A moment later

A toss down, tired some panting Xia fan, completely like a dead heart.

Because he found that in addition to the perspective ability of the eyes, all the other skills in memory have disappeared. There is no special eyesight to extract and analyze all things in the world, no extraordinary force value, and no cultivation magic power.

by the way!

I don't know how much medicine is left in my mind.

It is said that the heart is not impatient, but how is it possible, like a saint, to make the mood not false things, to be indifferent to all changes.

you 're right!

After waking up, Xia fan has realized what kind of earth shaking changes he has experienced and what kind of world he has come into.

Although the heart has been realized!

But it is not so easy to accept such a reality.

He knew that he was mostly in a parallel space with the earth, and everything around him had quietly changed.

In a sense, he is through!

However, he really didn't understand how to get through it. In the memory pouring into his mind, he was negotiating with the holy land of Shenmen, the blue sky fairy and the magic colodo.

But all of a sudden, it turned into star wars, where the mecha and space warships were flying around in the earth's airspace, and there were doomsday disasters everywhere

Then, confused, he appeared at the back of the cliff, still holding the book of heaven.

The scene of deja vu is like the scene when he got the mysterious pamphlet to learn from the original world.

Cut constantly manage also disordered thoughts, let Xia fan to oneself at the moment in the environment is a little forward-looking, heart tangled countless.

Because there is a cruel reality that he has to face.

That is, in this parallel universe, there seems to be him, his family and friends in this world.

But the problem is, here, he's a complete stranger.

The real cousin Hu Xinger's spirit suddenly flies away, which makes him feel guilty and helpless.

It can be imagined that under the scene of Doomsday in my memory, most of the earth in the original parallel universe has been destroyed, and the reason why I can only cross time and space to come to the parallel universe is mostly due to the existence of Tianshu daojuan.

I am the initiator of the book of heaven.

Therefore, even if that world is completely destroyed, he can survive and continue to be free and happy in another universe.

How wonderful!


Xia fan slapped himself: wonderful? You're such a fool with ridiculous desires filling a pig's head! You should be destroyed with that world!

Think of at the beginning, because indulge in the love net of the blue sky fairy, can't extricate oneself, result in the occurrence of that doomsday disaster, Xia fan is a little shameless, why do you want to live in this world.

The original world has been destroyed!

Has been because of their own fault, all relatives, countless innocent people, all destroyed!

Through rebirth in this parallel universe world, can we erase those stupid past and avoid the condemnation from the soul deep inside?

"No! Maternal bleeding, quickly find a doctor, quickly prepare the car to send people to the hospital... "

Just when Xia fan was immersed in all kinds of remorse in his heart and couldn't let go, a burst of anxious shouts came from the outside.

In the courtyard, the sound of footsteps, which was chaotic but peaceful at the moment before, suddenly became a mess. Many people were shouting and running, and the sound of bustling was very loud.

Xia fan wakes up and can't take care of his remorse. He walks to the door quickly: "I'm a doctor, I'm a doctor!"

Push open the door, the sunshine outside is a little dazzling.

Xia fan subconsciously reached out to cover his forehead from the stimulation of the sun, and strode toward the next room.

There are many men and women in the courtyard.

Among them, there is a girl named Hu Xinger who came back from Xia fan.

Hearing that Xia fan reported that he was a doctor, Hu Xinger quickly came up and said, "boy, don't try to be a doctor. Are you really a doctor?""What nonsense! Do you often have a terrible stomachache in the last two days? What's more, the amount of bleeding is very small and the duration is very long? This is an old problem! If you don't take the time to recuperate, you'll get more pain when you get married in the future! "

Hu Xinger is stunned, because what Xia fan says is true.

She is really dizzy these two days because of the irregular monthly events and the fact that her sister-in-law is about to give birth. She doesn't go to bed at night with pain.

However, a young girl's family was exposed to such a secret by a strange man. It's the hell that she can be calm

Xia fan casually broke the secret of Hu Xinger's girl's family, and immediately startled the horsetail girl. What's more, she blushed. She was so ashamed that she wanted to find a way to drill down.

In this way, Hu Xinger was told by a strange man that he was embarrassed. He felt that he was stripped naked in public.

But at the moment, Hu xing'er is too shy!

There is still a patient with postpartum hemorrhage waiting for help in the room. Now Xia fan can see through her private affairs at a glance. When he thinks about this person's ability, he is full of expectation. So he will let Xia fan into the room instead of blocking her.

