Hearing this, Wang Xin's face also changed suddenly. Wang Fengyun, after all, is her father. Now when she hears that her father's every move is controlled by others, she naturally feels uncomfortable.

She swallowed her saliva, a little afraid: "that My marriage to you... "

Yunfeng grinned bitterly: "yes, it was arranged by that woman. It's reasonable to say that if there is a real need for a marriage between the children of the family, there are many people who are willing to do so. With the help of some relations in the family, my parents got the place for the marriage. If I can marry a woman of the Wang family, I will be more likely to become the head of the family, but This woman doesn't have to be you, after all... " Yunfeng took a look at Wang Xin and Li Dabao: "after all, Miss Wang, you have extraordinary eyesight and don't like me, but there are many other women in the Wang family who like me."

Listen to this, Li Dabao secretly turned his lips. Your grandfather's, you Yunfeng now look embarrassed. If there are women in the Wang family who can take a fancy to you, it's really blind.

Of course, although he thought so in his heart, he didn't say it at such a time. He just said faintly, "then Xinxin will be arranged to marry you. That's what the woman did on purpose, right? In order to marry Wang Xin to your cloud family, Yunfeng shook his head:" but it's more than that. That person's heart is far worse than you think. It's cruel. Yunlin would send someone to make it difficult Aunt Cao and Wang Xin are the instigators behind the scenes. She and her daughter started planning everything 20 years ago, in order to capture the Wang family, alienate the Yun family, and finally Let the Wangs break away from tianlingzong! "

Li Dabao thinks in his heart that he has captured the Wang family and alienated the Yun family. However, why does that woman want to do this, and why does she have to marry Wang Xin to the Yun family?

Li Dabao turns around and sees that Wang Xin's face is not good-looking at the moment. He understands that Wang Xin has been hating her father all these years, but he finds out at the moment that maybe all this is just the end of it It's not Wang Fengyun's original intention, even Wang Fengyun drove her and her mother away, but also to protect them!

Li Dabao reaches out his hand and gently holds Wang Xin's little hand in the palm of his hand. He only feels that Wang Xin's palm is very cold at the moment. Her heart must be in a mess

At this time, not far away from Yunfeng, he continued: "most of the people in the Wang family today will not necessarily listen to Wang Fengyun, but almost all of them will listen to that woman. Now, her goal is about to be achieved."

Li Dabao frowned slightly: "then why does this woman want to do this? She has a woman named Wang Yue with Wang Fengyun. Why does she want to separate the Wang family from tianlingzong as you said? What's the identity of that woman"

Li Dabao mentioned the key point.

Yunfeng also nodded and said: "yes, all this has something to do with the woman's identity. In fact, at the beginning, I didn't know anything about these things, but Since elder Chen handed me over to the woman, she told me all these things and asked me to give up fighting with Yunlin for the position of the head of the cloud family. Otherwise, she would kill me... "

Li Dabao browed slightly: "since she's under house arrest, how did you escape? You haven't practiced before"

Yunfeng said helplessly: "I don't have the talent to practice. I'm doomed to be unable to break through the spiritual realm in my life, so I didn't practice from the beginning. But after being under house arrest by that evil woman, I had no choice but to practice secretly A trace of Xuanqi made it possible to release the news to my friend after the old man left the Wang family. He came to save me... "

This can be explained. Speaking of elder Chen, Li Dabao's eyebrows are slightly raised. Is it elder Keqing of baiyunzong? But Wang Fengyun's current wife is actually related to elder Chen. Is she also a cultivator?

Li Dabao's heart is strange. When he thinks about it, he hears Yunfeng say: "that evil woman is actually a young lady of the three families in Yanjing But when she was young, she had a big stomach. Later, relying on her family, she married into the Wang family and became Wang Fengyun's wife. "

Hearing this, Wang Xin had clenched her fist, and her small face was full of anger: "she, why should she! If it wasn't for her, my parents... "

Yunfeng said with a wry smile: "this is the world. The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. When the evil woman came to the royal family, she had people with her. Although the royal family was the strongest among the other six families, it was far from the three families in Yanjing. The people they brought were all the masters of lingxuan realm, even Tianxuan realm, Where can we find such a person? Even tianlingzong will not set up an enemy of Tianxuan realm because of the interests of someone in the lower aristocratic family, or even the three aristocratic families in Yanjing. "

Li Dabao nodded, the world has always been like this

only the strong are worthy of everything they want to have, while the weak will be deprived of what they love and what they love

So Li Dabao must not let himself be the weak one.

Your grandfather's, Wang Yue, and that evil woman, his mother, for Wang Xin, I have to get rid of you all!Li Dabao clenched his teeth and thought to himself that this evil woman was from the three great families in Yanjing. It seems that he controlled the Wang family and even alienated the Yun family. I'm afraid she was ordered by the three great families.

Thinking about this, he also asked: "behind the evil woman is one of the three aristocratic families, so these things in Baiqi city are done by the collusion of the three aristocratic families"

Yunfeng shook his head: "no, it should be just one of them. The development of tianlingzong is too fast in recent years, and there are many sects behind the cloud family and the other five families In my opinion, I'm afraid that one of them is beginning to be dissatisfied. That's why we have this move. "

The intrigue between these big families and sects, ordinary people are just their use and sacrifice of chess pieces, in this game, whether it is Wang Fengyun, or Wang Xin, are just a very small abandoned child.

But now, Li Dabao won't watch Wang Xin become an abandoned son. As for Yunfeng, Li Dabao's eyebrows slightly PICK: "what's the advantage of cooperating with you and making you the master of the cloud family"

Yunfeng's eyes are shining with a strange Brilliance: "if you have Mr. Wu's help, with your strength, plus my friend in the inner gate of Baiyun sect, I can get rid of you The traitor who colluded with the evil mother-in-law, Luo Yunlin, completely controlled the cloud family. At that time, no matter within the Baiyun clan or our cloud family, he and Mr. Wu have been on the United Front ever since! "

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Even though there were a lot of unhappiness with Yunfeng in the past, now, cooperation is the best choice!

Li Dabao is a weak man. He can't compete with the Wang family at all, let alone the three aristocratic families in Yanjing behind the evil woman. But with the cloud family, this power will be stronger

So he looked at the cloud peak with burning eyes, and his mouth suddenly rose: "in this case, Mr. cloud, I hope we can cooperate happily!"

Then the voice falls, the door of the inner bedroom suddenly opens, and yunyun comes out: "and me..."

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