
As we all know, Jiang Dachuan's words are unsettling, but no one will explain them. After all, just now, this little doctor Xia really boasted that all kinds of diseases can be cured. Who knows that the slap on the face can be sent to the door so soon. It's really a bad time.

Fang Yun wants to stop, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth!

Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment of psychological depression, the eight poles are not close to the thing, it is not sincere to create trouble!

The main building is not far from the classroom.

A few minutes later, Xia fan, Fang Yun, Jiang Dachuan and a group of students arrived on the roof of the main building.

There are already a lot of people on the roof.

Liu Chunming was standing on the outer concrete platform of the roof of the main building, looking into the distance without looking at his feet, but walking back and forth, stepping on the air several times. It was dangerous.

"Classmate Liu, I'm the president Fang Yun. Don't be silly. If you have any difficulties, the school will try to help you. Once you jump down, there will be no hope!"

Fang Yun wants to get close, and is stopped by Xia fan: "president Fang, don't worry, let's see the situation first."

As he spoke, Xia fan followed Liu Chunming's eyes and looked in the past with a look of surprise on his face.

"Liu Chunming, president Fang invited a miracle doctor. No matter what the disease is, it can be cured by acupuncture. You are just a little depressed. You should believe the magic acupuncture of Xiao Xia. You should hurry down. If Xiao Xia wants to cure you in public, he just needs to prick a few needles. It will take effect soon!" Fearing that other classes would come to watch, the lively teachers and students would not know about Xia fan's boasting of Haikou, Jiang Dachuan yelled loudly, seizing every opportunity to expand the scope of influence.

Liu Chunming turned to Jiang Dachuan and made a silent gesture: "Shh, don't make so much noise. I'm communicating with the God. He wants to help me open the channel to the heaven. I'm going to fly to the heaven in the daytime to achieve the fame of the immortal family. I saw you yelling and barking just now. I'm very excited, just like a dog. Would you like to be my chicken dog and fly with me? "

Jiang Dachuan

Fang Yun said in a low voice: "Professor Jiang, he is talking to you. Promise him quickly, and then take the opportunity to come forward and drag him down!"

Jiang Dachuan nodded his head and answered Liu Chunming: "OK, I'd like to be your chicken dog!" With that, he tentatively moved forward and reached out to Liu Chunming.

Liu Chunming didn't react like anyone else.

When everyone saw this, they all held their breath. They were so nervous that they jumped out of their throat.

"Are you a chicken or a dog?" Liu Chunming suddenly asked.

"What?" Jiang Dachuan couldn't find out where he was, and he could catch people less than 50 cm apart. He was so excited that he suddenly sped up. He stretched out his hand to reach forward and quickly grabbed Liu Chunming's waist.

"Liar!" When Liu Chunming saw that Jiang Dachuan was like this, he was furious and kicked his hand.


Jiang Dachuan was accidentally kicked in the wrist. He screamed in pain and immediately covered his wrist and squatted down.

Liu Chunming kicked Zhongjiang Dachuan's wrist for a moment, but his body suddenly lost its balance because of too much force. He fell back and went downstairs.


None of the teachers and students on the rooftop expected that the scene of saving people was expected, but this kind of change suddenly occurred. When everyone reacted, the danger seemed to have been born.


With a sigh and exclamation, disaster is inevitable.


At this time, seeing that Liu Chunming had fallen out of the building, there was a figure approaching. Before everyone could see clearly, the figure had grabbed Liu Chunming's foot with one hand and firmly grasped Liu Chunming who had fallen from the building.

It's Xia fan. It's time to do it!

"Pull people up!" Wake up the God to Fang Yun urgent cry, several teachers rushed forward to help, a moment later, Liu Chunming was pulled back to the rooftop.


There was thunderous applause.

Teachers and students spontaneously applauded Xia fan who flew to save others.

It's too soul stirring. If Xia fan didn't catch Liu Chunming's feet, a disaster would be inevitable.

"Mr. Xia, you are so good! thank you! I thank you for Liu and all the teachers and students of the medical college. You saved a fresh life and resolved a tragedy of life and death. " Fang Yun is most excited. Some students commit suicide by jumping from a building. Undoubtedly, the most pressure is on her, the dean of the college. Just now, if she really watched Liu Chunming jump down, it may lead to what kind of uproar.Xia fan has become a hero of public attention. At the critical moment, Jiang Dachuan, who has been kicked and lost his chain, has become a bear who has been ignored.

In the twinkling of an eye, the ending of ice and fire makes Jiang Dachuan, who wants to see Xia fan make a fool of himself, especially angry.

