Of course, it's all small things.

What really bothers Xia fan is that the great power of Xuefu Yuji cream finally begins to show up. Countless buyers really want to break the threshold, so that he does not dare to appear in the outside world.

In addition, the city government has also heard that he should not announce this product to the public for the time being, and wait for the opportunity to make a big move.

The news was revealed by Mayor Ouyang Yu's secretary, Xiao Zhang.

However, he refused to tell him the details.

Besides, Xu ruqin and the fifth Rou around him, including Tang Hao, the young master of Tang's medicine, are all mysterious to him, as if they are really holding on to something.

Today is the day of the seven day memorial ceremony for the great fire in Dongcheng District of Tang'an inner city.

Xia fan remembers the day very well.

For this big fire, his heart has always been haunted, has never been able to solve the knot in his heart.

At the beginning, he did a series of things, such as killing Ling Shi's secret team, launching a military expedition to Kyoto, throwing 2.5 billion yuan, and setting up the Red Alliance fund. It can be said that he has done what he can do as best as he can in a state of complete madness.

But there's one thing.

Disaster is born, but the hundreds of innocent people who lost their lives can no longer live. They died in vain and became victims.

These indisputable facts, but how can not let him let go.

No matter how much you do, you can't make up for the sadness of other people's separation and death!

It's hard to let go. He was thinking that if he could have done better and had been more cautious that night, he could have avoided the big fire if he had found out his opponent's plot earlier.

Xia fan didn't let anyone accompany him.

In the early hours of the morning, he was alone near the site of the fire.

He went up to the city wall, to the high place of the gate tower, and looked down at the ruins of the fire.

Although after nearly a week of cleaning up, the fire ruins have been basically cleaned up to almost, but at a glance, there are still shocking traces, making people feel sad.

Especially in the first place of the fire, around the guanglintang site.

It was also the place where the seven killers of Lingshi focused their attention and killed the most people.

"I owe the victims justice!"

Xia fan was at a high place. As far as he could see, he seemed to see countless people. He saw the images of the victims busy around the Guanglin Hall Medical Center on the night of the big fire.

His heart is moving, unconsciously, the low voice of singing, from the Dantian, heart, nose, after a series of transmission, quiet light ring.

This is the melody of Requiem

be moved by what one sees.

Xia fan didn't realize why he would sing such a tune. His heart felt as if a string had been touched and naturally emerged such a tune.

His quiet singing, such as crying, seems to be very weak tone, in the outside world can hardly hear, but it seems to have endless magic voice, began to reverberate around, spread.


Under a low old wall at the southwest corner of the ruins of Guanglin hall, the remnants of dim yellow streetlights are shining all around. A young monk is meditating with his knees crossed, and he does not know what he is doing.

In the open space beside the monk, there are several simple beds made of corrugated cardboard.

On the bed lay an old Taoist in untidy clothes.

The old Taoist was snoring and sleeping soundly.

This pair of strange combination, if you see, will be surprised.

It was because they had already been seen nearby on the first night after the fire in Guanglin hall.

The young monk is reciting the curse of passing away the dead and vows to do the Dharma for seven days until the dead is dead.

He is a slovenly old Taoist, but he is not as old as a lazy beggar.

It's often seen that he haunts mahjong halls, card stands and crowded places at the end of the street. He specially colludes with some shameless old women to do some little tricks such as talismans and incantations, to trick them into doing some strange things.

For this reason, there is no lack of being chased all over the street by other masters.

All of a sudden.

The young monk, who was chanting, stopped the chanting of "the curse of the dead", opened his eyes, made a light sound in his mouth, and stood up when he spoke."Jiuniantuer, today, you only recited" the curse of death "for 9900 times, but there are still ninety-nine times to go. Now stand up, the 9900 times in front of you will be in vain, and you have to do it all over again..."

"Someone is singing!"

"Are you stupid! In such a place full of ghosts, only you stupid apprentice will take the initiative to come and teach me, and will be willing to give up your life to accompany you. After tonight, it's the last moment when these ghosts have to enter reincarnation. Who will come to sing at this time and sincerely want to get haunted by ghosts? "

"It's really a sad and sad song sung by an expert!"


As he spoke, the young monk stood up decisively and said "Amitabha." he raised his hand to his chest and sang a promise. Then he looked around for the source of the song.

"Stupid student, your goal of ten thousand times today is expected to be hopeless again!" The slovenly Taoist also looked up to listen, but he didn't hear any singing at all. He shook his head, grunted, lay down again, and snored.


