly, Luo Hu said in a soft voice: "give it to Lao Tzu. The people who go up first wait in the room, and then attack when all the people arrive!"

A total of dozens of ropes dropped from the second floor to the ground, and the black dragon people began to climb up. I saw that everyone was like a gecko, climbing up along the outer wall, with the style of a professional climbing party.

"Ha ha ha... It's so damned. If a good man doesn't do it, he'll be a thief!"

With laughter, a team of at least 600 people suddenly appeared behind the black dragon. There were gangsters in black sweaters and gangsters in red sweaters.

In order to fight tonight, the flying tiger gang and the fire Gang have unified their clothes. The people in black are the people in the flying tiger Gang, while the people in red are the people in the fire gang. This team is led by Zhang Dali, the signboard player of the flying tiger gang.

See suddenly appear behind this a big gang of people, Luo Hu know that he is in ambush. It's no use saying more. It's so far. I have to fight for my life.

"Brothers, kill!"

Luo Hu has always been a valiant general. He took the lead in rushing out with a mountain knife. Those brothers who had climbed into the air also quickly slipped down, holding a machete to the enemy behind them. The original sneak attack has turned into a bloody battle.

The other side's men and horses are twice as many as the black dragon's. in the competition between cold weapons, a large number of people will have an absolute advantage.

The two teams were in chaotic contact. Everyone in the black dragon had to face the siege of the two enemies at the same time. The stronger ones could barely cope with it. The weaker ones were completely in the situation of being beaten. Soon many brothers fell into a pool of blood.

The shanpao, who was fighting at the gate of the Pacific Hotel, was also ambushed, and was in a more difficult situation than Luo Hu. Just when the heavy truck hit the gate of the hotel for the second time, the Allied forces of the flying tiger gang and the fire gang had already killed. On the large square in front of the hotel, there are black and red figures with machetes everywhere. Roughly speaking, there are no less than 1500 people.

It's a big surprise to find that the mountain cannon is surrounded by the black crowd behind. What's the matter? Isn't it a surprise attack? Why are you ambushed.

"Brothers, don't panic, kill me!" Shanpao just hesitated a little and immediately led a counter charge to the enemy.

Shanpao understands that in such a situation of few enemies, if you want to break out of the encirclement, you have to put all your eggs in one basket and take people to fight. As long as the counterattack is strong enough, maybe I can keep most of my brothers.

But shanpao ignores the danger behind it. There are hundreds of Flying Tigers in the hotel. Once they rush out, the black dragon will not have any chance to rush out of the encirclement.

I'm afraid of what I'm afraid of. Liu Dacai is used as bait to completely eliminate the effective force of black dragon. This is exactly he Jinquan's plan. How can he miss this opportunity.

The iron door of the Pacific Hotel has been opened when the mountain cannon and the people just rush to the enemy behind. Under the leadership of Mao Zhiyong, the people of the flying tiger Gang come to the back of the black dragon.

Just in a flash, more than 700 brothers led by shanpao had been surrounded by nearly 2000 enemies. The bloody battle started instantly, and the black dragon's belly was hit hard by the enemy at the same time.

Wu Mei and Yang Yaozi, standing on the top of the nearby building, were stunned by the changes in front of them. The black dragon brothers, who had the advantage before and after the hotel, were suddenly surrounded by a large number of enemies, and the situation immediately changed.