Chapter 236


The people in black wanted to hide, but they were not in a hurry. They were seen by Wang Dongyue. They thought they were seeing a ghost, so they cried out. With this cry, the people in black rushed up immediately, grabbed Wang Dongyue and stuck her neck with their hands.

"Don't shout, it'll kill you to shout again." The little toyoku spoke in Chinese.

"Ah, ah, don't kill me, I won't shout, I won't shout." At this time, Wang Dongyue finally realized that these people were not ghosts. However, when she saw the Toyo sword drawn by the Toyo ghost, she became even more afraid and trembled.

Two dogs are not ready to rush out now, for fear that the Oriental ghost will jump over the wall and kill Wang Dongyue, so they have to continue to hide and wait for the chance to save Wang Dongyue.

"Come on, where does the local tyrant sleep? Is there another one called Er Gou going back? " When the little Oriental ghost saw that Wang Dongyue did not dare to shout, he immediately asked.

"I, I, I don't know, I don't know..." Tu Bawang is her husband, and ER Gou is also the one she looks good at, so Wang Dongyue pretends not to know.

"Say it or not, or I'll kill you."

Smelling the soap smell on Wang Dongyue's body, the little Oriental ghost knew that the woman had just taken a bath and her hair was wet. It was nonsense to say that she didn't know which room the local tyrant slept in when she took a bath in this room. Although the little Oriental ghost was generally stupid, it was not all a fool. There was also a handle with brain, so he didn't believe what Wang Dongyue said.

"Ah..." as soon as Wang Dongyue heard that she was going to kill her, she just yelled, thinking that she would wake up the people in the room even if she died, otherwise she might be killed by these little Oriental ghosts.

I didn't expect that Wang Dongyue was still a strange woman who was not afraid of death. When the Oriental ghost heard Wang Dongyue shouting, he was worried. He quickly raised the Oriental knife and stabbed Wang Dongyue in the stomach.

Now, er Gou can't wait any longer. If he waits any longer, he will be killed. Although he will heal himself, if he is killed by a Oriental ghost, he can't be cured. For the time being, er Gou still can't do it.


Two dogs suddenly rush out and smash a hammer hand at the back of the head of the ghost in black. The ghost who raises a knife to kill Wang Dongyue feels as if the back of his head has been hit by a lot of bricks, and then he collapses.

These are just ordinary killers. They just act stealthily at night. Once they really fight, they are not two dogs' opponents. One hammer will knock down one.

"Who?" The Oriental ghost who catches Wang Dongyue suddenly falls down and shouts with fright before meeting him. At this time, er Gou's Puyin leg has already kicked over. When he knocks down a Oriental ghost, he kicks at the Oriental ghost who catches him, and his foot is just on the two eggs of the Oriental ghost who catches Wang Dongyue.

"Click, click..." two burst sounds, it is estimated that the egg has become an egg flower.

Er Gou's Puyin leg has never used so much force. Today is the first time that he has tried his best to Puyin. He really has a hard hand. He can't treat Tamar as a human being when he treats Oriental ghosts. It's the best thing to pucker his eggs directly.

By this time, the Oriental ghost had already found Er Gou, and all of them came to ER Gou with the Oriental knife. Originally, it was a covert assassination, but now it turned into a face-to-face fight. However, the Oriental ghost didn't seem to be afraid. They couldn't see Er Gou clearly at night. They didn't know that Er Gou was the best expert in the daytime, So little toyoku also had no scruples to surround and kill two dogs.

Two dogs quickly pushed Wang Dongyue to his back, and directly met him with bare hands.

"Ding Ding Dang" a burst of noise, the little Oriental ghost's knives are broken several, more than a dozen people soon fell down, collapsed on the ground rolling, pain to death, but just don't open mouth to cry pain, may be worried that the cry will attract more people, so die to insist.

These little Oriental ghosts who only know how to engage in assassination also want to fight with ER Gou. They are really insane.

"Sister Wang, are you ok?" See the Oriental ghost was knocked down, two dogs quickly back to ask Wang Dongyue.

"I'm fine." Wang Dongyue shook her head and thought how the two dogs were here. No one came out of the back door just now. How did he rush out to save himself? Did he just hide beside him? Was he peeping at himself?

He saw her taking a bath just now. Thinking of this, Wang Dongyue suddenly blushed. It's still a small matter to be seen taking a bath. The problem is that she did that kind of thing just now, which makes her very ashamed.

"Oh, it's OK." Two dogs found Wang Dongyue's face suddenly red up, although it is at night, but two dogs eyes good, or see out.

Damn, those dead pigs, they had a fight outside, and they were still sleeping inside. If I hadn't watched women secretly, this nest would have been taken away.

