Some students have a leap in understanding of the body's acupoints, pulse conditions, Qi and blood, etc.

Some students, through the in-depth understanding of these three pictures, have a qualitative understanding of the techniques and roots of acupuncture, massage, and other "surgical" techniques of traditional Chinese medicine. Like learning by analogy, they can learn the theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine harmoniously.

These real performances really shocked the whole school.

Nowadays, teachers and students of the whole school begin to pay attention to their classes. As for the video of this teaching class, it is directly shared by the teaching department and sent to the campus intranet for all teachers and students to experience.

Naturally, with the publication of this video material, other wonderful people and things that happened in the classroom also spread

Unconsciously, the sky has been completely dark down.

Xia fan and Hu Meixing are still talking happily, and it seems that they can never stop.

"It's time, it's time!" As early as half an hour ago, Hu Yongyi had already returned to the backyard kitchen and was busy. Seeing that his younger sister was really consulting Xia fan about something in the school, he knew that he should be more interesting even though he was still a little uneasy. So I didn't disturb them all the time. Until now, I was busy preparing dinner. Seeing that they didn't finish, I had to call someone.

"Ah! It's so late! " Hu Meixing was surprised. She vomited lilac tongue and made a cute face at Xiafan. "Brother Xiafan, I'm really sorry. As soon as you came back, you didn't even have time to drink water, so you were pestered by me. Fortunately, my brother wasn't too stupid to know how to cook dinner. Let's eat! Ha, brother, what delicious food did you make tonight

What else can Hu Yongyi say when he sees his sister's cheering attitude!

But in my heart, I was very proud.

"Ha, I'm happy today. I made you my best lazy noodle. How about that? Apricot, do you start to drool as soon as you listen to it

"Oh! My brother! You make such a meal. I wonder if brother Xia fan is used to it! Don't stink, brother Xia fan. If you're not used to eating, I don't think you'll be able to put your old face away! "

Seeing the happy appearance of brother and sister, Xia fan also laughed: "Master said I was a pig in my last life, so you can rest assured! As long as I'm not allowed to eat raw rice and eat noodles, I have a super good appetite and can eat anything! "

While talking and laughing, the three went to the backyard.

It was early summer, and it was sultry in the evening, so Hu Yongyi arranged the table in the courtyard.

Under the flowers and vines, the quiet courtyard, the atmosphere is really warm and comfortable enough.

Xia fan didn't know what lazy man stewed noodles was. He was a little surprised when he was on the table. In front of the three people, each of them had a big iron bowl with a diameter larger than one and a half palms. The bowl was full of food. It was steaming hot, not surprising.

In addition, there is another dish of cucumber with mashed garlic on the table.

Simple, there is no nine dishes and one soup, seven dishes and eight bowls, but the ingredients in this rice bowl are very solid.

Not to mention, this big bowl of lazy stewed noodles looks amazing. Sit down and smell it. The strong smell of the food is really attractive.

Xia fan can't wait to grab the chopsticks and take a big bite of the noodles in his rice bowl.

Next to Hu Meixing is about to say hello, Xia fan this big mouthful of stewed noodles, but has already dropped the stomach. Seeing this, Hu Meixing said in a hurry: "Oh! Be careful with! Brother Xia fan, what's your hurry! "

When Hu Yongyi saw it, he also laughed: "Xia fan, you don't know what it means to be impatient and can't eat hot tofu! Hurry up and eat the cucumber. Don't burn it

Xia fan was already blushing with embarrassment at the moment.

I didn't expect that the heat in this seemingly ordinary meal was so amazing that my tongue was almost cooked.

Not to mention, after he swallowed the food, the hot taste between his intestines. He really wanted to treat his heart, liver and lung together as the ingredients of the hot pot. He cooked it instantly, and then he could eat it.

And then, this bowl of lazy stewed noodles, the layer of bright red chili oil, came to his stomach at the same time.

Call is, a mouth, as if you can spray fire!

He quickly grabbed the chopsticks, took a mouthful of mashed garlic, patted the cucumber, and drank a big mouthful of beer from Hu Meixing. Finally, he was able to suppress the astonishing fire wave in his stomach.

However, when the strength is over, it's really hard to say that I'm sweating all of a sudden. I feel comfortable, not to mention how refreshing.At the moment, Xia fan was even more surprised and pointed to his job: "brother Hu, I really don't see it. You have a lot of articles in it! In your soup, it was specially boiled. There are many Chinese herbal medicines in it... "

Hu Meixing has been buried in eating, swallowing, but also repeatedly thumbs up to praise his brother Hu Yongyi.