Monk Jiunian suddenly let out a light voice again, but his face was shocked: "go to the bliss of life, and let your soul rest in the heavenly sound. In this world, there is such a profound method to transcend the spirit of the dead. Disciple Jiunian didn't mean to peep at the voice of heaven. Disciple Jiunian wanted to learn from the voice of the great voice of the elder and help thousands of dead people to live happily. He begged the elder's permission... "

Nine read did not shout, but devoutly kneel down to the source of the voice, to the voice of entreaty.

In vain, the sound of the big voice became loud and fierce.

In monk Jiunian's eyes, there is a scene of the dead returning to safety. With the sudden change of the sound, the spirits left by hundreds of the dead are surging, suddenly disintegrating and struggling

Disaster makes people painful, and disaster also makes people mature quickly.

Xia fan involuntarily immersed in the atmosphere of the sad melody he sang, with ups and downs in his mood.

In a moment, he thought about a lot of things!

Before you get the mystery pamphlet, after you change your destiny.

There are many miscellaneous things, big and small.

He has the same ability as a God, the medical skills of the living dead, the flesh and bones, the mysterious skill of fighting all sides, and the magic pupil of being skillful and marvelous

Although there have been twists and turns and obstacles along the way, on the whole, it is a dream come true.

Although not smooth sailing, but also a thousand times, always a critical moment.

In general, I have done something that many people dare not think of in their whole life.

But he was always in such a rush all the way.

Many things, many times, are totally relying on a kind of subconscious instinct. There is not much thinking at all. We just do it first.

This directly leads to the fact that the last time he made great achievements in the hotel, he suddenly suffered a "total loss of skill". He almost failed to hold on, and almost collapsed.

That time, fortunately, he regained his confidence from the little comfort of the big stomach king.

Then, and lucky polar, met a little girl Chen Qianqian such a noble help, not a few days, then salted fish turned over, once again stinky up.

It's even a blessing in disguise. Because of the essence of the poison source, he helped the dragon master to remove more than half of the strange poison, and then got Longmen to open the Dragon awakening plan for him.

However, due to insufficient resources, the wake-up plan has not been fully implemented.

But in the illusory world of the awakening dragon plan, let him completely release the powerful transformation ability of nameless Xuangong.

In that illusory world, he also learned more skills. Like a God, he really ruled the world, killing and taking, and my Lord's ups and downs.

But fake is fake!

No matter in that illusory world, no matter how powerful you are, you can fight against heaven and earth, but deep in your heart, you are always sober, a subconscious, knowing that the experience in it is all fictional.

Even if he is there and becomes a murderous devil, the subconscious in his heart will give him a spiritual fulcrum in time to make him understand that it is just a special game.

However, when the game and reality suddenly seem to be connected, all the possibilities in the illusory world are very likely to appear in the next second

This feeling!

This degree of huge psychological impact!How can he adapt easily!

When he killed a real person for the first time in his life in the underground vault organized by Ling Shi, he completely eliminated a real person from the real world. At that time, he struggled for a long time in his heart. In the end, he relied on YY Su Da Mei to forcibly divert his attention, so as to get rid of his psychological discomfort.

But getting rid of it doesn't mean winning.

A week ago at night, the sudden accident of Guanglin Hall Medical Center, the fire, let him under the control of panic and fury, rushed all night, finally at dawn to achieve his wish, killed all the seven Lingshi killers.

But he knew that in his heart, the shadow of discomfort was always swaying.

In the past week, it seems to be calm, but only he knows that the discomfort has always existed, never disappeared, and ultimately can not escape.

In fact, he is far less powerful than others think!

He's afraid. He's afraid.

He is afraid of himself, becoming a bloodthirsty and crazy killing machine, and being completely captured by the idea of killing.

The nameless Xuangong seems to fit in with the artistic conception of the idea of killing.

The more intense the killing intention is, the more harmonious the state of mind is. The more accessible and mellow the realm that nameless Xuangong can reach.

It seems that as long as he can turn all his thoughts into killing thoughts and let them dominate, he can break mountains and rivers with his fists and collapse the earth with his feet.

As in the illusory world of the awakening dragon plan, he became the God of heaven and earth.

Such a state of mind, so that his inner discomfort, like the heart of the devil like interference with him, all the time to remind him, must not be dominated by the devil.

you 're right!


He can't tell whether the mind which is dominated by the idea of killing becomes a mind devil, or the hypocrisy which seems to be dominated by a wisp of conscience becomes a mind devil.

Because, he obviously wants to kill the curfew!

Because, he clearly dislikes the so-called conscience and good thoughts, and gives the vigilance from time to time.

Because that alert, always worried, for fear that he would become a killer into a crazy devil!