"Ah..." Wang Dongyue suddenly pointed to the back and screamed. Er Gou quickly looked back. He thought it was the little Oriental ghost who attacked from behind, but Er Gou looked back and found that it was the little Oriental ghost who was running away. While he was talking with the woman, he slipped away secretly.

"Ma, I still want to escape." Two dogs said a, quickly turned to chase.

"Two dogs, it's not safe to be alone at night." Wang Dongyue quickly pulls two dogs. In the process of sharp turning, two dogs suddenly brake. They step on a small stone and slip. Then they press down on Wang Dongyue, which just presses Wang Dongyue down.

"Oh..." Er Gou felt that he was overpowering Wang Dongyue. He quickly reached out to support Wang Dongyue and remembered, but he caught two things in his hand.

No, what's wrong with that?

At night, after the fight just now, it became quiet. There were only a few dogs barking in the distance. Maybe they found the escaped Oriental ghost, so they were barking wildly.

Two dogs didn't make a sound at this time. Even Wang Dongyue didn't make a sound. Only two people's breathing became more and more serious. Two dogs seize the hand of Wang Dongyue Hun's breast and tentatively pick it up.

"Well..." Wang Dongyue was yelled out of her voice, feeling unbearable physically

Wang Dongyue's heart is very contradictory. Her comfortable body makes her want to kill Er Gou suddenly, but her sense of shame makes her try her best to suppress it. Here is the back door of her house, and the people inside may come out at any time. How can she do that? Wang Dongyue wants to do that, but she is also afraid.

At this time, er Gou's body seems to be on fire, and he doesn't want to wait any longer. His hand suddenly grabs Wang Dongyue's Library and is about to push down. But this action suddenly scares Wang Dongyue. Wang Dongyue immediately reaches over and grabs Er Gou's hand.

"Two, two dogs, you, you're holding me down." At this time, Wang Dongyue finally began to speak, but it seemed that she was a long time late. It took so long for her to say such a thing.

Hearing Wang Dongyue say such words, two dogs know that she may not want to do that with herself, at least now is not willing.

"Oh, you, why are you under me?" Two dogs also nonsense, like sleepwalking.

"Get up, get up, get up." Wang Dongyue's other hand is holding Er Gou's body, trying to push Er Gou away, but there is no forced push, just supporting Er Gou, not letting Er Gou's body press her body.

"Oh, oh." Two dogs agreed, very reluctant to let go of Wang Dongyue, and then stood up and walked towards the house, even the light did not turn on, directly felt into his own room, lying in the house to sleep.

At this time, the heart of the two dogs was really pounding. The feeling of stealing was really stinging.

Although the most important thing is that little toyoku comes to attack at night, what Er Gou thinks most is not little toyoku, but Wang Dongyue, the wife of Tu Bawang. From what he felt just now, Tu Bawang is definitely the one who has no ability to feed Wang Dongyue.

Sleeping in the room, two dogs toss and turn and can't sleep. When they hear Wang Dongyue coming into the room, she doesn't turn on the light and goes directly into the bedroom with Tu Bawang. Tu Bawang sleeps like a dead pig in the bedroom. Wang Dongyue will certainly not sleep tonight.

It was almost daybreak before two dogs closed their eyes, but just fell asleep, they were awakened by Yang Yaozi.

"Er Gou, get up. It's time for us to go back." Yang Yaozi is still thinking about Wang Qin. I don't know what the girl will look like when she wakes up.

"What's the matter, it's dawn?" Two dogs asked vaguely.

"It's almost too much sun, and it's daybreak?"

"Oh, well, get up." Er Gou also wanted to go back to the town. He stayed in Wangjia village for one night. Because there was an accident last night, the one who said he would call Zhang Xiaoyu didn't call. I don't know she blamed me for not calling.

"Get up." See two dogs out of the room, Wang Dongyue very calm and two dogs said hello, no one will think of what happened last night.

"Mmm, up." On the contrary, er Gou felt embarrassed. Looking at Wang Dongyue in his heart, he felt itchy.

"You two have noodles first. They are still sleeping in." Wang Dongyue said.

"I didn't sleep late. I got up first, hehe." The little girl Wang Jing came over and gave a smile to ER Gou.

"Well, it's good. It's good." After touching Wang Jing's head, er Gou washes his face with water from Wang Dongyue, and then sits on the table to eat noodles, which Yang Yaozi is already eating.

Seeing that Er Gou had gone to eat noodles, Wang Jing went over again“ How do you touch my head? I'm not a child. Remember that. "

"Oh, yes, yes, I will remember." Two dogs deliberately pretended to remember.

"Well, I'll forgive you this time. I heard that you are going back. When will you come?" Wang Jing looks at the two dogs and asks, while Wang Dongyue, who is busy at the same time, peeks over. She also wants to know when the two dogs will come again.

"Oh, this, this can't be said. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year." Two dogs are telling the truth, but Wang Jing refused, quickly grabbed two dogs arm.