"What are you mad about! How dare you call me Kearns? I will protest to your government and sue you! "

"Shut up! Don't expose your intelligence defect again, let your arrogance blind your turbid dog eyes Xia fan was very impolite and angrily scolded the white haired Kearns. At last, he waved his hand wearily, like a fly in his ear. He didn't want to pay attention to the other party any more. Instead, he turned to the rather nervous female foreign guest, "lady, please take me to the place where you just ate grapes!"

"All right!"

Seeing the scene of Xia fan denouncing Kearns with white hair, Zhang Guohua subconsciously wanted to stop him, but he finally held back. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he thought he was very angry.

In fact, this ghost guy's disgusting face made him unable to endure any longer.

Indeed, as Xia Fan said, if such a major investment project as 10 billion US dollars is implemented or not, it depends on the attitude of such arrogant and self righteous people. I really don't know whether to cry or laugh.

In the twinkling of an eye, the female foreign guest, with Xia fan, arrived at the place where she had just Sat. she was very embarrassed and pointed to a large pile of grape skins piled up on the table. She said, "I'm sitting here eating grapes..."


The guests were surprised to see the hill like grape skins: it would take at least three or five Jin to replace them with grapes. It's unreasonable to eat them like this without stomachache!

Seems to be aware of the root of their stomachache, the female foreign guest is very embarrassed to cover her face.

Xia fan turned to a staff member and said, "please put away these grape skins in a basin, then add a bowl of water and cook them on the fire for ten minutes. Remember to add water directly and don't wash these grape skins with water..."

Carefully exhort the staff, Xia fan eyes this turned to the scene, and several other just called abdominal pain female foreign guests.

At this time, these people are no longer crying pain!

However, Xia fan still approached one of them: "madam, you are different from the others. They are psychogenic false pain. But you are suffering from abdominal pain. Why don't you tell me and ask the doctor to help you? Can you believe me? I can help you get rid of the pain now

"Oh! Honey, what's the matter with you The man beside the woman suddenly realized that something was wrong and exclaimed.

"This lady has abdominal pain during her physiological period. She drank too much cold food before, which aggravated her abdominal pain!"

"Is that true, my dear?"

The woman nodded and looked pitifully at Xia fan: "Sir, can you really help me?"

"Of course, if you don't mind being taken as my trust, I can use acupuncture and moxibustion to get rid of your pain on the spot!"

"Really? Oh, I'd like to... I don't want to pay attention to those boring remarks! Please... Treat me immediately! How do I need to cooperate, acupuncture... Do I need to take off my pants? I think... We need to find a private space! "

"No, it doesn't need to be so much trouble! You just need to lift up your skirt a little to show your beautiful abdomen and your legs... "

While speaking, Xia fan had already conjured up a few more silver needles in his hand. He followed the flying needle with his finger and stabbed the silver needle into the woman's abdomen, Guanyuan, crus Diji, Sanyinjiao and other acupoints. He was cured on the spot.

A few minutes later, the needle came up.

The woman with a painful face just now has completely disappeared. She turns around excitedly and finds that she is really back to normal. She rushes to Xia fan excitedly and hugs her warmly: "Oh, Mr. Hua Xia, you are so wonderful!"

Ten minutes passed.

At this time, because she ate too many grapes, the female foreign guest, who caused abdominal pain, began to suffer from abdominal pain again, as Xia fan predicted.

However, maybe it was because of Xia fan's previous words, so although the abdominal pain was hard to bear, this time he still endured it.

At this time, according to Xia fan's instructions, the staff who went to boil the grape skin water returned to the scene with a dinner plate.

In the dining plate, there is a delicate bowl with steaming grape skin water.

The water is a little cloudy.

However, the smell is not bad, on the contrary, it has a faint aroma of grape wine.

Xia fan took the small bowl, tried the temperature is not very hot, then handed the small bowl to the female foreign guest's hand: "drink this bowl of water while it's hot, your abdominal pain symptoms will soon get better!"

When the female foreign guest heard this, she immediately took it over. Without saying a word, she picked up the bowl and drank it all at once.Suddenly, sweat appeared on the forehead.

After drinking this bowl of grape skin hot water, the female foreign guest really immediately felt that her abdominal pain was like a knife.

Thank you immediately.

Xia fan smiles, pointing to the distance: "speed up, there should be time!"

The female foreign guest was stunned.

But with even if aware of what, embarrassed nod, don't care to thank again, quickly toward the direction of Xia fan finger ran.

The girl's boyfriend was already at the door, anxious to get up the tree. Seeing this, she rushed to catch up with her, shouting something behind her

When the guests saw the back of the female foreign guest rushing to the bathroom, they immediately understood what had happened. They all felt embarrassed and funny.