"Damn it! This honor should belong to Jiang Dachuan. You are a clown. When you get on the roof, you don't say a word and save your strength secretly. Are you waiting for this loophole to save others? It's a pity that I, Jiang Dachuan, won't make you happy! "

Thinking of this, Jiang Dachuan rubbed his swollen wrist, squeezed close to Liu Chunming and said, "Liu Chunming, it's good you didn't really jump down, you know? President Fang invited a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to cure all kinds of diseases. That's the little Xia doctor next to you. Your depression can be cured by a few simple injections. Soon you can live and study like a normal person! "

Hearing Jiang Dachuan's words, Liu Chunming's face was expressionless and didn't respond, but all the other teachers and students frowned.

Fang Yun, in particular, almost didn't point at Jiang Dachuan's nose.

Jiang Dachuan's aggressiveness really made the scene tense. It was the joy of Liu Chunming's suicide being prevented that made everyone's heart stagnate.

After Xia fan came to Tiantai, he had been watching silently to see what the boy Liu Chunming was doing. That's why he let Jiang Dachuan ignore all kinds of sarcasm.

Others think that Liu Chunming is jumping off a building to commit suicide, but the actual situation is not so.

Liu Chunming said that he saw the passage to the sky, so he climbed up to the roof of the main building and took a piece of chicken and dog to fly up in the daytime.

These words are regarded as nonsense by others.

Xia fan knew that there was something strange in it, because he just followed Liu Chunming's eyes and vaguely seemed to catch some strange information.

Liu Chunming can "see" many strange things that others can't see, and then generate some whimsical ideas that others can't understand. That's because some special opportunities make him "see" some information that ordinary people shouldn't have seen.

It's not hard to imagine.

Why do people usually feel that a baby's eyes are full of innocence, and with the increase of age, this kind of pure and clear eyes will gradually disappear? Just because before the age of three, when the skull is not closed and the consciousness fails to produce complete self cognition, people basically have such special perception ability.

Babies can see the origin of the world.

The so-called three-year-old life, in fact, refers to this, the human body's potential to tap and maintain the degree.

In ancient times, it involved all kinds of Taoist practice, the innate body and so on.

However, with the changes of the times, the advent of the end of the law and the flourishing of science and technology, most modern people have been unable to come into contact with these mysterious concepts.

Looking up at the starry sky, people's naked eyes can see that the brightness of stars is actually the light emitted by stars decades or even hundreds of years ago. When you see a bright new star, maybe the real star has already disappeared into the universe.

The earth is a huge magnetic field, and all human beings have different characteristics of life magnetic field.

As like as two peas, the world is different from the world. The images projected by different parts of the world will never be the same. But does the world really have such changeable faces?

Of course not.

It's just like blind people feel the elephant. It's just the deviation of subjective cognition that leads to the difference.

Just like Xia fan now, he is at least convinced that the ancient practitioners of self-cultivation and Qi training really existed, and the special life forms such as ghosts and unjust spirits also existed. Many stories in myths and legends may not be fictional, or they may be the truth of human existence a long time ago... Another example is the national secret organization like Longmen, Another example is the Earth Dragon.

All these are not the same.

Of course, he is very lucky to have the chance to recognize the origin of the world.

For those like Liu Chunming, if they don't have the corresponding "Tao" to protect them, they are surprised to know too much, and on the contrary, they become tragedies.

Because of his illness, Liu Chunming went to a number of large hospitals for examination before, and came to the conclusion that they were all intractable mental cognitive impairment.

The best treatment given by the hospital is to send it to a professional psychiatric rehabilitation hospital, which may be expected to control the continuous development of the disease.

Liu Chunming's parents came to Tang an half a year ago and rented a house near the school to accompany them. They hoped that with their careful care, their son's condition would improve.

No one is willing to send their relatives to a place like a mental hospital.Liu Chunming had been ill before. Most of the time, he was just talking to himself and doing things wrong, but he was not aggressive. Moreover, when he returned to normal, he was an excellent student. After comprehensive consideration, the school gave him the green light and agreed to let him continue to rest on campus.

Mental depression is a kind of mental illness that needs more contact with the outside world and more communication to gradually improve.

As teachers and students of medical school, no one would not understand.

But today there has been a suicide storm. If there is no miracle, Liu Chunming's studies will be interrupted.

Liu Chunming's parents, who had been informed by the hospital, came in a hurry. At this moment, they were standing in the crowd at a loss, anxiously waiting for the result. They were afraid that they would hear the hospital's notice the next moment, and asked them to take their son home, so that they could no longer study.

Jiang Dachuan's sarcasm to Xia fan, how can parents not pay attention to it.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, even with their health and their own lives, how many parents will be hesitant?

So when Jiang Dachuan finished speaking, Liu Chunming's parents had already rushed to Xia fan, so they would kneel down to Xia fan and beg Xia fan to cure their son.

Xia fan helped the two old men and agreed to their request.

But his style, in Jiang Dachuan's eyes, has become a dung beetle legs: hard support.