This is special!

Seeing this scene, Xia fan really felt like he was going to vomit.

The "muxianzi" indirectly took a mouthful of his saliva, and then his mouth squirmed. It seemed that he was tasting his saliva again.

A moment later, the muxianzi nodded: "not bad! Blood and saliva are all of the best quality. It seems that you are indeed favored by heaven

"Lao Tzu's excrement and urine are better. Do you want to pay for it?" Saying this, Xia fan will vomit himself.

But unexpectedly, the "curtain Fairy" laughed.

"Cluck, I didn't expect that the fairy finally found you among human beings. Your excrement and urine fart is free, but the fairy really wants to taste it, another kind of body fluid in your body. Little man, you're making a lot of money today! "

As he spoke, the muxianzi untied the two buttons in front of his military uniform.

At that moment, the grand business line bound under the military uniform exploded

The "muxianzi" shows off her superior figure and bullies Xia fan.

"Little man, the feeling of being imprisoned will enlarge your sense tolerance ten times. Under the taste of Ben Xianzi, you will be excited to death..."

Said, that slender jade finger, along Xia fan's chest, all the way down slide, the whole person, also wriggling water snake like body, slowly squat down.



That "muxianzi", like a stripper in a nightclub, wriggles his body and constantly tempts Xia fan.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, the whole person collapsed on the ground without any sign.

"Bah, bitch!"

Xia fan never felt how lucky and happy she was to have a pair of clothes and trousers on her body at this moment.

When the "muxianzi" waved away the others, left alone, and was ready to "do something wrong" to him in the room, he seized the rare opportunity to quietly release the essence of the poison source, and was ready to repeat the old trick, learn the trick of being on the yacht, and quietly put the woman down.

I don't know whether this woman's cultivation is too high and has a certain resistance to the essence of the poison source, or there are other reasons. For a moment, she didn't succeed.

Originally controlled by the essence of the toxic source, his body fluid is non-toxic.

However, seeing that the woman was interested in his blood, I was afraid that she was a freak with a habit of sucking blood, so I had an idea and integrated the essence of the poison source into the whole body.

Unexpectedly, the woman swallowed his saliva in disgust, but indirectly swallowed the essence of the poison source.

That's why it's better to be human than to be human!

At the moment, when I was innocent and humiliated, I finally put this woman down, which was really thrilling.

It's a long way off. He really wants to

He quickly got out of the lock.

For Xia fan who has the ability of structure, such a little binding is really nothing.

I can't keep this Muxian!

So in the first time after getting out of trouble, Xia fan didn't hesitate. The first thing he did was to attach himself and twist the woman's head 720 degrees. He almost pulled her head off.

After all this, he put the woman on the steel frame where he had just been imprisoned, and pulled down the woman's uniform to put on himself.

What he didn't expect was that this woman had a full set of vacuum inside.

It seems that he is going to strip the woman, fix the person on the steel frame, cross wide, ready to do something special.

The upper part of the military uniform is a little small. Fortunately, the trousers are wide enough.

A moment later, Xia fan has armed himself, recovered the jade pendant of the water mirror and hung it back on his neck. Next, he is ready to launch a thunder attack in the submarine

The five short men in military uniform, as well as several others, were standing outside the secret room at the moment.

Xia fan offered a water chanting sword. Just as he was about to open the door, he killed his way.

All of a sudden, all over the submarine, the red lights were blaring and flashing.

When these people outside heard the red alarm, they heard the five short men in military uniform yelling and directing them to return to their posts. He himself was busy reporting to the "muxianzi" through the door of the secret room.

I heard a few words.

However, the submarine is surrounded by the Chinese fleet and needs to dive immediately to get out of this sea area.Xia fan suddenly heard such a news, can't help but be stunned.

This Black Skull flag submarine is surrounded by the national fleet? Is it difficult to fight?

Xia fan can't believe that the East China Sea fleet is coming to save him.

What's more, because suddenly I couldn't catch him in the satellite surveillance aerial photos, and I saw the scene of the Black Skull flag submarine firing on the yacht. Major general fan Qingyun, who led the first mobile squadron of the East China Sea fleet, is now on fire. He's really eager to fight with the enemy ship with a bayonet.

At this moment, the five destroyers of the first mobile squadron of the East China Sea fleet, as soon as they appeared on the sea, would not hesitate to send out a flag to let the submarine surrender, otherwise they would open fire and sink it.

In order to prevent submarines from diving and escaping, deep-sea torpedoes on Destroyers have been locked in the target.

This guy!

In the face of the East China Sea Fleet's overbearing and unreasonable style, the order of the Black Skull flag submarine has been in chaos for a long time. On the one hand, it responded that its sailing on the high seas did not violate the laws of any country.

