For a while, things didn't come to a conclusion. There, I just slowed down and cried with xiaohua in my arms.

"Take your two children back first. I'll do the rest."

King Jing's face was cold and solemn, and his indifferent eyes seemed to be frozen. Xiaohua nodded and walked away with two children and palace people.

Back to the dawn palace, Xiaohua coaxed Yiyi for a long time before putting her to sleep. Seeing his son's look again, I know he must be frightened.

"Mother, why would someone push me and my sister?"

Xiaohua was stunned and held her son in her arms. She didn't know what to say.

"If xiaodezi hadn't hugged me, ho'er would have fallen into the water like his sister."

"Ho son, don't think too much. You're still young. You shouldn't care about this kind of thing. Your father will protect you, and so will your mother."

Ho'er didn't ask again, but his little face was thoughtful.

After coaxing her son to sleep, Xiaohua looked at two small faces for a long time. She felt incredibly soft when she saw two small faces carved with powder and jade under the light.

Who could it be?

No more than a few, or one

After a while, the king emperor came back.

He sat next to Xiaohua and held her hand. "The children are scared."

Xiaohua held his hand and wanted to laugh, but she found it difficult. She leaned powerlessly against the king's arms.

"Have you found out what's going on?"

Emperor Jing's eyes sank. "Although there is no direct evidence, it should be made by the Xiao family, or the imperial concubine or queen."

"Xiao family?" whispered Xiaohua.

"Well, don't worry about it. I'll do it."

Xiaohua nodded and didn't speak again.

In the middle of the night, lilac came to report that the eldest princess had a fever.

Xiaohua and Jingdi put on their clothes and rushed to the side hall. Yiyi's face turned red with fire, and a palace man was holding a handkerchief to give her a cold compress.

The two children woke up. Ho'er sat and looked at his sister. Yiyi saw the flowers coming, so he stretched out his hand to hug them. The child was suffering from fever and humming and crying in a low voice.

"You naughty egg, tell you to go to the water..."

Xiaohua holds her daughter's hot body and tears of heartache.

After her daughter was born, she was a obedient doll. She was almost never ill, except for some naughty. But she is smart and lovely, just because of her, because they get in the way of others' eyes, let her daughter suffer these

"Niang, Yiyi is uncomfortable..."

"You're good. Let's take the medicine and it'll be fine tomorrow."

Yiyi finished the medicine and still made trouble. Xiaohua saw that her son's eyes were red, so she asked lilac to take him to one side of the room to sleep and coax her daughter. It took a long time to coax Yiyi to sleep.

"Your Majesty, go and have a rest. You have to go to court tomorrow."

Jingdi didn't speak, but he didn't go.

Looking at the man's stubborn eyes, Xiaohua can only pull him to the couch, let him lie in bed with his clothes and himself for a while, and guard his daughter by the way.

Although Jingdi didn't say anything, he looked at his eyes and knew that he was also distressed.

The next day, Emperor Jingdi went to the court. Xiaohua saw that her daughter's fever had subsided, so she told the palace people to take care of it carefully, and left the cloves, so she could rest assured to go back to the bedroom for a while.

Just after sleeping for a while, spring grass came to report that the eldest princess woke up and clamored for her mother.

Went to the side hall, Yiyi sat on the couch, full of panic, and cried at the sight of Xiaohua.

"Niang, Yiyi is afraid..."

"Good, not afraid, my mother is with you..."

The imperial doctor came soon. After the diagnosis, he said that the eldest princess was frightened and opened several pairs of tranquilizing soup that children can drink. He said that he would be fine after taking care of it for a while.

That's right. After Yiyi's fever subsided, her body was well, but the whole person became extremely timid. She stuck to the florets badly. After a while, she couldn't see the florets, so she cried. Xiaohua can only accompany her day by day. She has to worry about her second son who has just reached the full moon. In a few days, she lost weight.