The atmosphere at the banquet was finally restored to normal after two sudden abdominal pains.

The guests were amazed at Xia fan's skillful methods. The focus of the discussion was how Xia fan judged the different causes of the abdominal pain symptoms of the two female foreign guests.

You know, the previous several female guests who complained of abdominal pain, through the personal examination of white haired Kearns, all gave a positive judgment, that is, food poisoning.

But now that's the result.

One of them had abdominal pain due to drinking cold drinks during physiological period.

One of them, eating too many grapes causes abdominal pain.

The others were suspicious of food poisoning and false abdominal pain.

Professor Kearns is the pinnacle clinical expert in western medicine. He has rich medical theory and practical experience. Now he is holding professional diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for examination, which is not as powerful as this Chinese magic boy?

Is there such a powerful medical skill in the world?

I began to think of why the other party was so confident just now and wanted to compete with Professor Kearns in medical skills.

If the Chinese boy's medical skills are so extraordinary

"Oh, I'm sorry, doctor Huaxia. I'm not questioning your medical skills. I just don't quite understand. How did you know the real cause of the two ladies' abdominal pain just now? Can you explain what the magic is A male foreign guest couldn't stand it and asked curiously.

Xia Fan said: "of course! In fact, it's no surprise, because I'm a Chinese traditional medicine. The four methods of seeing, hearing, asking and cutting are the magic weapon to help me diagnose and treat patients! "

"Look, smell and ask, how mysterious!" The male foreign guest shrugged his shoulders because he didn't understand.

Xia fan continued with a smile: "let's say that! Inspection, through the patient's complexion, to determine where the patient is; The patient's voice, bellyache and movement between walking and behavior can be identified by smelling and diagnosing; Interrogation, obviously, is to directly ask the patient what discomfort, and then to judge where the patient is; Palpation, is to take three inch pass, to pulse phase syndrome, judge the patient. Mastering these four methods means that every Chinese medicine doctor brings with him a full set of hospital examination equipment, and naturally he can solve any pain he encounters. "

After a brief introduction of TCM knowledge to the curious foreign guests at the scene, they were shocked by the alternative system of Oriental medicine.

"Sir, but as far as I know, today's Chinese medicine also needs a lot of inspection instruments from Western medical civilization. The only difference is that the drugs used are different. It's hard to imagine using a lot of bark and grass roots as medicinal materials. It can really treat diseases and pains!"

"It's normal for you to think so! Because what you said is not really Chinese medicine! Because it's just a group of fake Chinese medicine with Chinese medicine skin! As for whether bark and grass root can cure diseases, you have seen the lady who ate too many grapes just now. Grape skin is just the special medicine for her to eat more grapes, which is much more convenient and fast than sending her to the hospital for enema and gastric lavage. Can't the water boiled by grape skin be used as medicine? "

"Oh, I'm sorry, I certainly offend you!"

"It doesn't matter. I'd like to discuss the mysteries of traditional Chinese medicine with friends who are interested in really understanding Chinese medicine. In other words, I would like to ask, what is the medicine to cure the disease? When a man dying of thirst in the desert can be saved by feeding him a mouthful of horse urine, is horse urine a good medicine? When a starving man peels a few pieces of bark and gouges out a few wisps of grass roots, he survives after eating them. Is this a life-saving medicine? The root of the Chinese medical theory is the essence of the five thousand years of civilization in China, so don't belittle the bark of the bark.

In fact, at this point, Xia fan will continue to ignore the existence of these people if they disappear and no longer appear.After all, there is also the relationship between the municipal government and the $10 billion investment in large projects, which also involves the face of secretary Zhang Guohua.

He thought these people were going to leave.

He was wrong!

In this world, there is such a person who thinks that the world is the center and the universe will revolve around him.

Unfortunately, white haired Kearns is such a number one person.

White haired Kearns is not willing to fail.

That's because if he chooses to retreat in such a disheartened way, the face of the Royal Medical College of Eureka will not be put off. It is said that this is an international scandal. He can't bear such a bad reputation and admit defeat in disheartened way.

What's more, he never forgets Xia fan's wonderful medicine for the treatment of little princess Jennie. He dreams of exploring the truth and becoming the creator of a new medical method.

What he wants is fame and wealth. It's not a disgrace like a clown.

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White haired Kearns clapped and sneered: "your speech was a success! The two ladies you treated skillfully, the treatment method is really amazing! Congratulations, Chinese medicine! You've managed to divert everyone's attention. You're such a talented actor


"However, I still prefer to call you" Little Chinese witch doctor! "

"It doesn't matter. Just be happy!"