Li Dabao looks at the toilet next to him. His eyes brighten. He reaches out and holds Qin Xue's white body up. He only feels Qin Xue's soft body is hot. Her small hands are constantly rubbing against Li Dabao's goods. For a moment, Li Dabao is also on fire

When holding Qin Xue to the toilet door, he looks at the broken door outside and frowns slightly. The spring poison on Qin Xue's body goes into the blood. Now there is only one way to dissolve the poison in his body, that is to make trouble with Qin Xue!

But looking at Qin Xue, I'm afraid that they can't finish it in a while. If someone else comes in at this time, it will be difficult.

Li Dabao thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of the enchantment pill in his pocket. He took out the porcelain vase in his pocket, took out the enchantment pill, carried Qin Xue's body to the door of the house, and put the enchantment pill beside the broken door.

Now, at least ordinary people can't get in, so he turned around and quickly went into the toilet.

Qin Xue's body is hot, and her dim eyes are full of spring. Her small hands quickly catch Li Dabao's goods. Before Li Dabao closes the door, she pulls down his goods.

Seeing Qin Xue in such a hurry, Li Dabao can't help shaking his head with a smile. It seems that your grandfather's behavior is not that he is troubling her, but that she is troubling him.

Li Dabao has heard the voices of some people talking outside, and scattered footsteps. But now the spring poison in Qin Xue's body is serious. If we don't solve it quickly, I'm afraid it will burn the blood in Qin Xue's body. At that time, it will be really dangerous.

So he also let Qin Xue Dangle his butt and put up the ground without any cloth.

In the narrow space, Qin Xue pushes her butt towards the back A comfortable groan burst out of my throat

At this time, some people outside the house noticed something was wrong and began to rush to this side. When the guests saw the dead people lying in the room, they all screamed and ran towards the gate.

At this moment, Chen Yue, standing at the door, glimpses more and more people pouring out of the room. She already guesses that Li Dabao in the room has already started to act.

In this case, it's meaningless for her to guard the door, so she quickly grabbed a woman who had just run out of the inner corridor and asked, "what's the matter inside"

the man looked at Chen Yue and said in a panic: "death It's dead. Come on, run... " Then he ran out of the room like flying

Chen Yue frowned, glanced at the men and women at the bar, turned her lips and ignored them. She turned and walked towards the corridor.

As soon as she left for a while, the sirens of police cars began to ring outside. Police cars sped up to the gate of the gate. After several policemen asked about the situation inside, they went against the crowd towards the innermost corridor

"Hum Ah... " A roar came out of the room. Chen Yue, who was standing at the door of the room, also showed a strange expression on her white face. She turned her head and looked at the small toilet inside the room. She blushed and shook her head. It's time. How can these two people

But lowering her head, she seemed to feel a strange smell in the air. Looking at the small pill on the side of the door, Chen Yue's good-looking face could not help but smile.

Li Dabao is very considerate. With these things, even if the police outside come, they can't get into the room. After all, they are just ordinary people. They will feel uncomfortable when they are four or five meters away from enchanted Dan. I'm afraid they will faint when they just get to the corner of the corridor

The movement in the room is getting bigger and bigger. Chen Yue's brow is slightly wrinkled. She looks up at the corpse on the ground and confirms that all the practitioners in the room except Li Dabao are dead. She turns around and looks at the faint little peak outside the room. Chen Yue goes over and brings him to the room.

Chen Yue has heard the sound of the police siren outside. She thinks that the police will come soon. But if there is enchanting Dan, the police can't get close to the house. And when Xiao Feng's accomplices see the police appear, they don't dare to do it openly. Now they just need to Just wait until the two inside are finished, and you can leave

It's just When will these two be finished

Listening to the moving voice in the room, Chen Yue's eyes seem to have seen Li Dabao and his aunt Qu Qingling tossing and turning on the bed.

Before she knew it, her heart was itching, just like a cat's paw. She went to the toilet door and listened to the sound inside

From time to time, the door of the toilet was hit, and the dull and full of texture sound came into Chen Yue's eyes, which enriched the pictures in her mind

Her face turned red, and she felt a heat flow coming from her body. The itching like cat scratch in her heart became more intense.If If the woman in the toilet is not Qin Xue, but herself By Li Dabao holding his ass, with that big thing in his

At the thought of this, Chen Yue's legs began to soften. She wanted to open the door now and replace the people inside with herself

However, just at this time, she suddenly heard a sound of footwork coming from outside. Xiumei frowned slightly. It was the police who came

At the corner of the corridor, several policemen holding batons were approaching the corner of the corridor quickly. The chief of them was the leader of the patrol team. He looked serious. When he heard that there was no gunfire or fighting in the corridor, he quickly put his head out of the corner and looked inside. But who knows, with this probe, his body would shake and his brain would open I'm beginning to faint

Behind them, two policemen rushed up to hold the captain's body: "inside Yes, it's weird. First, first guard here... " The captain forcibly suppressed the lethargy and nausea in his mind and said reluctantly.

All the police officers in the rear nodded and quieted down. They just pasted on the wall and listened to the situation inside. They secretly guessed whether there was any biochemical gas in it

but when they were quiet, they also heard the voice in the room There was no fighting or swearing. It was very quiet except The dull sound of the body crashing against the door and the cry of a woman made the team leader's head dizzy. He frowned at the sound, held his forehead and asked, "what's the sound"

after hearing the team leader's question, all the police in the rear looked strange

This, this voice, but everyone who has experienced it knows it There were two or three policewomen among the policemen. The women's voice made them blush.

Finally, a policeman on the side endured the embarrassment and said in a low voice: "Captain, good It's like the people inside The sound of doing that... "