Seeing their reaction, Hu Yongyi said: "ha, Xia fan, I'm not afraid of your jokes. It's a big meal I've been studying for many years. I think the specific effect must have been inferred from your medical level."

Xia fan also put up his thumb and took a big mouthful, then he said with emotion: "invigorating the spleen and stomach, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, through the method of medicated diet, to achieve this effect, brother Hu, you really have a heart! However, there are still some flaws in the beauty. If we can weaken this too spicy characteristic, this big meal will be worth more people to have! "

Hu Yongyi excitedly said, "Xia fan, do you mean that my secret recipe of medicinal diet is worth promoting?"

Xia fan nodded and said: "brother Hu, it seems that you have a premeditation! Are you going to switch to catering? If that's the case, there will be more variations in your secret recipe. I'll tell you more about it later! "

Hu Yongyi was very happy and said, "ha, that's a good feeling! Ha, xing'er, did you hear that? Xia fan praised my idea! It seems that I have a long way to go in this way. "

Hu Meixing said, "don't be in a hurry, brother! Catering is not as easy as you think. There are many ways in it! What's your secret recipe? It's easy to be copied and pirated... "

Hearing his sister pour cold water on him, Hu Yongyi is a little unconvinced.

However, seeing that Xia fan nodded his head and agreed with him, even if he didn't agree with him, he was also a little hit: indeed, this so-called secret recipe is just like a big girl without an inch in front of such a medical expert as Xia fan. What's the secret there.

"Brother Hu, don't lose heart. We can't do catering industry. Let's change our thinking! For example, we can set up a special company to promote the medicated food series formula developed and invented by us to the catering industry. We can earn the patent fee at the source. It's not more labor-saving, and the money won't be less than half a cent! " Xia fan is smiling, will in the heart already have an idea, said.

This idea, or he yesterday in Tianxiang building, the heart has a feeling, the idea.

Now it happens that Hu Yongyi has such an entrepreneurial idea, which naturally coincides.

Hearing Xia fan's words, Hu Yongyi's spirit was aroused and his eyes began to shine: "Wow, Xia fan, you have a better idea! You're right! Ha, let's seize the source. That's a brilliant idea

Hu Meixing can't help but praise in her heart!

After dinner, when Hu Meixing goes to wash the dishes, Hu Yongyi excitedly invites Xia fan to one side and asks for advice on the business of the company.

They talked happily with each other. Unconsciously, they talked for a long time, and the night was deep.

Hu Yongyi later saw that Xia fan had become a little absent-minded, so he put up with the idea of continuing to ask for advice, so he let people have a rest.

Naturally, Xia fan didn't lose interest in talking because he was tired.

In fact, for him, this matter is just a small matter with feet. He doesn't value this big plan as much as Hu Yongyi.

Worldly wealth is really not very attractive to him.

But there are some distractions.

Naturally, he rushed to get the mattress back home and spread it for Hu Meixing. The girl didn't know if she had found the truth. If she had found the truth, what kind of eyes would she use to treat him as a dirty member... I can't blame him for his wishful thinking. In fact, in her heart, she cared too much about Hu Meixing.

"This girl was the closest person to me in her last life, and she is also the closest person to me in this life. I can't ruin her image in her mind because of such filthiness."

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Xia fan went up the stairs a little heavily.

Hu Meixing had already returned to her room, and the light had gone out. It seemed that she had rested.

Xia fan tries to resist the impulse to see through Hu Meixing with special eyesight. Of course, his idea of seeing through is not to peek at Hu Meixing's flattery when she is sleeping, or the way she looks when she is rarely dressed. It's just the concern of her brother for her sister. He's afraid that Hu Meixing will find out his filthiness, There will be reactions he doesn't know

In other words, such a state of mind is really enough torture!

After passing by the door of Hu Meixing's room, Xia fan still couldn't restrain his anxiety. He quickly looked around and saw that the girl was lying on the bed, covered the bedding and turned to face inside. He couldn't see her face, but he could hear her even breathing voice.This discovery made Xia fan feel more or less at ease.

Then he pushed open the door of his room and stepped in. When he turned on the light in the room, he was stunned. He saw that his bed was a bit messy. It was obvious that someone had been lying on the bed


Xia fan was stunned by the unexpected discovery, and then recalled that she had seen Hu Meixing hiding in the door of his room and looking through the crack of the door. She couldn't help but feel speechless for a while: this girl, didn't she find out that I was lying in her bed? Did she also report it?

I'm confused by my conclusion!

Xia fan shakes his head and grins bitterly: silly girl, if I really just lie down on your bed, I don't have to be so shameful and conspicuous... ER! Why is this pillow still wet?