Xiaohua nodded. She explained it before. I didn't expect aunt Qi to do it so soon. The palace is different from those places before. There are too many people and too many people to know. Make preparations early to avoid losing jokes to your highness.

"Aunt Qian, please."

"You're welcome, my lady. I don't have much ability. I'll stay in the palace for a long time and know more."

Aunt Qian doesn't mention the things and rules in the palace to Xiaohua every day. Later, Xiaohua knows that Aunt Qian and aunt Qi used to be friends in the palace, but aunt Qi didn't contact Jingzhou when they went to the palace.

Now your Highness has returned to the court, and all the capable people around him have brought them back.

Many old people in the palace privately said, "this is a salted fish turning over." this is not only about the prince of the future, but also about the slaves around the prince.

At the beginning, the slaves around the fifth Prince were very famous among the slaves in the palace. If they were famous, they should not have unlimited face, which also surprised other Palace officials and eunuchs. How can a mute Prince govern so that people around him support him,

Now, there is an explanation for all the abnormalities. No, King Jing has turned over. He is no longer the mute who annoyed his Majesty in the past. He has become the crown prince and the emperor of Daxi in the future.

In fact, these people really wronged aunt Qi and others. Chang Shun Anshun and aunt Qi are normal people, but Fushun's mouse excrement broke a pot of soup. However, Fushun was unable to. In a place like the palace, I'm not afraid that the top doesn't want to see you, I'm afraid that the top doesn't want to see you, and there are a group of kids stepping on you below.

What do the masters remember? They are either busy with government affairs or competing for favor every day. The children below are the most hated. Various means emerge in endlessly for the sake of the blogger's position and the blogger's favor. If he hadn't been cruel and thick skinned by means, he couldn't have protected his highness in those years.

Cloud king is an example. He couldn't mention how much he suffered when he was a child. In order not to attract attention and hate, his image and reputation were all destroyed. King Jing lived safely to adulthood with a dumb disease and a low-key and less going out of the palace. He was never hungry or frozen.

Fortunately, your Highness has finally made a head. He is no longer the mute fifth prince.

Fushun's heart was cold and hissed. He had already said that riding a donkey and looking at the libretto, Grandpa Fu, I'm back with the master now.