Xia Fan said by the way, "none of you can tear down this building!"

The acting man immediately scolded, "who are you? It's a little bastard with no hair. Get the hell out of here! Don't you dare to say half a word of bullshit. Believe it or not, I've dealt with you on the spot! "

"Why don't you curse again?" Xia fan immediately fire Avenue, in the heart but sneer, as expected to play meat.

"Hey, what if I scold you and want to hit me? Little bully, there's a way to do it. Come here. I'll smash my head. Come on, come on, kill me. Hehe, if you dare not do it today, you'll be raised by little bully... "The man of the acting school is like a firecracker on fire. When he blows up, he comes up and pushes Xia fan.


Xia fan just raised his hand, but the acting school was early. He fell to the ground, twitching all over, rolling his eyes, foaming in his mouth, with a look of gas coming and going.

"Hey Xia fan Leng for a while, the heart said this special also too dedicated! The acting is really special. It's perfect.

Is this a mistake?

But when he subconsciously looked at the other person's face, he was surprised: the acting school's face was mixed, the desire was spreading rapidly, and it was obvious that there was a serious disease in his body.

You know, people live. This is a common understanding of people's morale, but it is not without reason.

But in fact, in the eyes of ancient doctors, it refers to the desire of the human body.

Qi is a person's form and appearance. When the Qi dissipates, the person is basically finished, and Daluo Jinxian can't be saved. When experienced doctors rescue people, they often say "hang a breath first", which means this.

So when he found this clue, Xia fan didn't have time to think about it. Subconsciously, he just poked his finger at Guanyuan and Shenque

It was only at the moment when he took the hand that he realized that because his skill had not recovered, there was not enough real Qi in his body.

Naturally, his first-aid method is only half done, just hanging the other side without letting out a breath, but he can't save people as fast as he used to.

Short time, long talk.

All this happened in a moment, no one knows, Xia fan in order to cure this want to entrap his acting school, what efforts have been made in this moment. But they all clearly saw the scene of the acting man "being beaten to the ground".

Liu Wen was worried: Alas! Too young! You're going to lose out on such a rush! On the one hand, he nervously beckoned to the villagers for help and motioned them to help Xia fan out. Unfortunately, they were all killed by the apricot helmets, and no one could move.

It happened too fast.

All they saw was that one man suddenly fell to the ground, and the other followed him with a fist to hit the belly of the man who fell to the ground.

As a result, the acting man has fallen to the ground, surrounded by Xia fan, the apricot yellow helmet has not responded.

I don't know all the people in the room, but it was Xia fan who really hurt people. They were all shocked.

After seeing the acting man fall to the ground again, he twitched a few times and froth at the mouth. The kicking was not moving. The man in charge of the scene command, the man with spectacles in Phnom Penh, was also stunned. He looked at the scene in doubt and couldn't figure out the situation.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

Xia fan's posture of killing people, even those apricot yellow helmets who had been fighting for a long time were silly.

It is the so-called Leng afraid of horizontal, horizontal fear not to die.

They are no more than relying on a large number of people. They are used to bullying the weak and the weak. When they meet a master who dares to play with his life, they are all soft.

"Come on, call the police! Catch the murderer In the chaos, someone yelled, and the apricot helmets finally woke up, but no one dared to rush forward. They all surrounded Xia fan in a circle.

Someone called the police. They were so scared that they couldn't speak quickly.

However, the police call here has not been through yet. Among the cars parked in the distance, one of them buckled the siren and killed them.

"What's the matter?" Several plain clothes rushed down from the car, and the leader yelled and asked. When he heard that someone had been killed, he immediately took out his pistol.

"Captain Li, someone is violent against the demolition, that's the boy in the circle!"

Li Daxiong was alert. When he saw that the target in the circle was Xia fan, his eyes widened and he let out light: Damn, you slipped away one after another yesterday and this morning. Grandson, I didn't expect to meet you again so soon. This time, I played murder. Hehe, you are finally in my hands

"Don't move, hands up!" Li Daxiong, however, is better than being blackmailed by Xia fan who stabbed him in the back and made a phone recording. The former just has no chance to climb up again, while the latter has no chance to be an official. It is self-evident that the former is light and heavy.Since Xia specially called him to come, he promised to erase the recording as long as he was willing to help. Even if you're worried that Xia will dig a hole in his face as he did last time, you'll have to jump down if you're too hard!

Don't say much.

This situation, this scene, Gong Taofen must attack!

Two people then bite, fight, on the contrary is to let the original scene tension demolition team and Liuwen villagers at a loss.

At this time, Li Daxiong's plain clothes had been handcuffed to Xia fan.

Xia fan doesn't fight, but he lets the plain clothes take him. He wants to go to the car, but he is surrounded by the demolition team and can't move.

The demolition team is under the command of the head of the palace district.

Li Daxiong got angry and began to call for support. All the sub bureaus, the local police stations, the street joint defense teams, and all the places related to the police all call in. In a word, all of them come out to arrest people.

Gong Tao is even more angry.

Anyway, he is also the head of a district. Today, he was slapped in the face by a subordinate who is not directly under his command. If this can't be suppressed, who will treat you as gencong in the future, he will also keep on calling. After all, it is the head of the district who first calls the district Party committee office and has a large number of people to convey instructions to him.

After a contest, Gong Tao won the contest, and Li Daxiong's half bird police force failed to mobilize.