"What a ghost! This life magnet, like there is life in the recovery

Xia fan takes Xu ruqin and walks around the big blood pool quietly. While paying attention to the movement of the life magnet in the blood pool, he looks at the Shenzi and Shenwei around him, trying to find the other three girls.

Xu ruqin has the same mind.

But for the changing life magnet in the big blood pool, because she knew that it was the strange thing released by Xia fan, she only thought that it was Xia fan's way to press the bottom of the box. Therefore, although the change of life magnet was amazing, she was not nervous at all.

Don't you know, Xia fan at the moment, I don't know how tangled.

That's because I have heard from my ancestors that the life magnet is a kind of terrible life that once dominated the galaxy in countless generations of history. Even the most powerful civilization in the universe has to bow down to this kind of terrible life.

He was worried that in case the ancestor's judgment was wrong, in case there really existed that kind of terrible life in this life magnet.

Now in this situation, isn't it that this terrible life is swallowing up the life energy in the blood abyss and is on the eve of recovery?


Xu ruqin suddenly exclaimed and looked up at the sky.

Blood pool above, very high, almost a hundred meters, in the above, suddenly appeared a arch light.

It's a door.

A figure came out of the door and stepped directly into the front void. After more than ten steps, the figure stood on a platform: "God said, there must be light!"

That figure, with the most pious words, uttered a sentence.

Then, this strange underground space, surrounded by twinkling stars, there are countless tiny fireflies light up, in an instant, let this strange space more and more illusory.

Xia fan saw the world behind the door and the place where the shadow passed. It was clear that there was a transparent plank road.

After listening to the figure's words, the Shenzi and Shenwei all around knelt down on one knee and called "Lord.".

Xia fan and Xu ruqin are also mixed in the Shenzi Shenwei, and they are calling in a different way.

The Lord of God flew down slowly from the sky: "here, there are blasphemers..."

"Shameless blasphemers, hidden among you! Find him at once The Lord of God is not a vegetarian. As soon as he appears, he has a clear goal and comes to find Xia fan and Xu ruqin.

"Don't panic!"

Xia fan whispered to Xu ruqin.

The Lord of God, listen to that voice, it is obvious that he was the one who found him when he came out of the body.

If you can yell at him, it will disturb his spirit and even cause irreversible damage to him. Needless to say, you know that this person's means and strength must be outstanding.

Moreover, it can be inferred from all kinds of signs that most of the blood abyss labyrinth at the moment is in such a place as the secret space world.

And this time, it's obviously not the real and illusory kingdom of the virtual God.

Thirteen sons of God, alliance of gods, God

This series of information has been enough to show that he and Xu ruqin are in a collision. Due to the interference of the storm of time and space, they broke into the secret base of Shenzi Shenwei, which is cultivated by the alliance of God descendants.

At the Lord's command, he wanted to search the blasphemers. Although he didn't understand why he ignored the changes in the blood pool, he was anxious to find the so-called blasphemers.

But through this point, I also found that the Lord's control of the blood abyss labyrinth was not as powerful as I thought.

When I think of the Shenzi Shenwei that they met several times before, I don't seem to pay much attention to them. When I think about the Shenzi Shenwei before, they were almost all in small groups, and they were all small groups. I have some speculation in my heart.

It seems that there is not much communication between the divine sons and guardians of this alliance.

But also, although they are all Shenzi Shenwei, they compete with each other.

The blood abyss maze is divided into 13 parts. It seems fair, but it is not.

Only when the strength exceeds the former, the better the position of the blood abyss maze, and the more resources it can control.

After he destroyed the bloody cocoon, mutai, the God son of the giant clan, waited for less than five minutes, then found another place to restart the bloody cocoon, and the spirit went through the country of empty God to practice continuously.

Such treatment is not available to other Shenzi Shenwei.

Sure enough, although the Lord of God ordered to find out the blasphemers, the words also caused a lot of turmoil among the guardians, but no one really responded to the call to arrest people.On the contrary, because of these words, the small groups between the sons and the guards of the gods became more and more distinct.

The mutual vigilance is becoming more and more obvious.

"Where is mutai?" The LORD looked around and asked.

Han mutai, the giant of the iron tower, has already died. Under the joint attack of Xia fan and Xu ruqin, it is impossible for him to respond.

"The gods are out!"

Seven or eight gods with different images came out of the crowd, standing in a loose row, crooked, living out of a group of mobs.

Xia fan made a gesture to Xu ruqin, and the two also stood up and stood at the end of the line.

Xia fan is going to make a strong charge.

Because he had a premonition that the Lord of God, it seems very difficult to tell who the gods are.

However, whether it is for this reason or not, it is obviously better to stand up at the moment than to passively stand in place and wait.

