Chapter 907

Shanpao rushes to the business car. Just as he wants to get on the bus, a man in black appears on the roof of the car. Shanpao has already been punched without even seeing the other side's appearance“ With a bang, the cannon was thrown more than ten meters, and blood gushed from the mouth. Two brothers with him were even worse. They were smashed into the glass and fell into the dance hall.

This happened so fast that the two dogs noticed the three men in black in front of them. Unexpectedly, the man in black behind suddenly jumped on the business car and gave a big blow.

Seeing that the cannon was injured, the two dogs rushed to help the four men in black“ Brother... "

The shanpao struggled to his feet“ Boss, I'm fine. Go and catch the leopard. "

But Er Gou didn't go. In his heart, brother is the most important. Shanpao is injured. If he goes blindly to snatch the leopard with four people in black, the shanpao will be very dangerous.

Seizing the opportunity, the man in black didn't care about the life and death of the two bodyguards in the car. He just carried the comatose leopard and fled to the Pacific Hotel.

These four Oriental ghosts can be regarded as powerful roles for ordinary people, but they dare not be too arrogant in front of Er Gou, and they have completed the plan of saving people. How far are they going to escape immediately.

When Er Gou found that the Oriental ghost had run away, he immediately yelled to the dance hall, "help the cannon in, I'll go after the Oriental ghost..." then he flashed and quickly chased the Pacific Hotel. Fuck all the women of the Oriental ghost. They hurt their own brother again. They won't stop until they chop his mother.

The four shadows in front ran all the way, followed by two dogs. Finally, they entered the Pacific Hotel.

People from the two oriental families appeared in the Pacific Hotel before and after. It seems that the collusion between the flying tiger gang and the Oriental people is not shallow. Er Gou wants to explore the Pacific Ocean again to see who is the leader of the flying tiger Gang?

The old ghost has always been very mysterious. He seldom appears in public. Since Er Gou became the eldest brother of black dragon, he has never seen the real face of the old ghost. He only saw a few pictures of the old ghost in the headquarters of black dragon, and they were taken several years ago.

Using the same method, er Gou climbed up the wall, but this time he didn't go in through the original small window. He knew it was the women's toilet. Turning to another tightly closed window, er Gou uses the mind control power he has built in the cave to control the window and door to open from inside. He enters the 26th floor of the Pacific Hotel again unconsciously.

Unfortunately, the place where Er Gou entered was a gun room. There were more than ten long guns in the room, each of which was equipped with a precision sight. These are long-range sniper rifles. They're killers' favorites. There are so many sniper rifles hidden in the headquarters of the flying tiger gang. Have they trained a large number of professional killers?

Two dogs picked up a sniper rifle, just want to have a good play, suddenly heard someone outside shouting: "catch him, don't let him run!" Er Gou was surprised. Was it impossible that he was found again?

Now that he was found, he thought it would be better for him to run away from the window immediately. However, at this time, a familiar curse came from the outside: "despicable villain, look at the sword..." this sound is too familiar. Who else is Xiaoxue?

Xiaoxue must have chased the killer here. His grandmother's, it turned out that the flying tiger Gang secretly sent killers to kill themselves.

Knowing that the man outside is Xiaoxue, Ergou quickly opens the door and goes out..

It turns out that the four foreigners in black and several other people in black suits are besieging Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue is surrounded in the middle and seems to be unable to do what she wants.

"It's really mean. So many big men are besieging a little girl!" Two dogs scold.

"You, how did you get in?" Seeing two dogs, the man in black and the man in suit were very surprised.

Xiaoxue is surprised to find that the man is er Gou. She excitedly points to one of the men in suits and shouts, "boss, the man in the suit is the killer. Kill him quickly!"

Before Xiaoxue finished speaking, the two dogs had rushed over, wrists turned, a red flower to the suit man. When he found that Er Gou's knife was extremely sharp, the man in the suit quickly rolled on the spot and avoided Er Gou's fatal blow.

The killer evades the attack of Er Gou and knows that he is not the opponent of Er Gou. He quickly takes out a pistol with a silencer and pulls the trigger at Er Gou very quickly.

"Chirp..." the gunshot rang out, two dogs quickly dodged, and the bullet was deeply nailed into the wall behind them. The killer actually opened fire in the hotel, but after silencing, the sound of the gun was very small, and no one could hear it outside.

See the killer shot, snow fiercely block away the black man at the same time split to the Oriental knife, worried cry: "boss careful!"

Now that the gun has been fired, several men in suits are no longer polite. They all take out their pistols one after another. All of them aim at Er Gou. After one shot, they fire the second shot and the third shot. Their purpose is very clear, that is, never let Er Gou get close to them. They know very well that they can only shoot their opponents from a long distance, otherwise they will die.

Two dogs want to rush to split the killer, but gun two dogs are still a little scared, it's not fun to eat gun“ Xiaoxue, come here, let's withdraw first... "After all, it's in other people's territory. The enemy will fight more and more. Er Gou is worried about other experts. He plans to withdraw first.

In an office on the 26th floor of the Pacific Hotel, Ichiro Yamamoto and Keiko are sitting on the sofa. Opposite them, an old man is sitting. The old man is wearing a flowery dress, a duckbill hat on his head and a piece of rag on his face.

This man is an old ghost. It's his rule to cover his face. No matter he appears in front of anyone, it's his virtue. No one on the road has ever seen his real face.

The old ghost is biting the gum in his mouth and watching the picture of two dogs fighting outside in the video“ Yamamoto, it's time for you Shuangsha to do the same. If you do it now, two dogs will surely die! "

Yamamoto leaned back on the sofa, indifferent“ I have said many times that I have made an appointment with him to decide whether to die tomorrow. I don't agree with you to use this method! "

"Yamamoto, your master and I are old friends. This time he sent you here to help me unify the Shashi Gang, not to compete with you!"

"I don't care what you do with him, but I won't do it, or I will become a laughing stock in the Wulin world!"

Yamamoto doesn't stop because he talks about martial arts. He just has a good face. If he makes a move now, he will be ridiculed for being mean. Besides, Huizi, who is sitting beside him, firmly opposes making a move now.