Even the materials in the whole transport team were just a phone call from Xia fan. Without asking him to pay a cent, someone did his best.

On the face of it, these are the little filial piety of Yuanjing financial group.

But what is the reality? Is it the so-called "chess master" behind the scenes planning to turn a corner with the help of Yuanjing financial group, and then deliver construction materials to them.

These are not things to make a fuss about.

Others have to try their best to build a house in his hometown in his name. Although they are doing something to make it clear, they can't help it. They don't want people to engage in conspiracy. They don't want people's conspiracy to come to the surface. He's not a God. He can't give this group of thieves a nest, can't he?

So all this, on the surface, is Xia fan in the initiative to ask, in fact, the two sides are tacit.

This is what happens in the world.

Sometimes, it is necessary to show the enemy that he is weak and that he advances by retreating.

Sometimes, however, it is necessary to show the enemy that he is strong and that he has one mind in advance and retreat.

Knowing that other "chess masters" are doing well, Xia fan doesn't want to follow him any more. His parents and sun Xiangxiu want to follow him to supervise the work, but they are all rejected by him. Instead, he only entrusts a group of small cadres from the deputy mayor of the town, together with the mayor Cai Mingquan, to inspect and guide the work at the construction sites in the state of shutdown or semi shutdown, giving important instructions.

In the face of such a shameless arrangement, mayor Cai Mingquan was not upset.

Of course, the surface, the back and the face of the leader are all works refined and sublimated by art. It's a very profound university to understand the face of the leader.

After taking a photo with the geomantic master Mitsui Shou, Xia fan was really hard to judge this person.

Anyway, I'm not an ordinary person!

Xia fan's decision now is that you will be yours and I will be mine.

The location of the valley in the mountains has been proved.

Now the only thing that needs to be solved is how to safely send parents and others to the valley in case of special circumstances.

It's really difficult to make four big, one small, five big living people and one unborn baby disappear without any action.

He thought about using the space of water mirror jade pendant.

However, it is found that living creatures can't get into the space at all.

As for how Mr. Shuijing absorbed Li Mingkai into the space last time, he clearly remembers that when he was in the space, Li Mingkai's whole body seemed to be wrapped by strange light, like a cocoon of light.

It seems that Mr. Shuijing did something special.

But the problem is, he won't do that.

However, it is not too difficult for him to overcome this difficulty.

The only thing is to find a free, fast and convenient way to exercise, which can let parents leave Nanyuan town in a very short time.

The worst way is to summon Zhang Shiba from the underground river world through the ancient well in Nanyuan Town, and let his parents leave by underground water and disappear under the surveillance of the hidden enemy.

Of course, this is Xia fan's most helpless plan.

The dangers of underground Hanoi and the incredible environment are not suitable for the elderly, children and pregnant women to bear

As for fast action on the ground, transportation, the first choice, of course, is the helicopter such a big iron knot.

As long as he tries to get one at random, his skill of flying a plane is fairly mediocre. It is undoubtedly the most convenient and safe way to fly a helicopter directly into the mountains and then escape into the valley.

In addition, in case the enemy's hidden target is not right, it's just to find the secret place of the valley. What we are doing now is to force him to expose the secret place. The necessary armed protection is obviously worth having.

Even if we simply design the valley seclusion as a paramilitary fortress with self intelligent protection force, and kill all the enemies who dare to invade, wouldn't it be more once and for all!

Time. What he lacks most is time.

Xia fan decided to build a plank road in the open and cross Chencang in the dark.

Mountain valley secret place is a key card. Hold it in your hand anyway.

It's obviously a good idea to arm our homeland.

So, it's time to make some special preparations!

Even if the safety of parents and relatives is no longer worrying, they are not at ease with their own protectionNaturally, the weapons and equipment needed to arm the homeland cannot be hot weapons such as ordinary machine guns and cannons.

Imagine that the enemy is all kinds of monks who don't know their strength. Naturally, this weapon must be the special weapon held by the law enforcers of the State Administration of Daoism.

But at present, this kind of weapons is only the business of the road maintenance administration.

If you want to make up your mind, you can't do without the gate of the road maintenance administration bureau.

Of course, it is obviously impossible to apply directly to Li Daozu. This kind of weapon is typically highly sensitive arms control material, which is tens of times more sensitive than ordinary arms.

However, this situation is easy to handle.

Remembering that when he was in Kyoto City, he pretended to be the ancestor of the daomen Li family. Xia fan plans to bring up the old story again and try to make it difficult for him to be the ancestor of Li Tiannan. Then he gets three or five special weapons from this good grandson.