Black Skull Battle Flag submarine, also in the corner tenacious resistance, intention to delay time, but also to their allies to send support request.

However, the East China Sea Fleet did not give submarines any chance to defend themselves, accusing them of wantonly killing civilians, committing atrocities, violating international maritime conventions and UN peace conventions.

In a word, in any case, we should board the submarine and catch the criminals.

As for who is the so-called criminal, it is not very clear!

Xia fan, however, heard the urgent report from the men in short military uniform across the door. Naturally, he could not let the submarine run away with its tail between its legs.

Xia fan opened the door directly, imitated the voice of the "muxianzi" and earned the other party into the door. He was very impolite and fought with the man in uniform.

Men with short stature and military uniform are very good.

But this kind of good also depends on who, in front of Xia fan, can be really a force, if it is not Xia fan want to capture alive, use it as a hostage, control the people on the submarine, directly face to face and then release the water yindao, that is nothing to do with him.

After a fight, capture this life alive.

Time was pressing, so Xia fan didn't pay attention to it any more. He used the dead face of the "curtain Fairy" to educate him. Then he immediately sealed the acupoint with a silver needle and firmly controlled him. Then he threatened the other side and went directly to the submarine command room.

In the command room, there are obedients, but there are also recalcitrants.

For such a situation, Xia fan's choice is simple enough. He who obeys will live, and he who resists will die.

There is a sharp weapon like shuiyindao that can kill people without blinking an eye. It is also such a small space in a submarine. Xia fan is like a tiger into a sheep. In the blink of an eye, he completely controls the command room.

As a result, the skeleton flag submarine, who was ready to fight against the encircled East China Sea fleet, gave a surrender signal and opened the entrance of the submarine

This scene, but let the command of the East China Sea fleet, has entered a level of combat readiness major general fan Qingyun stunned.

We are organizing special forces to prepare for boarding.

Another unexpected thing for the soldiers of the East China Sea fleet is that the hostile Black Skull flag submarines, which were originally listed in combat posture, not only gave the signal of surrender and opened the entrance, but also all the armed soldiers in the submarines went out empty handed, boarded the submarine deck and lined up in turn.

In this battle, I've given up my arms!

"Damn, what the hell are these Smashers playing with! First and second special forces, rush up and take over the submarine first. Other units, be on high alert to prevent the enemy from playing tricks! "

Fan Qingyun suppressed the agitation of his mood and issued the order in an orderly way.

Today's events are full of evil.

This submarine painted with the Black Skull flag, you can guess which country's armed forces it will be.

To deal with this recalcitrant island country in the East, because of its geographical relationship, it is more often the Navy that fights with each other openly and secretly, and the friction that has ever occurred is even more numerous.

But it's unprecedented to say that one of the enemy's nuclear powered submarines can be captured.

To tell you the truth, this island country in the East is only a tiny country, but it is better than the domestic Navy in some high-end marine technologies in the military field because of its big thighs.

For example, this nuclear powered submarine has more than twice the performance of the submarines in the East China Sea Fleet in terms of deep diving speed and anti sonar stealth system.I really want to dive back to the deep sea for this grandson, and I want to find out again, but I really don't mean I can find out.

After the East China Sea fleet arrived at the designated sea area, while fighting against the Black Skull submarine, it sent out speedboats to search the surrounding sea area.

Fan Qingyun has not forgotten the main task of this time.

But in fact, when he saw the scene that the yacht was sunk by gunfire through satellite aerial photography, fan Qingyun had no hope of rescuing the person named by the top management.

Nothing to do. No one can survive under such war class artillery.

The main task given by the superior has failed.

Now it's strange that the capture of such an enemy submarine can be regarded as an explanation to the superior!

"This brave brother, fan Qingyun, didn't arrive in time and missed the opportunity to rescue you. I'm sorry for you..."

"Report, milijian Pacific fleet sent a telegram asking why our ship surrounded its allies without any reason, asking us to explain this!"

"Mom, Bazi, tell them that our ship is catching pirates. All those who intend to interfere and obstruct are regarded as acts of war. Our ship will fight back in an all-round way!"


The messenger took the order and left, while fan Qingyun quickly boarded the ship tower and looked at the black skeleton submarine through the telescope.


Through the lens, all of a sudden to capture a figure.

But isn't it the person named by the top management to rescue?

In the camera, the man is barehanded, hijacking an enemy ship. A senior commander is waving to the fleet.

"Damn it, Bazi!" Fan Qingyun was so excited that he made another rude remark.

At this point, fan Qingyun finally understood that what was the origin of today's continuous eccentricity.

It's just, you know, you know.

However, how did he get into the submarine and capture the enemy ship by himself?