There is no need to mention Princess Xiao's various grievances. The words' you are so cruel 'have been said countless times in her heart.

The former queen granted an imperial edict, and then it was about consort Xu who went with emperor Xiaochun.

The imperial edict of the former Emperor was sealed by the imperial concubine and buried together as the queen. But he didn't issue the imperial edict after the seal, but let the new emperor do it, and he didn't know what it meant.

Can't bear to hurt Princess Xiao's heart? But looking at Princess Xiao's current situation, I don't think where the former Emperor's kindness went. In a word, it's incomprehensible.

The king emperor did not worry much. He granted Xu, the first imperial concubine, the empress Xianshun, and was buried in the imperial mausoleum with the first emperor. Of course, there was still a place for Princess Xiao in the imperial mausoleum, but the original emperor and empress were buried together, but it became one emperor and two empresses.

Wrong, it was one emperor and three empresses. Of course, Emperor Jing did not forget to seal his own mother as empress dowager and move the mausoleum into the imperial mausoleum.

After finishing the work of the first emperor, it will be his own business.

The first and most important thing is to seal the back.

Compared with the previous Jingdi's sharp handling of the affairs of Princess Xiao and empress Xianshun, this action seems a little delayed. Seeing that emperor Jing had been quiet all the time and someone was anxious, a minister played the matter. Emperor Jing didn't say no, but said that the matter of Princess Xiao had been delayed for so long, and he and his family still live in the east palace.

The subconscious in the words is that my son of heaven has not moved his palace for a long time because of the stalemate between you useless people. The house hasn't moved yet. What's your hurry.

He blushed at the old minister. People who don't know where to go naturally don't feel anything. Some personal elites see the clue.

It is said that his majesty has a spoiled empress who gave birth to a big prince and a big princess. Now she is pregnant again. In contrast, empress Xiao has been married to her majesty for decades and has not given birth yet.

Is it difficult to change the rhythm of the queen?

The minister who wants to brush his sense of existence by the new king is excited and secretly makes various preparations, so that his Majesty must not do such a foolish move at the right time.

If you want to see the Xiao family joke, you should sit firmly in the Diaoyutai. You Xiao family wanted to be a palace and two. Now the old one has been pit by the former Emperor. Don't let the young one be pit by the new emperor again, so you can laugh off the big teeth of the people in the capital.