Chapter 893

"He bullied his classmates first!" Two dogs explained.

"Don't talk so much. Come to the office with me and take care of it!" The headmaster called several male teachers to pull the two dogs to the office for fear that they might run away.

"Just go, don't pull me..." Er Gou doesn't bother to pay attention to him. He goes to the office when he goes to the office. Can he eat him?

This speed, when the efficiency is so high. Just after ten minutes, two luxury black cars drove into the school, and a police car was behind them.

Is this a god horse thing? There were five big bellied leaders, followed by two policemen heading for the headmaster's office. This style is really good. No wonder there is such a son. The school is like his own. A little director can make such a scene because his son is beaten.

When he found these people, the headmaster rushed to meet them. "Director Li, you have many opportunities every day, and your subordinate's work is not in place. I'm really sorry for you!" While nodding and bowing, while flattering. However, the pedestrian didn't pay any attention to him and didn't even look at him.

"Who is it, who hit people?"

Entering the office, Li Gang yelled. After that, Li Zhitao, who was supported by several male teachers, pointed to the second dog and said, "that's him. That's him bullying me. Dad, you want to avenge me."

Grass, what's that called?

The headmaster hurriedly placed a chair, asked Li Gang to sit down and said, "the secretary is not under the guidance of the subordinates. How do you handle has the final say?"

Two dogs see so many people coming, and there are police uncle, think things can be said clearly, he quickly explained: "they beat the students first, I just taught the bad guys a lesson!".

Who knows, everything is not what Er Gou imagined. Li Gang, the fat white man, ignored Er Gou's words at all. He pointed up to ER Gou and said to the headmaster, "this student is going to be expelled. In addition, he needs to go to prison. He committed a crime in the school in public and hurt so many students. Is that great?"

Hearing this, the two dogs were very angry. It was obviously a reversal of black and white. For his son's sake, he was so short. I'm going to expel Lao Tzu and reeducate through labor. Is there any royal law in the world?

"Is your mother reasonable?" Er Gou is a little angry.

"You see, you see how such a student can stay on campus and be arrested by me immediately!" Li Gang waved his hand. Seeing that the leader gave the order, the two policemen in the back took out the handcuffs and rushed up.

Two dogs didn't want to be enemies with the state organs, so he was very obedient to be taken away by the police. Seeing the police car leaving with two dogs, Li Zhitao gave a fierce Pooh: "grass, fight with me, it's still tender."

Two dogs were taken directly to the police station and locked up, even without interrogation and investigation. He wanted to wait until the time of interrogation to tell the whole story again. Maybe he would meet a policeman with integrity. Who knows, even this idea failed.

At night, the stars were shining. Two dogs were sitting alone in the cell, staring at the stars outside the window. He just doesn't want to escape. He doesn't want to turn himself into a fugitive because of this unwarranted crime. He wants to make a call to Wu Mei, but the phone has been put away for a long time. What should he do?

Looking at the thick and thin steel column of the iron window bowl mouth, er Gou has an idea in his heart. He wants to sneak out in the middle of the night. He can't be wronged like this. No matter how thick the steel column is, it looks like hair in Er Gou's hand. With a little effort, the gap between the steel columns is opened. Two dogs quickly get out of the gap and disappear into the night.

Until early in the morning, two dogs came back from the gap, got into the detention room, and restored the steel column to its original state again.

In the morning, the sun was already high, and the iron door of the detention room was finally opened.

"Come out, sign and send you to detention!" A middle-aged policeman came in and led the two dogs out.

"I didn't break the law. Why go to the detention center?" Two dogs argued.

"It's not your has the final say to commit a crime. If we say you break the law, you will break the law, do you understand?" People outside yelled at Er Gou.

Two dogs have to endure, don't want to quarrel with this man. Police took him to an interrogation room, a beam of strong light hit him, stabbing his eyes.

"Do you admit to hurting people?" Behind the opposite table sat the two policemen who went to school to catch two dogs.

"I hit people, but..."

"Well, just admit that you have beaten someone. Don't talk nonsense about what you ask and what you answer." The police broke in on ER Gou's reply.

"Well, since you're the one who hit me, you can sign here." The police took a note and handed it to ER Gou.

Two dogs have a rough look, wipe, when I don't know the word? This is clearly something similar to a confession. It simply records how many people you have injured, how serious the injury is, and so on. There is no incident at all. Do you want to put yourself in prison?

"If I don't sign this confession, I'm a villain. It says how many innocent students I've hurt. I won't sign it in black and white!" Two dogs were so angry that they wanted them to deal with it fairly, but they didn't expect that they wanted to be sentenced to unjust imprisonment. How could it be so easy?

"Be lenient when you confess, be strict when you resist. If you don't sign, you will be beaten until you sign!" The policeman behind the table slapped the table and stood up.

"Do you still want to make a move?" Two dogs also Huo stood up.

"Xiao Li, do it. If you don't give him some color, this boy doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick! If he's injured, he'll say that he's trying to attack the police and see if he signs? " As soon as the policeman in charge of interrogation waved his hand, a younger policeman sitting next to him immediately came to ER Gou with a rubber baton.

The young policeman was very fierce. He came to the front of him and suddenly hit the dog on the head without a word.

Two dogs listen to clearly, these two people clearly want to be wronged, he is no longer polite, for this kind of harmful horse, two dogs from the heart of disgust. Seeing the stick hitting on his head, the two dogs hit the stick.

"Bang!" The sound of the stick hitting the head is very clear. However, the stick didn't hit Er Gou. Instead, it was kicked away by Er Gou. The stick bounced back and hit the police on the forehead.

"Ah." The young policeman covered his forehead, and the red blood flowed out of his fingers. "Attacking the policeman, this boy attacking the policeman, ah, it's killing me." The young policeman crouched on the ground in pain and howled.

When he found that he still had two hands, the policeman who was sitting stood up in a hurry, took out his pistol and pointed to the two dogs: "how dare you attack the police? The crime is even worse. If you dare to move again, I can kill you immediately!"