Chapter 836

One hour before the appointed meeting time, the dwarf dog had already caught fire with people and the Oriental ghost soldiers in soshan. The mountain top in the suburb of Dongjin was full of gunfire.

"Short dog, where are they?" Two dogs got to the meeting place first.

"Boss, they haven't arrived yet. I think they are coming soon." The short dog looked at the watch in his hand, then looked at the two dogs and said.

"Short dog, how can I feel that the attack of these Oriental ghosts is very weak." Two dogs looking at the mountain attack of those Oriental ghost seems to have no heart to hide the gun, as if Dongjin was attacked is not a big deal.

"Boss, I don't know. The attack of shangdongyang ghost was very strong last night, but it's getting weaker and weaker today. It seems to be retreating." The little dog was scratching his head and didn't understand.

"What's more, there are guns everywhere. Besides us, other countries are attacking this bird country." Two dogs looking at other places outside Dongjin also gradually gunfire everywhere, also can't understand.

Two dogs didn't expect that after the concentrated fire attack of three missile bases, Dongjin had been completely wiped away, and the whole Oriental Ocean was immediately in total chaos. Dongjin was destroyed, and the island state became anarchy. Since the guards all went their own way, the next day, all kinds of forces attacked each other, The period of Warlord's scuffle in the East began.

Because the civil war started, the Japanese ghosts who attacked here soon retreated and occupied the territory according to their own commander's orders. So by the time the four of them came back here, there were no more Japanese ghosts left, except those who were killed.

"Damn, these Japanese ghosts are so damn powerful. They are fighting everywhere." Yang Yaozi and they retreated all the way. They clearly saw the attack of self guards from all over the country.

"Damn it, let's get out of here." Two dogs with a cigarette said.

"Well, Fengmei and I will take people into the space." With that, brother long looked at all the brothers and said, "brothers, hand in hand, form a circle."

Two dogs nodded. Under the command and arrangement of brother long and Sister Feng, everyone suddenly disappeared on the spot and entered the space of ancient coins. Brother long was the host to arrange the food and accommodation for those people.

At this time, only Sakai Fazi and Ergou were left at the scene. Because they were in Toyo, and they didn't know much about Toyo nonsense, Ergou left the woman outside.

"Beauty, let's go." Two dog ruffians with a cigarette in their mouth, holding Sakai's purple waist.

Now the space of ancient coins can be completely controlled by Er Gou, so even Feng Mei, who lives inside, can't know the situation outside. Er Gou boldly walks down the mountain with a purple waist of Sakai. No matter how many people in the ancient coins know the situation of Er Gou, unless Er Gou is willing to let them know.

"Husband." Sakai Fazi leans on Ergou's side. Since she has been with Ergou, her heart has belonged to this man. From the bombing of Dongjin, we can see that she is no longer the Oriental ghost girl, but the girl of Ergou.

"Well, good." Two dogs touched Sakai's purple waist and walked down the mountain with a cigarette in their mouth.

"Er Gou, how can we go back home?" Sakai asked.

"Purple, can you fly a plane?"

"Ah?" Sakai turned purple and was startled by Er Gou's words.

"Ah, what, let's grab a plane and fly back." Er Gou doesn't seem to take robbing a plane seriously at all.

"I, I can only fly fighters." Sakai Fazi used to be a killer with a government background, so he had training in this field.

At noon the next day, a toyoku fighter plane landed secretly somewhere in China. Inside the plane were Sakai Fazi and ER Gou.

As soon as the plane landed, a team of bullet proof limousines arrived. Er Gou got into a car and drove out quickly.

"Comrade Zhou Ergou, welcome back to China. Your actions have completely eliminated the threat of the east island to us. The country thanks you." In a secret meeting room, an officer with three stars on his shoulders held two dogs' hands tightly.

"Well, this is what every Chinese child should do. You're welcome. Hehe." Two dogs said with their heads clenched.

In the meeting room, there are full of high-level national figures, most of them are high-level figures with military background. Because of Er Gou's inadvertent action, he has become a national hero, so the high-level officials met Er Gou at the first time when he landed in the plane. This was a secret interview, without any reporters.

"Comrade Zhou Ergou, if there is any need for the country in the future, just come to us." At the time of farewell, the general of Samsung held the hand of Er Gou tightly.

Er Gou declined the invitation of the state to join the special organ, because he likes to be free.

"Well, I just want to revitalize the national economy. If I encounter any difficulties in the future, I will trouble you. Goodbye."

With that, two dogs leave the building with Sakai Fazi and walk out of the secret department building. Sakai Fazi takes two dogs by the wrist and leans happily on their shoulders.

At this time, the car of Longfeng company had already stopped at the door of the building. Er Gou sat in and drove to Jiahe city.

A few days later, in the evening, the senior executives of dragon phoenix company and Wolf Gang held a meeting in one of the most luxurious meeting rooms of Pacific Hotel.

"Luo Zhiguo, what's going on with the car production base of Longfeng company? We Chinese car brands must be established. We can't run on the streets with all the cars of foreigners. In this way, our faces will not shine." Two dogs sit at the top.

Today, er Gou is very formal. He is in a suit.

Luo Zhiguo, who was sitting on one side, straightened up immediately when he heard Er Gou's question. Looking at Er Gou, he began to speak.

"Chairman, you can rest assured that our company's own brand cars have been put into production, but the brand still needs to be decided by the chairman."

"It's easy. Just go straight to the dragon and Phoenix." Two dogs very definitely said.

Dragon and phoenix is not only the title of the dragon and Phoenix family, but also the mascot of China. Therefore, whether from home or the Chinese nation, the dragon and Phoenix brand is the most suitable.

"Good, great..."

Everyone under the seat agreed and nodded. Although there are many people in the top management of the company who don't know Er Gou, all of them adore Er Gou. On the first day of entering the company, they swear allegiance to ER Gou.