In the bottom of my heart, but also quietly made up his mind, thought that if this guy really has the real ability, say not, or ask for a way, his stomachache this harmful disease recuperated!

But at this time, suddenly a burst of cheers came, and I heard the villagers clapping and shouting excitedly. They all raised their heads and pointed to the sky.

When Hu Xinger heard the cheers, she immediately recovered.

Just toward the distant sky to see one eye, immediately also followed cheering excited up.

Xia fan in the side to see the reaction, can't help but also born curiosity, also subconsciously turned to look up.

However, high in the sky, there is a strange flying object with alternating red and white lights. It's very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, it has been roaring over the courtyard from more than 100 meters away.

This is a high-tech floating flying car with Red Cross logo on its body?

Hospital ambulance?

Looking at the floating car, which slowly landed in the farmyard from high altitude, Xia fan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes couldn't help staring round. He had completely forgotten that he wanted to hurry into the house to save the mother.

"Low altitude suspension flight of magnetic energy, ultra quiet, ultra fast... Has human science and technology in this world developed to such a level?"

Xia fan is not an ignorant person.

On the contrary, few of his personal experiences, such as the brilliance of a single round, span the whole universe.

The problem is that in this primitive and backward village a moment ago, pregnant women had no conditions to be sent to the hospital for childbirth. As a result, there was such an emergency as massive hemorrhage after childbirth. People were in a hurry everywhere, looking for doctors everywhere.

If he was not present, it would be a tragedy.

However, who can imagine that the previous moment he subconsciously concluded that this place was primitive and backward. He never thought that in the next moment, an ambulance flying directly at low altitude and high speed would arrive at the scene quickly.

This guy!

Of course, it's not surprising that Xia fan has such an uncomfortable reaction. After all, in his subconscious mind, he has subconsciously overlapped this small mountain village with his former hometown and unconsciously regarded it as his hometown.

Subconsciously, the world parallel to the universe is regarded as the former world.

A few white coats, in a hurry, stepped out of the floating car. Everyone was carrying a silver roller box half a person high. Guided by the villagers, they rushed to the room where the puerpera was.

Seeing these white coats, pushing the roller box by itself, Xia fan was filled with emotion.

Because what he saw in these silver roller boxes was a complete set of portable multifunctional intelligent medical vehicles.

This is a set of self-service medical terminal equipment.

In the near space age, more than half of human medical activities depend on such multifunctional intelligent terminals.

General patients, as long as they don't lose their arms or head, can be cured 100%.

So if it's just postpartum hemorrhage, it's really as easy as pediatrics!

Seeing two kinds of advanced technology products one after another, Xia fan felt strange in his heart. He was always reluctant to believe them, but he had to believe them.However, I have already given up, and I want to follow up the idea of saving people in the room.

At the moment, Hu xing'er looked at him more: "Hey, you're a doctor. Why don't you go in and help?"

Xia fan is stunned, just want to say some polite words, suddenly heard the woman's groan voice coming from the room, listen to particularly familiar, a little surprised in the heart, but no longer hesitated, then raised his feet to follow into the house.

At the time of entering the room, the white coats, who entered the room with their forefeet, had already set up instruments in the room, and they were all busy debugging in an orderly way.

Xia fan's focus at the moment, however, is no longer on these seemingly high-tech medical devices. His eyes are eagerly focused on the direction of women's moans, lying on the bed

After only one look, Xia fan was shocked all over. If he was struck by lightning, his breath suddenly became short, and he was in a bad mood, All of a sudden, they became extremely nervous and excited.

"Yaxi elder sister... Yaxi elder sister..." she murmured to herself. Xia fan suddenly became a little at a loss, and his expression was particularly flustered and nervous. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot and rushed to the hospital bed.

He can't help being nervous!

Because the lying in woman he saw on the bed turned out to be Xiao Yaxi, the beautiful young woman he was haunted by.

Xiao Yaxi, the beautiful young woman who had been pregnant with his child for a long time, had more than three months to give birth when he left home.

Hu xing'er sees Xia fan's perverse reaction and stares round with big eyes.

Obviously, I didn't expect that this strange man, who was carried home by her, actually knew the woman her cousin picked up, and could accurately call each other's name.

Three months ago.

Cousin Gu strangely brought home a big bellied old woman and sister-in-law. She hesitated and did not make it clear. Anyway, she said that this woman would be her sister-in-law from now on. She begged her to take good care of her at home.