Chapter 900

Captain Liu got up from the ground and became angry. He wanted to fight, but he couldn't aim at the target. The figures of several people in the scuffle change too fast. Director Ou is in it. If it doesn't work, she will be hurt.

Finally, ouyan is put on her neck by the Oriental knife, and the three knives point at different points on her body at the same time“ It's over. Tell them to put down their guns! " The masked man named Koizumi said.

Ou Yan raised her head with no fear on her face, and said: "Captain Liu, shoot, don't mind me, never let them go!"

"This, this..." Captain Liu's hands trembled. He didn't dare to open the robbery. He couldn't bear the responsibility of killing the director.

"They are ferocious gangsters. I order you to shoot!"

Hearing that ouyan had someone shoot her, the Oriental ghost kicked her in the abdomen“ Your mother wants to die! " The tips of the three knives were aimed at the heart of Ou Yan who fell on the ground at the same time.

In the most urgent bareheaded, two dogs came in.

He didn't come in, but suddenly appeared in front of the three Oriental ghosts. The red dragon, a dragon shaped dagger, flashed and cut off the three people who raised their swords like lightning. The three Oriental ghosts are not ordinary people. When they find that the dagger cut by Er Gou is not simple, they quickly give up. Ou Yan on the ground retreats quickly.

"Bang!" Just as she stood up, Ou Yan drew her gun and shot. Shooting is good, although the Oriental ghost escaped the fatal place, but also hit one of the masked man's arms.

Seeing that the director of the bureau had already fired, the gunfire broke out. Two dogs originally wanted to have a few moves with the Oriental ghost, did not expect that Ou Yan direct violence with the gun, he only reluctantly back.

The first shot, the masked man was unprepared and suffered a little loss, but the intensive gunfire at the back just gave them a chance to escape. Three men in black jumped to the roof and fled from it. These Japanese ghosts have long found a way out. The police around them are well guarded, and even put up machine guns, but the roof is empty.

When Er Gou saw that the Oriental ghost had escaped, he didn't rush to chase him. Through the contact just now, he already knew the background of these people. These three people are not simple. They are not sure of winning all the games. They are going to compete with Yamamoto in two days. He doesn't want to have any accidents. He will settle with them after the competition.

"Captain Liu, get some people to chase you!" Seeing the masked man escape, Ou Yan is very anxious.

"No, they're far away!" Two dogs coldly said.

"You know a fart..." scold a, Liu captain took a person to run out.

But just for a short time, Captain Liu came back with his head down“ Bureau director, no, no one... "

"Waste, so many people surrounded, four machine guns, actually let them run away..." Ou Yan's air is full of twists and turns.

Two dogs thought, these mediocre people, also want to catch the powers, really funny.


Three and a half fruit swindlers were caught stinking, and it took them nearly an hour to take a bath.

After interrogation, it turned out that the Oriental business community had set up an economic Koizumi team specifically for Chinese businessmen, under the command of Junichiro Koizumi. This economic Koizumi team is specially aimed at businessmen who are not willing to do business with foreigners. They recruited a group of fraudsters and set up schemes to defraud people of money in order to bring down the Chinese economy.

After recovering the payment, er Gou accompanies Zhang Min and her parents to the police station. At this time, Ou Yan chased out“ Two dogs, don't go yet

"What else?" For today's sake, er Gou was asked to take notes. He was so bored. He had been busy all day since he got up in the morning, and it was going to be dark. Except for eating a piece of bread at noon, he didn't have a serious meal all day, and his stomach was hungry.

"You wait, I've got some personal business with you!"

"Private? Do I know you? " Two dogs are puzzled.

"Just wait!" With that, Ou Yan went in again. She still had some things to deal with.

Such a high-quality policewoman has a private affair to find Er Gou. He has to give people some face“ Zhang Min, go back with your parents first, I'll wait! "

"Young man, thank you so much today. If you have something to do, we'll leave first. We must come home to play some other day." Zhang Min's father took two dogs by the hand and said.

"Well, I'll visit my uncle some other day!"

Zhang Min smiles at Er Gou and walks away with her parents, leaving Er Gou alone at the gate of the police station waiting for ou Yan to come out.

After more than ten minutes, a white Audi stopped in front of Er Gou“ Get in the car As the window rolled down, Ou Yan stretched out her head and said.

Two dogs went to open the door and sat in“ How did you get out? "

"Oh, I went straight through the back door to drive!" Ou Yan smiles very much.

At this time, Ou Yan has changed into casual clothes, and she is wearing a pair of light brown pants. These pants fit very well, and outline her figure very well. The smooth cloth follows Ou Yan's concave figure.

Now the weather has been warm up, Ou Yan's top is only wearing a yellow soft silk loose shirt, the waves are very turbulent. The hair that had been pulled up also came down, showing her mature beauty.

Ou Yan is a few years older than Wu Mei, but she doesn't look different, just her skin is not as soft and white as Wu Mei. Because of professional reasons, ouyan's skin appears more compact, revealing a healthy beauty.

Just now, Ou Yan was wearing a police uniform, but Er Gou didn't pay attention to it. Now, Ou Yan took off her police uniform and changed back to her plain clothes. The dazzling beauty hidden in the heavy police uniform was completely liberated.

This kind of mature beauty is the most attractive. Sitting in the car, er Gou forgot his eyes for a moment and was staring at Ou Yan's loose neckline. Inside, the light blue cover wrapped her round chest“ What are you looking at? " Ou Yan just drives and finds that Er Gou is not moving. She glances at her and finds that the kid is aiming at her.

"Oh, no, I didn't see it." Two dogs wake up just like a dream. The change of Ou Yan after changing clothes is amazing.

"Captain Liu is right." Ou Yan's charming smile.

"What did he say?"

"He said the dog was just a jerk!"

"Rumor making..."

"Ha ha ha..." Ou Yan laughed happily.

"Director Ou, where are you taking me?" Slightly eased the impulse heart, two dogs asked.

"Take you to my house!"

Wipe, go to the beauty's home, she won't hook me.

When he heard that he was going to the woman's home, er Gou's heart beat twice. The police chief was really bold and unconstrained, so he took himself home? Is it in order to repay her life-saving kindness that she wants to promise her life? Two dog's eyes couldn't help aiming at her again.