It's about checking the targets one by one. In case the Shenzi is out and the Shenwei is assigned to their respective Shenzi, the two of them can't find where to stand at that time. Why don't they just show up.


"That's right. It may be a knife to stretch your head. It may be a knife to shrink your head. At least you can cheat him, or you'll die..."

The two people have the same spirit, and stand steadily ahead.

Sure enough.

After the gods came out, the Lord of God just glanced at them at random, but he didn't have a word. Then he said, "now, the gods are standing behind their respective gods according to their ownership!"

This stupid pig is really such a routine.

A burst of note that the pace of the rope disorderly ring, the rest of the many gods who quickly ran to their son after standing.


Let Xia fan and Xu ruqin surprised, they two people behind, at this time actually also stood a person.

Xia fan stood behind two.

Xu ruqin stands behind him.

"Xia fan, it's me, Xiaowu and Shanxing. It's so nice to finally find you two!"

A familiar sound sounded in my ear.

This is Tan Xiuqi talking. Tan Xiuqi and Xia fan have the same feelings.

Hearing this familiar voice, Xia fan was shocked.

The three figures behind him and Xu ruqin are all strange men. Can they be tan Xiuqi talking?

But then I heard Tan Xiuqi explain that they were all disguised as illusions, disguised as other people, so they couldn't recognize them.

However, the fifth soft Hu xing'er's two wenches got the Taoist inheritance, which has the ability to camouflage the illusory spirit.

It turns out that the three were lucky. Although they also "crossed" the kingdom of the void God through the bloody cocoon, they were all in the same place in the kingdom of the void God.

Although they failed to realize that the kingdom of the void God was not real, their "journey through history" was more wonderful than Xia fan and Xu ruqin.

Moreover, these three women have been in the country of void God for ten years.

In that virtual country, the three of them have joined hands and even established the most powerful country of empress. They are going all out to develop science and technology trees and space-time shuttle technology.

This is a plan to one day be able to travel back to the earth through time and space, back to the past

The purpose, of course, is to find him in the past.

Through the mental induction, Xia fan suddenly understands the situation of the three girls, and is deeply saddened.

Feel the three women's hot eyes, but also a strong touch and excitement.

At the same time, I feel more responsible.

Under such circumstances, if a strong enemy is ahead of him, he and his fourth daughter will be destroyed.

He can't protect himself against the Lord.

What's more, we need to protect the four women.

What's more, there will be twenty or thirty sons of God around here.

What's more, how can the blood maze get out of the predicament

All this was a mountain of burden, all on his shoulders.

But at this moment, Xia fan has thrown away the consideration of personal safety.

The more serious the crisis, the stronger the rise.He is quickly turning around, calculating the cards in his hand. Before the last moment, he doesn't take out all his fighting power to fight. He easily admits defeat. Obviously, it doesn't belong to the entries in his dictionary.

However, it is not easy to meet all the women again and give up.

"You, name it. Which group of five of you are from?" When Xia fan was thinking about countermeasures, the Lord of God pointed his first spear at them.

"The Li family!" Xia fan looks a Bing, neither humble nor overbearing reported a name.

The daomen Li family is one of the thirteen ethnic groups in the alliance.

He knew the news, but he didn't know if the menli family had arranged for Shenzi to experience here.

In case of someone, it can be revealed on the spot.

"Oh? Are you Taoist Li family Shenzi Shenwei? Li Mingjie is out. What's going on? " The Lord of God's eyes swept to another group of people in the queue, and pointed to Xia fan's five people with sarcasm.

Damn it!

So soon?

Xia fan casually said the name of "daomen Li family". Unexpectedly, the Lord of God responded quickly and immediately called out the real Li family God son to confront him. This guy was really embarrassed.

Li Mingjie, the son of the Li family, came out of the crowd. The four Shenwei behind him were not good at fixing their eyes on Xia fan and others.

At the same time, the other Shenzi Shenwei, under the command of the Lord, surrounded the Li family in the middle in a fan-shaped circle.

However, when everyone, including Xia fan, realizes that a conflict is inevitable.

A scene that everyone didn't expect.

Li Mingjie, the son of God, saw the appearance of Xia fan clearly. Leng Buding knelt down on one knee and bowed down in front of Xia fan: "Li Mingjie, the unfilial son, has met my ancestor!"

The other four Li Shenwei saw this and fell to their knees in fear. They also called out "see my ancestors".

This guy directly fooled the people present.

Xia fan wanted to understand in a flash. He pretended to be Li tiandaozu of daomen and cheated Li Tiannan, the immortal ancestor of Li family of daomen. He was confused about what he thought of him as. Yuntiandaozu traveled through the world separately.