Since he wants to do this, it means that he has to go to the capital again.

You can't call Li Tiannan directly and tell him that your ancestors are somewhere. What happened? Then you should bring a group of people to support them!

What's more, it must be artistically demanded, and it must not be taken directly.

The Taoist family, Li family, is competing with each other inside and outside the secret world. Last time, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of his "ancestor", it might have been that the outer family had been armed into the inner family.

There are ghosts.

Xia fan was just wondering when it would be appropriate to leave for the capital of Beijing. After a while, he received news that there was a seminar on Chinese ancient medicine to be held in Tang an Cheng.

The news is that Lu Changling, President of Tang'an Medical University, called him in person.

The implication is that he, a distinguished lecturer of the University, would like to take part in the grand meeting.

Xia fan wanted to excuse himself.

Because he didn't have time to attend the ancient medicine exchange meeting!

I don't want to hear from Lu Changling on the phone that many important leaders of the country will be present at that time, and Li Tiannan, the centenarian and ten year old birthday star of the strange level of the national Taoist Association system, will be present at that time. If you hear this, what else can you say? Just join!

I'm worried that I have no chance to find my good grandson Li Tiannan. Now I've sent him to my home. I've saved the trouble of flying thousands of kilometers.

The only way is to meet Li Tiannan, a good grandson. If his grandson is not good enough and asks him where his ancestors have been and what they have done during this period, he will not be beautiful.

How embarrassing it is for Sun Tzu to ask about his ancestors' private life!

Now that we are determined to transform the secret place of the valley and strive to reach the level of the strongest fortress, besides adding special weapons to the secret place, we must keep up with other conditions. At least, we can't really let our relatives go to the secret place and start from the primitive people's life of cultivating knives and kindling!

Therefore, the most basic modern infrastructure measures should also be included in the reconstruction plan.

In other words, the ancient temples in Shuiyuan secret place are in line with Xia fan's mind.

But few of the engineering teams in the world can handle the antique architectural style.

What's more, even if there is such a powerful engineering team, we can't bring people into the valley.

Xia fan then wondered if there could be any compromise way to basically meet his requirements. Is it possible that someone else has built a semi-finished house to directly capture the space for the water mirror jade pendant, and then directly move the whole house to the secret valley.

There are still many whimsical ideas.

After the idea of upgrading the valley, Xia fan's crazy ideas didn't stop for a moment.

Think about it, too. In such a restless world of mortals, you can have a paradise like pure land. With your relatives, you can escape from the world, plant the fields, give birth to a group of children, enjoy yourself, and have a deep feeling. You can have less worldly troubles and more simplicity. This is not to wait for you to live a fairyland life.

Xia, who is full of ambition, not only wants to enjoy carefree life in the secret place, but also can't reduce the happiness index of his relatives. Men's farming and women's weaving are just like that. If you really want to live every day, you just have to work hard for food and clothing. It's estimated that the days in the secret place won't last long.

Therefore, the necessary modern infrastructure and measures for entertainment and leisure must be provided.

How to build a house and build infrastructure? After some thinking, he has a perfect solution.In this world, there is a super 3D printing technology. As long as the raw materials are enough, there is nothing that super 3D printing can't solve.

What's more, his special eyesight, the reconstruction of the right eye group, seems to be able to try to challenge it, just in case it works!

Therefore, purchasing a super 3D printer with good technology and quality has also become Xia fan's urgent goal.

On this day, we arrived at Tang'an city.

Because he was a representative of Tang'an Medical University, he went back to the University in a low-key way and made up two classes for the students in the traditional Chinese medicine class. After that, President Lu Changling and a group of famous traditional Chinese medicine experts, who were well-known, had been waiting in the office for a long time.

Mr. Qi of baicaotang, Mr. Shi of guangjitang, Mr. Bai of baozhitang... Seeing these familiar faces again makes Xia fan feel like he's back to the ignorant days when he first came to Tang'an city.

It's not that long ago.

But at this moment, when I saw the people, I felt a kind of trance in my heart, as if all that had been the experience of my last life.

I have been estranged from these famous TCM doctors unconsciously. I used to be very close and harmonious. Now I see you again, but we are all polite and polite to each other.

"Alas! After all, I didn't get involved in this circle at all. Maybe, as a doctor, I'm just a guest after all... "

But also, where there is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who doesn't sit in the clinic, but all day long he goes back and forth like a quack in the middle of a hail of bullets.

I had a casual chat with all the old men.

Then, when I came to this symposium on Chinese ancient medicine, I realized that this symposium covered a wide range of aspects. All the people in China and abroad are qualified to attend the symposium.